Sound coming back in time by 24 hours

Sound coming back in time by 24 hours

I'm new so hi, just sat for 1/2 hour and wrote an experience that happened a while back but lost it as the forum timed me out :unsure::mad::(:lol::grin:

Will write it again tomorrow and just use this one to say lo as I need some sleep.
Re: Sound coming back in time by 24 hours

This experience happened to me about 10 years ago.

I had left my mates house at about 5/5:30 am on my way back to my parents house. It was still dark and very quiet. Let me set the scene a bit as I think the environment was important at the time.

The place where it happened is a small lane that runs parallel to a by-pass heading through some woods and to an old farm yard. As you enter the lane a field left fallow is on the other side of the lane to the by-pass. It was quiet, as you would expect at his time of morning and dark, with early morning mist and dew over the field.

Walking down the lane it is quite easy to imagine it as a scene out of a typical horror film, as a kid I used to do this and end up running most of it to my parents house. And yes, even as an adult it still scares me a little, my point being that I was in fight or flight mode at the time, being a little stoned still heightened this more I think.

I was walking down there listening to Metallica - Master of Puppets on my walkman and as I got to a point next to the only large tree and a gap in the hedge to the field I was scared almost to death by a noise, at the time, I could only describe as something large rumbling out of the field next to me. I literally span in the air, ripped my headphones off and stood facing whatever it was that was after me, to find nothing not even the birds had started tweeting, the only noise was my heavy breathing. (As an afterthought I was quite proud I didn't run screaming like a schoolgirl and stood to fight rather than flight, heheh)

The event bothered me quite a lot and was on my mind for most of the next day, I even checked the tape I was listening to, knowing full well the noise was external to the music, I've listened to that tape hundreds of times before and after.

To the 'time travel' aspect. The next night morning I was walking back at pretty much the same time, my hunch is exactly the same time but I couldn't be 100% sure. We used to have quite late sessions. I was walking back along the same route, same situation, even down to the music, I can't say if it was the same song or at the same point in the tape but all the other aspects were the same.

As I reached the point from the night before, not really that apprehensive, at this point I had totally forgotten about the night before, I had told a couple of people, who no doubt thought I was mad, and pretty much got it off my back. As I reached the exact same point an articulated lorry came round the small roundabout that the lane runs off from, the roundabout was small and on a hill so it caused the trailer to shudder sideways as the front pulled it round the tight turn and jump because of the hill.

It made me jump but I instantly recognised it as the noise from the night before. And I mean it was the exact same noise, I had that instant recognition, even down to a dull clanking noise, of lorry bits bouncing, in the middle which I had attributed to the rumbling before.

That is my experience, I have come up with loads of theories and explanations, you will have to take my word for the events but I can assure you they are crystal clear in my mind even today. I'm sure a similar experience has happened since yet i can recall no details, only that it happened, I guess I the impression of it was less impressed the second time.

I would be interested to hear other peoples opinions on this. This forum definitely looks like the place to share this. I have only told a couple of my friends during the days after the event and have always been curious if other people have had similar experience, I hope you enjoyed it, please comment.....

Re: Sound coming back in time by 24 hours

I'd say that between being stoned , scared , and lisening to music you probably just thought you heard something. Thats my guess.

Re: Sound coming back in time by 24 hours

"I'd say that between being stoned , scared , and lisening to music you probably just thought you heard something. Thats my guess"

Being stoned doesn't make you hear noises, no matter how much you want to knock on a plant and a human's use of it.
Can I suggest a theory? for millenia some played with the notion of foresights and vague awareness of future events, coupled with deja vu, which frequents my own everyday experiences. Now let's do some theoretical configuring.
First, it's easy to see ahead of you, space and time are in complete relation to each other and everyone who has functioning eyes can see a space they're not and move to it.
We're all practiced in seeing if we're posting on here.
Sound, pitch and frequencies are more picked up upon by the avid listener(mu-zik?), not watcher.
What we've developed is foresound here. As well as one can see a space they have not moved yet, why not hear a sound they have not heard.. yet.
Furthering this is Laws of Symmetry. That may seem a little far shot at first, but continue on. Symmetry is essentially a pattern of motions. Much like two fighting animals will come together and fight in such ritual way they deem fit(until conflict resolves/disolves into balance again) or a pendulum will swing one way or another in it's own time(depending on it's weight/centre of gravity/etc.). Think of time as the pattern of motion it is and not designated seconds and minutes as we have now. As surely as you move forward into time, symmetry dictates that time move backwards to meet you... Otherwise, where in time/space would you be?
Re: Sound coming back in time by 24 hours

A fair comment strangelove, but seriously it was far too loud to be invented by my imagination. For being stoned, as much as there is some audible hallucination when first using it this was a loud and continuous noise, at least up to a second and a half.

NB. kiddies, I don't do it anymore, is a two headed beast, if you must try it, don't let it take over so much that you can't be bothered to take action in anything, you smoking too much in this case. Once you've learnt something new is time to start cutting it back and concentrating on your new found talents ! (Making things out of wood in your mates bedroom doesn't count :grin:)

The noise was identical in all ways, volume included. In fact, thinking about it, it seemed louder the first night as the second night I think I was aware of the lorry engine as it approached, it was only the recognition as the lorry dragged the trailer up the short, steep slope around this small roundabout.

