
Senior Member
Well the proof of these things is the alchemy/Andromedan alien code of the solar system.
Alchemists attributed an element to each of the planets. I discovered solfeggio tone code attributed to each element on the periodic table. The Andromedans told us through their physical contactee Alex Collier(not channeled info) that Mars and Mercury were moons of Uranus. With that little tidbit and the code you find the original planet arrangement of the solar system.

Someone altered it somehow.
All the exoplanets in other solar systems aren't arranged like our system is. We're the weirdos.
All other systems are gas giants, rocky planet, gas giant, rocky planet, gas giants.

The code reveals earth and asteroid belt planet were moons of Neptune. Venus & Jupiter a moon of Saturn. Mars and Mercury moons of Uranus.

The gas giants form rocky planets. Planets, suns and orbits all expand over time.
Everything expands including earth.

This is why nibiru is mentioned as a miniature solar system trailing debris.

Original solar system arrangement was first Uranus, Saturn and Neptune
They later produced rocky moons. Likely a universal template for all solar system formation

I bring this up cuz you can tell the age of a solar system by the size of the planets. Means the 100's of ultra tiny misshapen rocky moons around the gas giants are all from other solar systems. All used as ET ships.

Normally in the solar system evolution, the Jupiter escapes as the solar system orbits get wider and the sun becomes a red giant, nova or supernova. Means our sun is another solar system's Jupiter.

Remember, the sun is cold, has a solid surface. it's energy grid causes it to glow. it's like a giant natural fluorescent light bulb.

This is the real equation to predict earth like planets in the galaxy.
Means the movement of Venus across the sky like Velikovsky suggests might've been true but not due to a natural incident like his book 'worlds in collision' suggest.

Someone re-arranged the solar system so each orbit is stable and in a phi-ratio with the other planets. Not a coincidence.

Well like what William Tompkins said in his book "selected by extraterrestrials" that his ultimate conclusion after creating the first space battalion fleet deployed in 1980 was that the earth is an alien experiment. Andromedans have ships the size of Jupiter and many of them. They're the true Kardashev scale III civilization that we live inside without even knowing it.
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Senior Member
welp the aliens are prob all human
like what Emery Smith said who did 3,000 alien autopsies...they all have the same organs as us.

liver, lungs, heart, bones, muscles, connective tissue, nervous system
even the greys when cut open and their grey sponge tissue was tiny human organs.

sooo...the aliens are likely from earth. why they all have the same basic shape and organs.
how long ago i don't know.


Active Member
welp the aliens are prob all human
like what Emery Smith said who did 3,000 alien autopsies...they all have the same organs as us.

liver, lungs, heart, bones, muscles, connective tissue, nervous system
even the greys when cut open and their grey sponge tissue was tiny human organs.

sooo...the aliens are likely from earth. why they all have the same basic shape and organs.
how long ago i don't know.

here the questions..i have been visit by the Grey alien but a psychic told me that they did no harm on me but scan the mind i just wonder why do they want to scan the mind stuff i also have wonder why are they so smell bad like surfer water and feel fear from them shake my body to scary i did not like that but i wish they would come in peace.
nicely but i think they must be Demon i don't know but tell me what do you think of it


Senior Member
here the questions..i have been visit by the Grey alien but a psychic told me that they did no harm on me but scan the mind i just wonder why do they want to scan the mind stuff i also have wonder why are they so smell bad like surfer water and feel fear from them shake my body to scary i did not like that but i wish they would come in peace.
nicely but i think they must be Demon i don't know but tell me what do you think of it


Senior Member
The following is from the book THE BLACK SUN: Montauk's Nazi-Tibetan
Connection, by Peter Moon:

There is a lot more information yet to come forth with regard to the whole
subject of Star Wars. Preston Nichols was involved with the sound
production and has publicly claimed in lectures that psychics were used to
project into the filming so that people would come and see the movie several

The Star Wars series itself was based upon George Lucas's Journal of the
Will. Although it has not been publicly released, this journal contained
the dreams and inspirations of Lucas, a man who is reported to have lived at
Montauk. The use of the word "will" is a distinct parallel to Aleister
Crowley's concept of the will. When one unleashes the will, whether it is
through George Lucas or any other individual, the truth has a way of coming
forth. The truth we are concerned about, lest anybody wonder, is unlocking
the secrets of time.

It seems clear that both Duncan and George Lucas were pulling from the same
source. When we consider that Mark Hamill was once a roommate of Duncan, a
childhood friend of Preston and eventually became the brother-in-law of
George Lucas, their is less room for speculation. There was an active but
unseen influence working on all of them.

