So who has stopped for a.....


Junior Member
person out of gas walking down the road.

I actually stopped the other day for a guy. The funny thing was that we actually had some of the same friends. I live in a small town called Sequim on the Olympic Peninsula.

I stopped because of what John had written. Time traveler or not his message was spot on and one I took to heart~

I did have a lil side question too. I swear i read something somewhere about a Battel Titor or someone named something very similar passing away. In Steins Gate John Titor's (who is a girl) dad is name Barrel Titor. Coincidence? The manga was also written in 2009 but if the manga came before the death then thats a lil weird.

What was the name? was it possibly barrel? and if so was the death actually in 2009?
person out of gas walking down the road.

There ya go. Another Titor reference. *scratches head*

I stopped because of what John had written. Time traveler or not his message was spot on and one I took to heart~

Ah, I was correct.

I did have a lil side question too. I swear i read something somewhere about a Battel Titor or someone named something very similar passing away. In Steins Gate John Titor's (who is a girl) dad is name Barrel Titor. Coincidence? The manga was also written in 2009 but if the manga came before the death then thats a lil weird.

Yeah, Titor came before Stein's Gate. Battel Titor??

And someone stopped and helped me with gas once. It was a uniformed soldier in Georgia. :) He filled my tires with air, too.

I help people because it's the neighborly thing to do, not because John Titor was on the internet in 2000.

I have/had definitely fallen into the mindset of of "I'm not stopping. too many crazy and dangerous people out there". Reading Titor's post certainly made me reevaluate that way of thinking. I am certainly neighborly and help people out that I know and I volunteer at community events and the like but that shit is different than just stopping for a total stranger on the side of the road.

Obviously a little common sense has to be thrown in there as well. I am not going to stop if I have my kids with me for safety's sake and some people you can tell are not mentally stable by any means and it most likely isn't a good idea to let them in your car.

Paula you had someone stop for you. Would you stop for someone assuming they didn't look like a crazy murderer?

Cosmo. Do you only help just to be neighborly or is it also cause the person you are helping may be a precious resource for our society?
I help because it's the right thing to do.


does valuing everyone because they may be a precious commodity/resource for our society or community = The right thing to do ????

Seems like you're trying to find a way to interpret my answer to fit your original statement.

Whether or not someone is of value in a resource/commodity capacity plays no part in my daily life. I didn't help some random old lady at the supermarket load a bag of dog food into her car because I thought she might be a good source of ammo, and I didn't let the dude with 3 kids crawling all over him (who clearly needed to get in and out to save his sanity) cut in front of me at Chick-Fil-A because he might be good for a few MRE's after the bomb drops. I don't live that way.

If it's possible to help someone or do something nice and it's not going to negatively impact something or someone I already have an obligation to (like getting to work or being on time for an appointment), then yes, I help them. It's in my nature and I enjoy doing it.
Ah, have to disagree somewhat. We work on having an economy, and this helping of people when there are other avenues available don't make me believe in Good Samaritans with a lot of that. And everyone can not be on welfare just because of political parties that probably should have been replaced a long time ago. There are limits to anything and everything in the reality of this Universe.
