Talk to an Ancient soul

In my past life, I was an Atlantian Eternal, feel free to ask me any questions.
My name from that life is Acre. So that's how u address me
Feel free to ask me anything

ok Acre i got a few questions for you, first one was Atlantis real? i know for sure it was regardless what history says, also how i do win the lottery or get the winning numbers lol, sry the second one was a little silly but not really, im not in a good spot in my life finanically. The third which is serious like the first one, when are the ancient aliens returning? :) also thanks for following

In my past life, I was an Atlantian Eternal, feel free to ask me any questions.
My name from that life is Acre. So that's how u address me
Feel free to ask me anything

ok Acre i got a few questions for you, first one was Atlantis real? i know for sure it was regardless what history says, also how i do win the lottery or get the winning numbers lol, sry the second one was a little silly but not really, im not in a good spot in my life finanically. The third which is serious like the first one, when are the ancient aliens returning? :) also thanks for following
Hello Thankyou, for asking yes
Atlantis was real. It was my home. My parents which were the Naacals came from lemeria which predated Atlantis.
The most accurate tale of Atlantis the is from Plato even tho it's got false telling a in it too.
Plato did get the tale from his father in which he got from Egypt which was when we were helping humanity to get back on their feet.
Atlantis existed before the event called the 4 days of Howling. Atlantian influences are everywhere u just need to look around.
I cant tell u how but I can advise u to look at getting some luck enhancing crystals or money stones as they actually help as long as they are cleansed crystals are alive too so they like to be refreshed as well.
As for aliens, I am aware of their existence, but the only Aliens I've encountered were the Martians who tried to take over Atlantis after destroying the atmosphere of their home planet. They interbreeded with humans, and died out but the last living descendants of them are found to be in the richest families in the world.
Another being, we're people called "Hebrews" they claimed that they were off world but no idea where but Cleary from the future
They lived in harmony with other Atlantians and live with us.
Ur welcome happy to answer
Acre of the Eternals

In my past life, I was an Atlantian Eternal, feel free to ask me any questions.
My name from that life is Acre. So that's how u address me
Feel free to ask me anything

ok Acre i got a few questions for you, first one was Atlantis real? i know for sure it was regardless what history says, also how i do win the lottery or get the winning numbers lol, sry the second one was a little silly but not really, im not in a good spot in my life finanically. The third which is serious like the first one, when are the ancient aliens returning? :) also thanks for following
Hello Thankyou, for asking yes
Atlantis was real. It was my home. My parents which were the Naacals came from lemeria which predated Atlantis.
The most accurate tale of Atlantis the is from Plato even tho it's got false telling a in it too.
Plato did get the tale from his father in which he got from Egypt which was when we were helping humanity to get back on their feet.
Atlantis existed before the event called the 4 days of Howling. Atlantian influences are everywhere u just need to look around.
I cant tell u how but I can advise u to look at getting some luck enhancing crystals or money stones as they actually help as long as they are cleansed crystals are alive too so they like to be refreshed as well.
As for aliens, I am aware of their existence, but the only Aliens I've encountered were the Martians who tried to take over Atlantis after destroying the atmosphere of their home planet. They interbreeded with humans, and died out but the last living descendants of them are found to be in the richest families in the world.
Another being, we're people called "Hebrews" they claimed that they were off world but no idea where but Cleary from the future
They lived in harmony with other Atlantians and live with us.
Ur welcome happy to answer
Acre of the Eternals

ty and great answer im going to do some more research on those luck enhancing crystals, hopefully they work or help a little bit that would be great
Hello Acre
Where was Atlantis situated?
What was the cause of the disaster which sent it below the waves?
How have you survived and how have you retained your memories?
Have you ever heard of Patrick Duffy?