It seems that Hamill, Lucas and Preston (who worked as a sound engineer for
these movies) all contributed to the Star Wars effort in an attempt to
remind the population at large of its ancient legacy and predicament. They
were shifting mythological archetypes with this work of art, and there is no
question that Star Wars totally revolutionized Hollywood, particularly in
regards to special effects technology. More importantly, it shed a more
respectable light on how science fiction would be viewed. It became
mainstream. Preston, Duncan and Al [Bielek] would eventually take this a
step further and release the Montauk information.

Information on the Star Wars:
Betelgeuse ('the red giant"), Rigel and Bellatrix are some other well known stars in the Orion Constellation.

The brightest star in the constellation is Rigel, Beta Orionis, with an apparent visual magnitude of 0.18. Rigel is also the sixth brightest star in the entire night sky.

The second brightest star in Orion, Betelgeuse, Alpha Orionis, has an apparent magnitude of 0.43 and is the eighth brightest star in the night sky. The Sumerians associated it with the story of their hero fighting the bull of heaven, represented by Taurus. They called Orion URU AN-NA, which means “the light of heaven.”

Their name for the constellation Taurus was GUD AN-NA, or “the bull of heaven.” In Greek mythology, the hunter Orion was the most handsome of men. He was the son of the sea god Poseidon and Euryale, the daughter of King Minos of Crete.

In one myth, Orion fell in love with the Pleiades, the seven sisters, daughters of Atlas and Pleione. He started pursuing them and Zeus scooped them up and placed them in the sky. Orion can still be seen chasing the sisters across the sky at night.



Another famous phenomenon in the Orion constellation is the Great Orion Nebula, in which thousands of stars are being born. Some astronomers claim that a huge, beautifully-illuminated multicolored ‘light’ has emerged from the Orion Nebula and is on an intercept-course with Earth, although at a rather slow pace and at this rate, this ‘light’ or ‘star’ will likely reach Earth not until approximately 3000 AD.

The Orion Nebula lies hundreds of light years BEYOND the Orion open cluster and has been identified as a "gateway" to an infinite realm beyond the physical universe. Some even claim it is the true home of the angelic forces and Source.

Could this have something to do with the prophecy in Revelation 21 in our Earth Bible?

Since the Draconians are attempting to conquer the ‘heavens’, they may have made futile attempts to enter the ‘Eternity Gate’ and intercept the emerging ‘Light’. This could explain the alleged presence of the Draconians in the Orion constellation, although certain humanoid groups have allegedly become curious of the ‘Eternity Gate’ as well.

The Orion open cluster itself is the base of a joint Reptilian–Grey empire, as well as the human "resistance groups" fighting against the empire. Because of this conflict in Orion that has lasted for millennia, it is thought that the popular Star Wars movie series we all love so much here on Earth is actually heavily based on the Orion wars.

Until the recent integration of the Orion system to the Orion Light Consciousness, the inherent energy of Orion has always been associated with polarity conflict.

Earth is now presently attempting a final integration of these polarities, hence the strong feelings of connection that many humans on Earth feel regarding the Orion star system.

Interesting factoid:
In Ancient Egypt, the stars of the Orion’s Belt were the symbol of Osiris; the belt stars alignment perfectly matches that of the three pyramids of Giza, while Orion’s orientation to the Milky Way matches the pyramids’ orientation to the river Nile.

Because of this, it is thought that the three great pyramids were not just tombs, but also served as the pharaohs’ gateway to heaven.


When I’m doing Akashic Readings for Orion starseeds, I often refer to Orion as “the melting pot” of the galaxy, similar to perhaps how the United States of America is like on Earth.

I also like to compare the star people of Orion to the vast diversity of star beings one sees in the famous “Cantina scene” in the original Star Wars movie (Episode IV - A New Hope, released in 1977).

Because Orion is such a big star system, there are many different species of beings that reside there, hence the diversity that is so notorious there.

In the book, “The Prism of Lyra” by Lyssa Royal Holt, it is mentioned that Orion people are 75% Vegan and 11% Lyran humanoids, and 14 % are non-human species (insect, Grey alien, amphibian, or reptilian).

Vega is a star in the Lyra constellation of stars, so most of the beings from that system are descended from the blue skinned Vegan humanoid refugees and located mostly in the Orion belt stars, whereas the Orion reptilians are apparently mostly located in the Betelgeuse and Rigel star systems and are descended from Draconian beings from the Draco star system.

Of the Orions who are of white Lyran stock (11%), most are light-browned skinned, and about 10% are Caucasian type with light hair. They look very similar to Earth humans. Although their bodies are water based like ours they have an oily, fatty content acting like a lubricant. The Orion humanoids, who have mostly Vegan characteristics, have particularly striking eyes.

