Straightening Out My Sleep Patterns And Meditation


Night 009
September 20th - September 21th

I went to bed a bit late last night too, around 11:35 and meditated for about 12 minutes. Those 12 minutes of meditation worked a treat. I was always concentrated big time and I fell asleep about 10 minutes after I stopped meditating. Quite interesting.

I slept until this morning without any interruption. I didn't have much energy this morning, but I was in a pretty good shape all day. I started to notice an increase in my energy levels through the day. :)

On a side note, I'm not yet to that part when I start eating bran muffins. ;)


Night 010
September 21th - September 22th

This time, I went to bed at 11:35, meditated until 11:50, and was asleep around midnight. Talk about effective meditation. I was asleep after 10 minutes only.

I can say meditation helps me to get to sleep faster. Like I said numerous times, I used to need about an hour to slow down enough to be able to sleep. If I'm able to meditate effectively, I'm likely to fall asleep after 10 to 20 minutes. This meditation thing kind of motivates me a bit too, because I never expected meditation to have any effect on me. :)

I'm downloading the i-Doser right now. I'll keep meditating for at least a week, then I may give it a try. I'll post my i-Doser experiences in another topic I'll create by then.


Night 011
September 22th - September 23th

That was a pretty regular night, except that I didn't meditate as long as I did for the last few days. I went to bed around 11:15, meditated for 10 minutes and fell asleep after 20 minutes. I felt alright the next morning and was very efficient all day. :)


Night 012 - 013 - 014
September 23th - September 24th
September 24th - September 25th
September 25th - September 26th

I really screwed up those 3 nights. I went to bed at respectively, 12:30, 12:40 and 11:30, I didn't meditate at all. I felt pretty good in the morning but it doesn't mean anything, since I woke up around 11AM both mornings during the weekend. Anyways, weekends are made for that kind of stuff aren't they?

I didn't feel really good today. :(

I need to work harder and meditate at least 15 minutes every night. I can't ignore how meditation affects how long it takes me to fall asleep. There's a massive difference between lying in bed for an hour and a half, VS. 15 minutes. I look forward to this week to work that out and meditate more every night before getting in bed.

To be continued.


Night 015
September 26th - September 27th

Last night was a pretty good one, except for the fact that I went to be at 11:35. I meditated for 15 minutes and I'm talking about quality meditation here, I wasn't distracted or deep into my thoughts. I almost didn't think about anything for 15 minutes. As expected, that worked a treat: I was asleep 10 minutes later. I almost fell asleep while meditating.

I had many crazy dreams though, I'm not used to that kind of stuff since I started working on myself with earlier bedtimes and meditation. I slept big time until 7:30AM. I was wrecked this morning, but felt pretty good after about 20 minutes.

Looks like I'll be a bit late tonight! :rolleyes:


How come I didn't post anything in this topic for more than 2 weeks? ...I'm sorry to say that, but I gave up.

In the end, I assume I'm not enough of that kind of regular person to get to bed at the same hour everyday and follow such day to day rules. My schedule was a bit too tight for my own personal enjoyment. I didn't completely screw up though.

First, I used to have a hard time getting to sleep at night. I'm talking about laying in bed for 1 or 2 hours without being able to fall asleep. I admit it, I don't meditate every night and I'm not regular by any means regarding meditation. I just happen to meditate when I need to and it works great. I meditate 15 minutes, or only 2 minutes sometimes, I just meditate for a little while depending how much I need it in order to slow down and sleep properly. I'm quite surprised to say that, but that part worked.

Now, I no longer go to bed at 1AM every night. I only do once in a little while. My bed time hour is never the same, I know it could be better, but I'm comfortable with it.

Ah and yeah, I no longer feel like shit in the morning and I love it. Meditation helps me to sleep for about 30 minutes to 1 hour longer because I fall asleep faster, therefore, I feel better in the morning :)

Although I'm disappointed big time that I didn't get to succeed in straightening out my sleep pattern as much as I wanted to, I didn't completely fail either. I found out what was the most valuable part of this project and use it for the best: Meditation.

Now, I go to bed when I feel tired (11PM or 1AM), I meditate as long as I need to, if needed. I sleep better and feel better in the morning. If feel pretty good all day long too, which is great.