Imagine a flat back trailer, this is in the UK so our trucks are not quite as big as the US ones, 36.5T I believe, about the weight of one of your drivers:p. It had a wooden slatted bed I would say and some metal strapped on the back or a builders crane on it, and they bounce a good two or three times on one wheel, have seen it loads of times, and it was noisy but distinct, if I heard it again it would give me deja-vu badly.

Over the years I've grown to agree with Cubbys' opinion that it was some sort of preminition, I was 'scared', enough to put me quite a heightened state of fight or flight, this could have put my mind in the right state.

I believe time is not linear, we make it seem that with our perceptual biase due to the means that we perceive the world. It is all there to 'see', we just aren't very good at it. No doubt it is for good reason, we have evolved with these senses so that we see the world in a way that works best in our environment.

Natural selection has taken care of that.I definitely agree that the senses are there but only drawn on minimally and in extreme circumstances.

I've always thought that sound would be the best medium to try and send information through time as it acts as a wave yet solidly in the physical world. For me, it has an immediate advantage as it is in the form of waves, which seem all the more relevant nowadays.

Has made me think of a question : If you transmit sound data in the form of a beep and a silence, representing 1 & 0 respectively, does the perception of something solid in the on state make it particle like ? ;)
Re: Sound coming back in time by 24 hours

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Cubby\")</div>
Being stoned doesn't make you hear noises, no matter how much you want to knock on a plant and a human's use of it.[/b]

yes it can... I suggest you get an 1/8th of white window and spend two hours blazing the lot (living in the U.S may be a bit difficult but if you're ever in the UK or Amsterdam...) there's a very good chance you'll hear Hendrix singing spice girls classics (that was a deliberate contradiction in terms btw) given the right conditions.
Re: Sound coming back in time by 24 hours

I'd say that between being stoned , scared , and lisening to music you probably just thought you heard something. Thats my guess.

But the lorry which came 24 hours later was real! And TheNumberSix says that the two sounds were completely identical.

Coincidence? I don't think so.

I believe TheNumberSix really did hear a sound from the future: Somehow the drugs he were taking opened his mind to signals from the future.
Re: Sound coming back in time by 24 hours

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"TheYear802701\")</div>
But the lorry which came 24 hours later was real! And TheNumberSix says that the two sounds were completely identical.

Coincidence? I don't think so.[/b]

Why not? because you want to believe it... you would rather believe that a sinusoidal movement of air bourne particles travelled through time at the exact time he was there and not only that to be a repeatition of a lorry passing 'circa' 24 hours later. Excuse me for resorting to probability - but it is the most pragmatic approach - it is far more likely that one of the following is what has or is happening:

a) he was stoned and he imagined it...
B) his walkman screwed up briefly
c) he's lying...

now think of the physics relating to this... what is being suggested are two (from our current grasp of physics) different scenarios.

a) A wave travelling through air - passing through a 'time portal' and re-entering in time/space 24 hours previous on the time line. The problem with this is that because of the physics of waves the listener could only have heard the sound once because it would only have passed the point of the listener once - to explain this.. the sound wave is moving towards the listener (whilst the lorry is there) and the listener hears it as it passes him - the sound wave (or the collection of particles containing the sound wave energy at the time of moving through time) then moves through time to the time/space frame 24 hours previous. If the sound wave reappeared in the exact location with the same directional vectors the listener would not hear it as it would be passed their location and would continue moving away from them. For this to be the an explanation fo what happened the collection of particles time/space vectors would have had to have changed sufficiently enough such that they would appear 24 hours earlier and also in a position whereby they would pass the listener once again - i.e both their chronological (relative to the rest of existance) and spatial vectors would have had to have changed.

B) the opposite to the above - in that the collection of particles containing the wave energy spontaneously existed in two time/space frames... do i even have to go into the contradictions to fundamental physics that this could envoke??

There may be other possible theoretical solutions but.... you guys need to have a far more objective opinion of what you see around you...
Re: Sound coming back in time by 24 hours

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Well Ravelled\")</div>
a) he was stoned and he imagined it...
B) his walkman screwed up briefly
c) he's lying...

a) I was earlier in the night but I definitely didn't imagine it.

B) heheh, wasn't the walkman. The noise was way above the volume that it could produce and more external and encompassing. I could hear it as a source from outside of the headphones, the difference between a naturally produced sound and an artificially re-produced sound are easy to distinguish.

c) I very rarely lie and have absaolutely no reason to make this up. I'm far from that sad that I'd have to create some story on the internet for whatever reason people do. Is purely to share and get people's opinion on. Good to see some pragmatism though :D

For what I think caused the effect I have different theories, none of which I would like to say definitely happened. I would suspect that I was lucky to hear the result of a fluke of a naturally occuring event. These events may happen all the time but how often might we hear them in the bussle of a town or city and not even notice it ?

Maybe it was a specific wavelength and energy amount of the sound wave through the air itself, something in my mind that 'reached back' to the day before, or a merging of alternate universes caused by an exact match of local physical properties, I really don't know and my idea of a 'definite' theory is even further away after joining this forum, this is a good thing.

Please feel free to enlighten me on the specific physics of any of the above scenarios, I really don't think we have a unified theory on any of them yet...;)