The common color for the eyes in Orion is brown.
Their height is usually in the 7 foot-tall category.


Also, as we indicated earlier regarding non-humanoid Orions, the small Greys occupy a small percentage of the Orion population; their origin, Zeta Reticuli, is a neighbor of the Orion constellation. Tall Greys also comprise some of the non-humanoid Orion groups, along with amphibian and insectoid beings. Thus, overall, the genetic differences in the different beings of Orion are quite marked.

Orion beings have a reputation for possessing an aggressive nature and have been involved in many destructive wars that has lasted for millennia in the Orion system. Even though this pattern of behavior still operates in our Galaxy, it is less widespread and many individuals have been awakened since the shifting of Orion to the Orion Light Consciousness.

The aggressive, authoritarian trait, very much present on Earth to this day, is not typical amongst benevolent ET civilizations and has been acquired directly from Orion. The masculine patriarchal energy is associated with the evolution of beings from the star systems of Orion, which is related to Earth, whereas inhabitants from the Sirius star system, also very much involved with Earth, carry the feminine energy or polarity.

Although there is a symbiotic relationship between consciousness and technology, the Orion races pushed this principle to the limit and developed advanced technology while still waging constant wars and conflicts.

The typical scenario in Orion was the Light against the Dark, with the peace-loving Orions opposed by the self-serving “aggressive” Orions (hence the similarity to the Star Wars movie saga).

According to some sources, there are three major groups in the Milky Way Galaxy:
• the Intergalactic Confederation of different star systems throughout the galaxy
• the Reptilian Federation, a conglomeration of many reptoid species
• the Orion Empire, ruled by one leader




Now within the domain of the Orion Empire, three groups formed: the dominant Orion Empire, the Black League resistance (to the Empire), and the victims of both these groups. In spite of the spiritual implications, there appears within the Orion civilizations the never-ending conflict between the Orion Empire and the Black League resistance.

The Empire is run mainly by the Greys working with a Federation of Draconian Reptilians, with the aim of extending their domination to other planets. These Greys are mainly the ones who negotiate treaties and secret deals with Earth governments.

Many Orions, including the Black League resistance fighters, eventually went to Maldek and settled - this is the planet in our system that was inhabited by many of the so-called “criminal element of Orion” who were given the opportunity to reform. I call Maldek “the Australia of our Galaxy” for this reason.

As it is well known, the Maldekian civilization failed to turn to a more spiritual path and the planet was eventually completely destroyed in a civil war, leaving the asteroid belt that is now located between Mars and Jupiter.

Many of these Dark forces from Maldek reincarnated on Mars and Earth and are still on Earth at this time (since the times of Atlantis); hence the aggressive and authoritarian nature that pervades this planet even now, including thousands of years of enforced reliance on patriarchal systems here on Earth.

On the positive side, however, the Orion beings have contributed their propensity for the development of smoothly running systems on Earth civilizations. They are the source for many organizational structures of government, business and industry.

Nevertheless this energy is only relevant to Earth people’s frequencies as it stands currently, which we shall soon outgrow as we become more evolved and then receive other templates from more advanced races, such as the Lyrans. They bring the yellow ray frequency to Earth for the stabilization of the intuitive powers within human consciousness.



Artwork by Vashta Nerada
It is not uncommon for extraterrestrial civilizations to spawn rebellious members who are ostracized from their native planet. We mentioned earlier in this section a digressive strain from the reptilians of the Draco star system.

However, there were several small pirate groups that were comprised of rogue individuals from the relatively advanced civilizations of:
• Orion
• Sirius
• the Pleiades

These comprised not more than a handful of pirates who revel in plundering planets like Earth and exploring time travel in linear 3D highly objective realities. Different aliens sought different resources, whether it was sea water, sand, quartz, minerals or genetic material, even human trafficking, etc, and plundered other star systems for these items.

But these space pirates have apparently learned that it was to their benefit to exercise cooperation with our secret government and negotiate deals with them. Over the years, several of the governments on Earth has acquired advanced technologies from ETs as a result of these negotiations and has allowed these beings to abduct various people on Earth for genetic material.



