Supernatural Phenomenon


I've been dealing with supernatural phenomenon for 3 years and I need help. I've looked online for help and I can't find any resources. Any ideas or websites I can join? I'm ready to end it.
What's happening to you?

PM me if you wish.

Going to work now....but will answer when I can.

give us some clues as to what the super natural phenomena is at least and give some explanation to would be a great help
Things like seeing in the sky an old native American scene from the past. Walking along and something slips inside my shoes making almost too heavy to walk in. Suddenly speaking different languages. Going into the emergency room and everyone there frozen in time for 7 seconds. Going to the hospital and seeing aliens in the different rooms. Looking at the sun and seeing it split in half to see another earth on the other side. Seeing a shape-shifting right in front of me. Seeing a mile high in diameter a pool of dark plasma with a foam edge around it. Seeing floating orbs. Seeing a nautilus shape swirl in the air disappear. Channeling aliens. Having entities enter my body and do things I wouldn't normally do. Stopping the clouds from rolling by in the sky. The list goes on and on. People look at me like I'm the alien. I need help and I want this to stop. It's also a religious experience that I never asked for. I volunteered on paper to work for something I thought was God and I've been doing cosmos things. I don't know exactly what it is I do, but I use a sort of sign language to do it. I'll sit here outside or stand outside in certain spots and start rocking side to side or back and forth, having no idea if I'm doing something good or bad. I've stopped working for whatever it is I volunteered to work for. I thought it was Gid, but now believe it's an entity. This entity let's me speak to others in this collective consciousness and I know hate it. It was entertaining in the beginning, but won't stop the things I hate to see. Why is it doing this to me? Thank you.
Things like seeing in the sky an old native American scene from the past. Walking along and something slips inside my shoes making almost too heavy to walk in. Suddenly speaking different languages. Going into the emergency room and everyone there frozen in time for 7 seconds. Going to the hospital and seeing aliens in the different rooms. Looking at the sun and seeing it split in half to see another earth on the other side. Seeing a shape-shifting right in front of me. Seeing a mile high in diameter a pool of dark plasma with a foam edge around it. Seeing floating orbs. Seeing a nautilus shape swirl in the air disappear. Channeling aliens. Having entities enter my body and do things I wouldn't normally do. Stopping the clouds from rolling by in the sky. The list goes on and on. People look at me like I'm the alien. I need help and I want this to stop. It's also a religious experience that I never asked for. I volunteered on paper to work for something I thought was God and I've been doing cosmos things. I don't know exactly what it is I do, but I use a sort of sign language to do it. I'll sit here outside or stand outside in certain spots and start rocking side to side or back and forth, having no idea if I'm doing something good or bad. I've stopped working for whatever it is I volunteered to work for. I thought it was Gid, but now believe it's an entity. This entity let's me speak to others in this collective consciousness and I know hate it. It was entertaining in the beginning, but won't stop the things I hate to see. Why is it doing this to me? Thank you.
I've also been involved in a Native American spirit real. When I close my eyes or look at the wall I see these movies of ancient Indians and these native Americans come inside me to travel back in time, or future, to correct problems. I can also speak ancient native American languages according to these Indian spirits.
I've also been involved in a Native American spirit real. When I close my eyes or look at the wall I see these movies of ancient Indians and these native Americans come inside me to travel back in time, or future, to correct problems. I can also speak ancient native American languages according to these Indian spirits.
I look up at the stars and can tell which ones are alien spaceships. They contact me somehow needing help or whatever. I quit. I healed my own foot after I had 2 cuts in it for a year. It wouldn't heal because I walked on it. I just stared at the wound and this energy healing light came out for 10 seconds. I did this for 4 times, 4 days and my foot was completely healed. Gift from aliens? I just don't know what to make of this.
sounds like you have a gift or more than one gift you dont seem to understand embrace it and think of good aliens doing good things maybe it would help cancel out the negative aliens putting bad things in your head if they are , theres many religions so dont cross them together isolate them and concentrate on one otherwise maybe to many will come into your life or mind and compete with each other thus tearing you apart start evicting them . try some pyramid power you dont need to be sitting under one just imagine when you walk or sit that you are under a glowing green pyramid frame its has to be green explore one side in your mind it goes to a point above you where you are under it and then explore another side connected and it to is glowing green and it runs to a point above you then do another then try imagine all the triangles joined together to form a glowing green pyramid shape and your right under it and in the middel it may be hard to biuld it in memory form and visualize yourself inside it under the top pyramid point so work on it slowly one triangle side at a time this worked for me many times, when you think prioritize it think of an alien race called the seeders they are more important so give the thoughts on them like they are more powerful and are superiors to these cheap demons or spirits who want to harm you or your mind , think of the seeder race as the real god they have that name cause they seeded all life on earth and other planets making them the real gods .
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sounds like you have a gift or more than one gift you dont seem to understand embrace it and think of good aliens doing good things maybe it would help cancel out the negative aliens putting bad things in your head if they are , theres many religions so dont cross them together isolate them and concentrate on one otherwise maybe to many will come into your life or mind and compete with each other thus tearing you apart start evicting them . try some pyramid power you dont need to be sitting under one just imagine when you walk or sit that you are under a glowing green pyramid frame its has to be green explore one side in your mind it goes to a point above you where you are under it and then explore another side connected and it to is glowing green and it runs to a point above you then do another then try imagine all the triangles joined together to form a glowing green pyramid shape and your right under it and in the middel it may be hard to biuld it in memory form and visualize yourself inside it under the top pyramid point so work on it slowly one triangle side at a time this worked for me many times, when you think prioritize it think of an alien race called the seeders they are more important so give the thoughts on them like they are more powerful and are superiors to these cheap demons or spirits who want to harm you or your mind , think of the seeder race as the real god they have that name cause they seeded all life on earth and other planets making them the real gods .
Thank you for the advice. I'll try it. It means a lot that you responded.
thankyou when you sleep at night take a double ended quartz crystal to bed with you hold it in your hand till it gets very warm or hot it was said it amplifies the aura that surrounds your body i sometimes lay mine on my forehead while laying down after its charged up and alow the energy to flow into my third eye region, my crystal is sitting on a small chest of draws next to my bed overnight i hold it in my hands and charge it up strangely sometimes it remains cold and wont charge up with my energy of warmth, and i visualize the green pyramid frame green is a healing colour and its comon with the green in nature
to see your own aura hold your hand up in front of a mirror make sure you have a certain amount of sunlight around to not to much now look at the reflection of your hand on the mirror look at the outer surface of your hand the skin look carefully see the aura it looks like a small light field surrounding your hand very close to the skin