ok Acre i got a few questions for you, first one was Atlantis real? i know for sure it was regardless what history says, also how i do win the lottery or get the winning numbers lol, sry the second one was a little silly but not really, im not in a good spot in my life finanically. The third which is serious like the first one, when are the ancient aliens returning? :) also thanks for following
Hello Thankyou, for asking yes
Atlantis was real. It was my home. My parents which were the Naacals came from lemeria which predated Atlantis.
The most accurate tale of Atlantis the is from Plato even tho it's got false telling a in it too.
Plato did get the tale from his father in which he got from Egypt which was when we were helping humanity to get back on their feet.
Atlantis existed before the event called the 4 days of Howling. Atlantian influences are everywhere u just need to look around.
I cant tell u how but I can advise u to look at getting some luck enhancing crystals or money stones as they actually help as long as they are cleansed crystals are alive too so they like to be refreshed as well.
As for aliens, I am aware of their existence, but the only Aliens I've encountered were the Martians who tried to take over Atlantis after destroying the atmosphere of their home planet. They interbreeded with humans, and died out but the last living descendants of them are found to be in the richest families in the world.
Another being, we're people called "Hebrews" they claimed that they were off world but no idea where but Cleary from the future
They lived in harmony with other Atlantians and live with us.
Ur welcome happy to answer
Acre of the Eternals

ty and great answer im going to do some more research on those luck enhancing crystals, hopefully they work or help a little bit that would be great
No worries mate, happy to hear I helped u
I have a lot of ancient knowledge
Feel free to ask me anything
My life in Atlantis was a long tale with tales of happiness and pain
Hello Acre
Where was Atlantis situated?
What was the cause of the disaster which sent it below the waves?
How have you survived and how have you retained your memories?
Have you ever heard of Patrick Duffy?

Greetings, sorry the name u go under gives me chills as the word will be quoted in ur answer.
As many people think Atlantis was a single city when it was the name of a continent. There were 10 main cities then many small settlements.
As I say to many, everything happens for a reason. Why do you think it's called the Atlantic Ocean.
It was situated there, I doubt u would find anything there. There was Atlantis and serval other Islands one being slap bang in the middle of the what we called the sea of the Leviathan.
The disaster, it's a long story and it started at a time we called at the end of the Great War, Most of the Naacals were wiped out due to the war. Eternals like me, the children of the Naacals. We're left to be the overwatchers, it was like apprentices being thrown into a difficult task on first day, I am the son of Osiris. I was respected and trusted by most. My brother being thrown into a pandorica because like many other Eternals some in the time of the war turn to the Reapers(the dark side, dark Eternals). He was still my brother regardless of being darker now, he was still family. This new appointed eternal council, I never trusted it. They were selfish.
Long story short this council was a main cause of the destruction.
Meanwhile when this is all happening
Some Naacals who survived such as Thoth and Tat and several others. Left Atlantis claiming that something was going to happen.
I went rogue from the Eternals and had gone after the eternal who enprisoned my brother, he went under the name of Prophet, son of Sobek. In this time there was a lot of conspiracy, Eternals and humans were at each other's throats. I found out a light mass energy weapon was going to be dropped over posideon, our capital city. The ones responsible are called the brotherhood of the snake. This is what the new eternal council is.
The bomb dropped I was there in the centre of the blast. A bright light, forests wiped clean, ground turned to char, babies dying in the womb.
I'm going to answer several questions at once now.
After the blast, was the beginning of the 4 days of howling, the world was black
It was a void, regular humans had their memories wiped and wouldn't be able to remember Atlantis or what came before, if they survived of course.
I like some others had my Merkabah active at the time I could keep my memory intact, as for how I survived,
In Atlantis and after I had to change my face 4 times, reincarnation was new for us. I had 2 faces in Atlantis and 2 in the aftermath. But in this time our forms changed based on our situations and what is needed to adapt but that's the thing sometimes it can be good or bad it's kind of a gamble. Basically in the howling I was out of body, I saw it my Merkabah was keeping me safe, I had to pull my body out, if that sounds crazy to u. My old body would have been vaporised or drowned if it was found where it was. So I took it to a random shore where Africa is now, I waited with my body till the days of howling ended, it was lonely and quiet. All I had was to reflect on my time in the war and what I failed to do. I felt like I didn't deserve to survive as I did. When the day's pasted. The light was coming again.
I decided I needed to make my family proud, I returned to my body changing my face, I was a more heartbroken individual with pain and survivors guilt but I became a leader. This would be the form id find prophet and kill him.
I would change my face one more time after this take down the snake once and for all, as we hoped in a time called the Eternal wars which would decide the future of humanity. And then I basically to Egypt with the woman I would eventually marry, where I'd mean up with Thoth and aid him for the rest of my life.
As for ur last question, yes I do know of the actor, Patrick Duffy. Who starred in Man of Atlantis or whatever it's called. I never seen it personally, just knew the name
Sorry if I have given you a long winded history less I did skim over some things
Feel free to ask more if u wish
Thankyou for asking
Acre of the Eternals
Hi and welcome, you have an interesting story. :)