The Lyran-Vegan explorers fought the Dracos in the Ring Nebula over planets each sought for themselves. Dracos attacked the Lyran home planets and killed Lyrans by the millions. But by then most Lyrans had already gone to other worlds. Lyrans in the Orion colonies hit Reptilian colonies in Orion and the Dracos struck back. When the wars between the Lyrans and Dracos started, there was no Orion Empire yet but there where co-operation agreements between the Vegan settlers and local Reptilians on Orion-neighborhood planets. These worlds rebelled against their Draco rulers and joined Lyrans against the Dracos. All these forces became the present Federation of Planets from Lyra, Andromeda, Pleiades, Hyades, Iumma, Procyon, Tau Ceti, Alpha Centauri, and Epsilon Eridani, all of Lyran-Pleiadian heritage. The Federation, Lamiroy says, includes "non-physical races, Sirian groups, Orion organizations as well as Koldasians and Dal civilizations from a parallel universe. Some Reptilian worlds joined the Federation to escape Draco rule. Cooperating Vegans and Reptilians of Orion began the Orion Empire around the time the Federation started. "To stay out of the wars." But the wars went on.
“22 million years ago, the first humanoid civilizations colonized Vega, which was already inhabited by humanoids. and Apex. Lyran explorers moved to Sirius, and Orion; others came to Earth and from Earth moved on to the Pleiades. Vegans colonized Altair, Centuri, Sirius (Nibirans’ homeword) and Orion; Fought Ring Nebula Dracos. “The original humanoid population of Vega created settlements on worlds in Altair, Centauri, Sirius, and Orion. Some came to Earth. While exploring the Ring Nebula, they came across lizard-like races that claimed the territory for themselves. This is where Galactic wars erupted.
“Nuclear war on Apex destroyed much of its surface, forcing its inhabitants to live underground for thousands of years. The radiation also damaged their reproductive capacities, forcing them to use cloning as a way to survive as a species. The Apexians would become the Greys from Zeta Reticuli. Some Vegans on Arcturus Ascend to Non-Physicality, Others Stay Embodied. “Settlers also moved to Arcturus, where they advanced fast. Most Arcturians nowadays are non-physical, higher-dimensional beings, though physical races still exist as well. Vegans settled Sirius, then Orion and Earth. “In worlds around Sirius humanoid settlers found species that not like them and chose to move on to Orion. Later on, Sirians migrated to Earth, too.
Orion Humans Escape to Earth. The main battleground for the Galactic Wars was in Orion. Because of this, many descendants of humanoid settlers in Orion, fled, and also migrated to Earth. Some Lyrans Left Earth to Pleiades But Their Descendants Returned to Earth. Some of the very first Lyran colonisers had to come to Earth. When their descendants were afraid the Galactic Wars were coming too close to Earth, most of them moved to the Pleiades. After time, however, some of their descendants decided to hook up with their relatives from Earth again, and came back to Earth.
Draco-Federation wars lasted millions of years. Humans and Reptilians fled the wars to Sirius’ planets. Several moved to Earth. Wherever these refugees went, wars followed. Some groups in Sirius tried marriage between royal lineages to create a dynasty to unite everyone but many people refused loyalty to the new dynasty. Groups with different agendas now inhabit the Sirian system. Members of this new dynasty settled on Nibiru (which would shoot out of its original orbit around Sirius C to a path that crosses our inner solar system then clockwise off to an ellongated orbit to Nemesis, the somewhat cooled remains of Sirius C.
Royals of the combined would-be Unity Kingdom settled the planet Nibiru. These Sirians became our ancestors, the Nibirans. The Nibirans–Anunnaki to us–adapted their genomes to Earth to create us.
The Unifier from a higher dimension ordered both Federation and Draco to stop polarizing reality. He said that only unconditional love would end war. Transcend and value value your differences. The Unifier told both Federation and Draco and they pledged peace and members of both alliances experienced a dramatic increase in awareness and rise in
con¬scious¬ness. “Entire masses of people ascended into a higher dimensional reality. But peace was not established everywhere, as not everybody was ready to accept these new teachings. There is today fighting on Earth, unfortunately,due to our majority of dualistic thinkers. Yet,” Lamiroy reminds us, “overall in our galactic neigh¬bourhood there is peace, and where there is no peace, there often is a truce.
The Federation’s still active, as are the Draco and Federation Empires. Since the war ended, they live more or less in peace with each other, even though there still are groups that keep on fighting.”
Howerver, some Greys and Reptilians are again aggressively colonizing planets. This alarmed some of the Federation members who left the Federation and started a new galactic alliance, one that pushes helpful intervention in Earth’s development. The new galactic group is the called The Alliance. The Alliance consists of Arcturus, Korender, Procyon, Alcyone–all formerly of the Federation. Whereas the Federation usually avoids interfering in Earth affairs, the Alliance will help us become less polluting and more peaceful, spiritual and unified.

Thanks for you posting.
