Temporal Agent from a distance future

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People people cannot physically travel back in time only forward... However information can and the mind is information...."The Blue Tube" has existed since the Edwardian period.. it allows me to transfer my mind into the brain of somebody else's in the past who is connected to the Blue Tube...

so for the person to travel they would be entering someone else's body, according to that , if so, then what happens to the soul in that other body? And , not just that, but , if its only the mind that travels, then how would anything to do with their physical bodies here, in this time, be of any importance to the future? if the body is being left behind? you could easily then, just take a 200 year old person of any gender to the future... if they are just travelling by their minds to another body.... do you not see the contradiction within even that statement? ah... no offense to ya lol i'll say it again, if only the mind travels, then why would the body here of a person, matter at all...... precisely, it would not. again, if something does not make sense, it's usually not true. my opinion only. but lets hear your answer on this one. lol
so for the person to travel they would be entering someone else's body, according to that , if so, then what happens to the soul in that other body? And , not just that, but , if its only the mind that travels, then how would anything to do with their physical bodies here, in this time, be of any importance to the future? if the body is being left behind? you could easily then, just take a 200 year old person of any gender to the future... if they are just travelling by their minds to another body.... do you not see the contradiction within even that statement? ah... no offense to ya lol i'll say it again, if only the mind travels, then why would the body here of a person, matter at all...... precisely, it would not. again, if something does not make sense, it's usually not true. my opinion only. but lets hear your answer on this one. lol

That's actually a good point. Her goal is to collect sperm and viable sperm donors, yet can't physically travel to the past/future to transport it.

Her explanation of how her machine works is literally straight out of Steins;Gate. Read memories of person -> implant into prior version of yourself, or someone else -> suddenly in the past. And "only information can go to the past". Lemme guess, 36 bytes?

Really though, both Harriet and Steins;Gate forget a major part that's required for this method to work. As for her cop-out, she'll probably say forwards and backwards time travel are different lol.
rocky music plays , show down again , against possible fake time travellers lol "mom , dad's fighting on tv! " "what?!" , "yo adrien! " sorry in a funny mood , and a rocky fan lol
That's actually a good point. Her goal is to collect sperm and viable sperm donors, yet can't physically travel to the past/future to transport it.

Her explanation of how her machine works is literally straight out of Steins;Gate. Read memories of person -> implant into prior version of yourself, or someone else -> suddenly in the past. And "only information can go to the past". Lemme guess, 36 bytes?

Really though, both Harriet and Steins;Gate forget a major part that's required for this method to work. As for her cop-out, she'll probably say forwards and backwards time travel are different lol.

"YOU CAN TRAVEL FORWARD PHYSICALLY IN TIME"... In some extent you doing it now... "BUT... NOT BACKWARDS IN TIME"... If you have difficulty in understanding this basic concepts please let me know... It will help me weed out the Neanderthals posting on this forum...
"YOU CAN TRAVEL FORWARD PHYSICALLY IN TIME"... In some extent you doing it now... "BUT... NOT BACKWARDS IN TIME"... If you have difficulty in understanding this basic concepts please let me know...

This is actually pretty hilarious. Because people don't naturally physically travel forward in time. At least, not to any real noticeable degree. But yes, forward physical travel is possible through the use of time dilation. Instant travel forward could be done by the same method as you claim to use to go backwards: send memories forward in the future -> implant into future person -> jump from past to future. The same can also be done sideways.

The problem is that once you figure out how to send the memories and information, you could just send a person instead.

Are you giving dudes a good back rub first or are you just going straight for the happy ending to save time?

Pretty sure her kink is just meeting up with strangers and jerking them off and then leaving. No backrub, sorry.

Edit: It's important to note the difference between managing to get your young body to the past/future via time manipulation, vs actually sending your current consciousness into a future or past body. These work out differently.
That's actually a good point. Her goal is to collect sperm and viable sperm donors, yet can't physically travel to the past/future to transport it.

Her explanation of how her machine works is literally straight out of Steins;Gate. Read memories of person -> implant into prior version of yourself, or someone else -> suddenly in the past. And "only information can go to the past". Lemme guess, 36 bytes?

Really though, both Harriet and Steins;Gate forget a major part that's required for this method to work. As for her cop-out, she'll probably say forwards and backwards time travel are different lol.

I agree , April.

precisely, what would be the point of any physical condition of a person , if only the mind travels?

And ya, it does seem to be a copy of Steins;Gate .

I actually , funny enough , have some thoughts on how to time travel as well, though strangely enough, even though i have a bad memory, my memory seems fine when it comes to some time travel idea's i have from my gut.

Most definitely both designs are missing major parts for such to work, not that i'm an expert at all lol.

One design my gut creates , is something like a device in the old show called "Sliders" , i'm sure others have thought of that before, but i guess we all have our own time travel ideas. Which, is cool, because, just like driving down the road, there are many different inventions for travel, such as a car or a bike.

Many different ways to time travel, of this , i have not one doubt. Yet that is entirely different , than believing what another says, just based upon their words.

i still do not see any truth yet . but i guess at least its a peaceful talk at least lol and probably making alot laugh. ok peace all.
This is actually pretty hilarious. Because people don't naturally physically travel forward in time. At least, not to any real noticeable degree. But yes, forward physical travel is possible through the use of time dilation. Instant travel forward could be done by the same method as you claim to use to go backwards: send memories forward in the future -> implant into future person -> jump from past to future. The same can also be done sideways.

The problem is that once you figure out how to send the memories and information, you could just send a person instead.

Pretty sure her kink is just meeting up with strangers and jerking them off and then leaving. No backrub, sorry.

Edit: It's important to note the difference between managing to get your young body to the past/future via time manipulation, vs actually sending your current consciousness into a future or past body. These work out differently.

precisely , well said April, if i may add ? (what i say here might or might not fit with what you are saying, but this is what is going to my gut, all physical things, might not flow at all in time, yet be static, while the conciousness, only, is what travels, which could be why, it is so difficult to travel physically through time, not impossible, yet difficult. The soul, spirit, mind , travels forward, yet can easily just as well go back. Hypnosis certainly shows this , time and again. course what i said opens the questions as to , do we really have free will at all or is it just an illusion? unless of course that gets fixed when you add the many worlds theory in , which would there in fix any faults with free will at all, and the soul would still be free, only travelling , through time, as all do, and the mind is just travelling to different moments in time , the bodies chosen by the mind, are the ones that fit the direction the mind wills to go. i hope that makes sense lol i just go with my gut lol
precisely , well said April, if i may add ? (what i say here might or might not fit with what you are saying, but this is what is going to my gut, all physical things, might not flow at all in time, yet be static, while the conciousness, only, is what travels, which could be why, it is so difficult to travel physically through time, not impossible, yet difficult. The soul, spirit, mind , travels forward, yet can easily just as well go back. Hypnosis certainly shows this , time and again. course what i said opens the questions as to , do we really have free will at all or is it just an illusion? unless of course that gets fixed when you add the many worlds theory in , which would there in fix any faults with free will at all, and the soul would still be free, only travelling , through time, as all do, and the mind is just travelling to different moments in time , the bodies chosen by the mind, are the ones that fit the direction the mind wills to go. i hope that makes sense lol i just go with my gut lol

After reading this... You and Apri1 I've got no grounds implying I'm nuts...
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