So I Have Been Thinking....

How many of you have had dreams about the future that came true; or experienced a vision, utilized an ability to 'see' into possible future or anything similar?

I was speaking to a friend of mine and he suggested that we are capable of experiencing time non-linearly on a subconscious level and that when people see or have dreams about that it means they are tapping into that and for a moment experience time in such a non linear fashion where they are capable of seeing possible futures. In a sense its time travel or at least I would think so. Its the same when you see an accurate psychic and their predictions come true.

Soo; what do you all think of the idea? I have been working on a meditative technique for others to work on and try if anyone is interested.


I think the meditative technique sounds quite possible. According to many people, it's as real as it can be.

I personally never really experienced visions of a possible future or such. I do experience deja vus now and then, at a rate of about 1-2-3 per month. That's not a lot, but just enough to concentrate more and more on what's going on when they happen from time to time. I like when that happens.

Other than that, I never dreamed of something that came to happen, but I do believe that this possibility is very real and has nothing to do with "luck". There's no such a thing as me saying to you "ah, you were lucky, what you dreamed about came to be". You dreamed about something, and it came to happen exactly the way you saw it in your dream, talk about that.

It can't be a coincidence. Then what is it? So yeah, to answer your question, I believe it's totally possible to experience time in a non-linear pattern, when the right conditions are there at the right moment. Meditation, dreams, you decide.


New Member
That's really interesting. I haven't had a dream and ever had it come true but I have literally seen something right before it happened and then it happened. You know how freaked out I was when I saw something twice? I didn't believe it, but it used to happen to me all the time. I was so freaked out. For some reason, it just suddenly stopped and I haven't had it happen to me in years. Has anyone else experience this? Do you know what it would be called? I wish I could do it when I want to so I could prevent bad things from occurring :)

That's really interesting. I haven't had a dream and ever had it come true but I have literally seen something right before it happened and then it happened. You know how freaked out I was when I saw something twice? I didn't believe it, but it used to happen to me all the time. I was so freaked out. For some reason, it just suddenly stopped and I haven't had it happen to me in years. Has anyone else experience this? Do you know what it would be called? I wish I could do it when I want to so I could prevent bad things from occurring :)

Like a vision while awake? I have had a few of those; I would see something either a few minutes and up to three hours worth of a vision in my mind while only seconds passes on the outside. I think for those with that type of ability (technically everyone could have it if they really felt like putting effort into it. It is said in the Bible that if we have enough faith we can move mountain ranges. If we believe enough we can really do a lot with our minds.) for those with the ability they connect with their future selves or someone else in the future as well. I have done some light hypnotism on volunteers and some of them were able to connect with their future selves and give revelations on events to come. Do I think they will happen with certainty; its a possibility just with getting a psychic reading done they will see a "possible" future.

Will that future happen well its always up to them and their decisions.
