Star Children

Re: Star Children

I have known for several years that i am a starchild, at first, it was an obsession to space and science, i loved to look at stars, and i kept having dreams about large triangular space craft, and i have a lot of scientific knowledge. I have also had psychic abilities, i believe it is caused by a gene, and i happened to be born with it. I remember that my old house was "haunted", as i kept hearing weird voices inside, and i have seen one spirit, an old lady at the foot of my bed, she scared the crap out of me, since i was "attacked" by her on a couple of occasions that i remember. She pinned me to my bed once, i could not breathe and i could not move, then she blinked out of existance somehow. I learned to practice to use my abilities at around 8 or 9, it was a slow process, and i didnt think i could do much at first but at time progressed i used them a little better. When i learned i was a starseed, i wished to find to find out where my "soul" was from, and i had an obsession with Dragons and reptiles, and the Draco constellation stuck into my head. I know of a technique that will allow you to "remember" your past lives and hopefully lives on other planets. Here it is..

1. Meditate for about 10-20min, maybe longer, during that time, do deeper and deeper into your mind, into your thoughts and memories. Visualize youself accessing the library that is your mind. Once this happens, you should feel like you are everywhere and anywhere in your body, and everytihng else outside is blocked.
2. Once this happens, think about distant memories, and concentrate on bringing them up, concentrate on which is "blocked" and unlock them. Concentrate on a particular time, and if you feel you are a starseed, concentrate on "training" you recieved, your mind should act as a library at this point, and if it works, you should get flashes of past lives, events, etc or images of ships, writings, ETs, and feelings. It is possible to have full blown visions. You may also suddenly remember how to use previous psychic talents, and unlock them. Good luck-Malaki
Re: Star Children

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Traveler Malaki\")</div>
I have known for several years that i am a starchild, at first, it was an obsession to space and science, i loved to look at stars, and i kept having dreams about large triangular space craft, and i have a lot of scientific knowledge. I have also had psychic abilities, i believe it is caused by a gene, and i happened to be born with it. I remember that my old house was \"haunted\", as i kept hearing weird voices inside, and i have seen one spirit, an old lady at the foot of my bed, she scared the crap out of me, since i was \"attacked\" by her on a couple of occasions that i remember. She pinned me to my bed once, i could not breathe and i could not move, then she blinked out of existance somehow. I learned to practice to use my abilities at around 8 or 9, it was a slow process, and i didnt think i could do much at first but at time progressed i used them a little better. When i learned i was a starseed, i wished to find to find out where my \"soul\" was from, and i had an obsession with Dragons and reptiles, and the Draco constellation stuck into my head. I know of a technique that will allow you to \"remember\" your past lives and hopefully lives on other planets. Here it is..

1. Meditate for about 10-20min, maybe longer, during that time, do deeper and deeper into your mind, into your thoughts and memories. Visualize youself accessing the library that is your mind. Once this happens, you should feel like you are everywhere and anywhere in your body, and everytihng else outside is blocked.
2. Once this happens, think about distant memories, and concentrate on bringing them up, concentrate on which is \"blocked\" and unlock them. Concentrate on a particular time, and if you feel you are a starseed, concentrate on \"training\" you recieved, your mind should act as a library at this point, and if it works, you should get flashes of past lives, events, etc or images of ships, writings, ETs, and feelings. It is possible to have full blown visions. You may also suddenly remember how to use previous psychic talents, and unlock them. Good luck-Malaki[/b]

Those are good suggestions. I've tried those myself at times. Lately my mind has been too fuzzy to really clear my mind and concentrate though. I also think about Dragons and reptiles a lot too, although they are not always positive thoughts. That's why I started that thread. I am also fixated on space and science, I beleive that there is something out there, technology wise that has yet to be discovered that will ultimately change the face of the Earth and how we live. I also beleive that I know how to achieve this energy/technology although I don't quite remember how. It's something to do with the Earth sciences though, maybe magnetism. That's why I studied geology.
When I was about 11, I also saw a ghost, scared the crap outta me too. I never saw her again though. I've had plenty of things happen that just doesn't seem ordinary. Maybe we can talk about it sometime.
Re: Star Children

Ever think you see somebody out of the corner of your eye then when you quickly turn your head and look they disappear?
Re: Star Children

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Omega\")</div>
Ever think you see somebody out of the corner of your eye then when you quickly turn your head and look they disappear?[/b]

Yeah, all the time. Is that part of being a starchild?
Re: Star Children

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Omega\")</div>
I have experienced all but 5 of these described in article, plus have read the other books by Brad...
...WTF I have a long torso also[/b]

What are some of the other items that you do/have experienced?
Re: Star Children

Hmph i've never seen colored orbs that i could recall.. But one time i was downstairs in my kitchen and i saw this yellow light, kinda like those Fey in the videogame Zelda ocerana of time zoom past me then dissapear into my wall, at first i didn't even take heed to it, then i got this nervous feeling a few seconds later but reassured myself i was alright. It was about 2 AM at the time. I've also sensed alot of things around me but not seen alot. Never really crossed my mind that I could be an alien but now that i think of it it could explain alot of things - lol..

I'm extremely sensitive to electronic waves, when tvs are left on by my family I can sense it and will be roused from sleep if i don't turn it off, even if it's in another room and I never knew it was on consciously. I don't know I feel that i've got room to expand myself, I feel i'm at the last hump of an epiphany spritually but somehow can't make it over the hilltop. Recently i read this evangelist book, which states that meditation is like a gateway for satan to influence your mind - so i'm sorta frightenend to persue anything metaphysical including meditation. Ehh.. i'll end my post here. One question though - Extra or transitional vertebra - is refering to a long torso? *shrugs* Not really sure what that means.