How long ago, did your first existence on Earth start?

What's the time frame during which Atlantis existed and thrived?

Can you tell us more about those Martians ans their history?
Hi and welcome, you have an interesting story. :)

How long ago, did your first existence on Earth start?

What's the time frame during which Atlantis existed and thrived?

Can you tell us more about those Martians ans their history?
Good to hear you are enjoying my story.
The thing is when ur a spiritually heightened being. Time has no relativity, we saw time as not a limitation, it was simply to tell what time of day or night it was based on the sun or moon.
The best way I could explain it is from what I heard from my parents at the time.Atlantis was only just colonised After the great migration after lemeria sank. The cities of Atlantis were still small back then, the humans were building settlements and the Naacals thought that they needed children, successors who would continue their legacy, this is where the eternals started.
It was several decades until I would be born tho.
At this time it was peaceful, many other Naacals had sex with many other being such as elves, nymphs and other humanoid people. My father Osiris ended up marrying my mother Isis. The night I was born, my fathers brother tricked him into getting into a sarcophaicus, my mother fled and I was born and was left and raised by some sphinxes, which happened to be the species my father originated from.
I'd grow up for the next 20 years in Sphinx culture which was tribal until my uncle would destroy the village and family friend Anubis takes me back to Atlantis to begin my training at the Academy.
So time frame wise it was 250 years after the great migration I was born.

The time in which Atlantis thrived most was in the golden age, when it was peaceful, this lasted for 6000 years. The Great War went for 5000 years. After the way was about 353 years of civil wars before the disaster.
That's the best I can explain it as Its hard when it comes to time frame, I lived for a long time but was still young!

As for the Martians, they went underwent in a think called the lucifer experienment, which was basically they cut off their unity with the universe and had no emotion of love what so ever. So they constantly were at war on Mars and blew their landscape apart which was once like ours. And they completely destroyed their atmosphere, how they did this was by making a cymphetic Merkabah which can be created without love. So they tried to leave their planet and just jumped into a doorway that opened from what they did and arrived in Atlantis.
They treated both humans and Naacals and us Eternals, like crap basically. They wanted to take over we ended up killing them with kindness in the end and we simply helped them live on the earth.
They helped us numerous times but tried to slowly tried to gain control, there are even some Martian Eternals, many of those joined the snake later tho.
In the ways leading up to the Great War. They tried to do what they did on Mars with the Merkabah but it was generations since they did that so they had no knowledge on how to make one. They did this one one if the island of Atlantis, which was in the sea of the leviathan. This caused a tear in the lower dimensions and let lower level spirits come in which didn't have bodies do ended up, holding onto people and brought about plagues and sickness, it was a struggle to survive for humans. Naacals were afraid and prayed. Us Eternals were forced to deal with the populais. The Martians were blamed for it all. We ended up repairing the tear and sending most of the lower level spirits back.
That Merkabah how ever still exists sadly
But it is on the sea floor, but has had a history of strange events around them eg bad storms, disappearing ships and planes
Basically the Martians were the reason for the Great War beginning. Coz what they did brought back what the Naacals feared would returned.
And one of them would be a reason I would Change my face
Thankyou for asking
I tried my best to answer ur questions
Take care
Acre of the Eternals
