Smoking cigarettes kills people


Time Travel Professor
Actor who played Marlboro Man in ads dies from smoking-related disease

Eric Lawson, a working actor who portrayed the Marlboro Man in cigarette ads during the late 1970s, has died. He was 72.

Lawson's wife, Susan Lawson, said Sunday that her husband died Jan. 10 at his California home. The cause was respiratory failure due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD.

The ruggedly handsome Lawson portrayed the smoking cowboy in Marlboro print ads from 1978 to 1981. He also had bit parts in such TV shows as "Baretta" and "Charlie's Angels" before injuries sustained on the set of a Western film ended his acting career.

A smoker since age 14, Lawson later appeared in an anti-smoking commercial that parodied the Marlboro Man and an "Entertainment Tonight" segment to discuss the negative effects of smoking.

He is also survived by six children.

— The Associated Press


where the wild things are
Life kills people. Do you plan on living forever? I don't. Have you seen what people look like at 100? Do you really want to look like that? Think about your vision and hearing too. And your mind, you're just an empty shell of what and who you once were.

Here's the thing. I'm going to smoke my pack of newports. I don't need people rubbing the health effects in my face. If you don't smoke, yay for you. Nobody is forcing you to. So stop forcing me to quit.


Junior Member
im a smoker to but im not rude to people bringing awareness of its dangers, and I don't think opmmur was forcing you to quit, he was simply bringing news to the forums, also Marlboro is my brand of choice, the thing is I don't smoke them as they come, I unwrap them and put them in rolling papers, sure it costs a little more but imo its the filters and the odd paper they use that's the bad part not the tobacco. of course I do have sh*t for brains lol and probably damage myself more from this. anyways thanks for the info opmmur m8 :).


where the wild things are
im a smoker to but im not rude to people bringing awareness of its dangers, and I don't think opmmur was forcing you to quit, he was simply bringing news to the forums, also Marlboro is my brand of choice, the thing is I don't smoke them as they come, I unwrap them and put them in rolling papers, sure it costs a little more but imo its the filters and the odd paper they use that's the bad part not the tobacco. of course I do have sh*t for brains lol and probably damage myself more from this. anyways thanks for the info opmmur m8 :).

If I had directed that at the TC, then I would have been a bit nastier. I actually mean that post to the general population of non smokers who whine about smokers. Well they have good reason to whine, but there are some out there who just... want to rub the health effects in my face. Yeah I'm well aware of what smoking does the human body. Thanks for telling me.


Junior Member
@Khaos to true unfortunately, England has gotten very in your face about smoking nowadays sadly, no smoking in pubs clubs train stations cant smoke while in a work veichle in some cases I think also...and the crap they put on packets also sickening... (dead bodies and stuff like that ). even got pictures of cigs inside suringes like smokers are like heroin addicts!!... makes me mad as hell sometimes


@Khaos to true unfortunately, England has gotten very in your face about smoking nowadays sadly, no smoking in pubs clubs train stations cant smoke while in a work veichle in some cases I think also...and the crap they put on packets also sickening... (dead bodies and stuff like that ). even got pictures of cigs inside suringes like smokers are like heroin addicts!!... makes me mad as hell sometimes

Here's the thing, when you smoke conventional cigarettes around other people you're not the only one who's breathing in a bunch of very nasty chemicals. And we don't even get the nice high to make up for it. I don't mind people smoking as long as they don't do it near other people without permission. (It doesn't help that I'm semi-asthmatic, enough for smoke to cause me serious discomfort. I seem to be find around e-cig vapour though, so I don't mind those, although I'll still think more highly of you if you ask first)


People don't smoke ad much as back in the 70s. I'm glad I weren't around in those days for that reason.


where the wild things are
People don't smoke ad much as back in the 70s. I'm glad I weren't around in those days for that reason.

Wasn't that also when the united states army encouraged cigarette smoking? They even endorsed several cigarette companies too. Then when the health effects started coming to light more and more, they have now discouraged it. Funny how things change.

I hardly smoke in public anymore and if I do, I do it away from people. I forbid myself to smoke around children as well. And I actually get upset when I see people smoke around kids. Saw this lady and guy smoking cigarettes in a car with the windows rolled up with two kids in the backseat once. Jesus, have some respect and courtesy for your kids health.

Then you got my boyfriend who keeps force-feeding me those damn e-cigs. I don't feel like they work. He thinks they do, maybe that is what they are, a placebo. And yes, he smokes himself, but he's been using the e-cigs more often lately.

Its funny too, I'm all for bans on smoking in public places. I remember back when I was a kid, before I took up smoking and would be trying to eat food and some doofus is blowing their smoke near me. I remember the disgusting smell and taste of the cigarette smoke. So I can feel for those who don't smoke and want to have a decent meal in a restaurant without breathing someone else's lung cancer.

I'm not the type of guy who flips the bird off to non smokers, but if you get nasty with me about smoking, I'll get nasty right back. But I'll respect your decision and health, nobody is forcing you to start smoking. I'm 27 and have been smoking since I was 16. I'm already starting to feel the health effects and I regret them. Its just so damn addicting. Hard to quit.

England has gotten very in your face about smoking nowadays sadly, no smoking in pubs clubs train stations cant smoke while in a work veichle in some cases I think also...and the crap they put on packets also sickening... (dead bodies and stuff like that ). even got pictures of cigs inside suringes like smokers are like heroin addicts!!... makes me mad as hell sometimes

I've heard of them doing the same here in the states, but I have yet to see the pictures of diseased mouths and dead lungs on operating tables. Thing about those images are, they claim they are showing the effects of smoking, in reality, the effects can be influenced by the person's overall health.

Its like any disease really. If someone has a weaker immune system, like young children and the elderly, they are more prone to dying from the common cold, than us adults. Because our immune systems are top notch, built to last for several more decades before they start to degrade.

Yes smoking has health effects, but I do wonder what is the person's overall health at the time? What are their other lifestyle habits that could have caused other problems? My dad has smoked cigarettes since he was 12 and he's 53 now. He has all his teeth. Yet those pictures show people who smoke are toothless? See, my point.

Its like those "studies" that claim soda causes weight gain. I drink a lot of soda daily. I currently weigh 136lbs from my last doctor's appointment. I've been drinking soda since I was probably eight years old.

Those studies fail to take into account the person's other eating habits and lifestyle choices.
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Senior Member
Minnesota has banned smoking in all bars/restaurants and i will admit they are a much more pleasnt place to be, but a-lot of places are now banning it from their property period, my work which is one of the biggest campuses in the state recently banned smoking on the property, and this is a 2 mile piece of property, and i don't disagree with it there is nothing pleasnt nor healthy about cig smoke.

Now i do use a e-cig i also have no nicotine in mine i was a social smoker or when i was driving and or drinking so that is the time i really use it.


where the wild things are
They can ban smoking anywhere they want, but the moment they try to ban me smoking in my own damn home, then I will have a problem with it. And some places have done that.
