Temporal Agent from a distance future

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Junior Member
You might start by confessing that you are hoaxing. Since you decided to skip the credibility stage in your story.

How am I being implausible..? Expand..! What would I have to do to prove to you that what I'm saying to you is not a hoax...?


If you are male between the ages of 21 and 45 in good health with no hereditary weakness and prepared to father children then yes you'll be able to sign up..! Males over the age of 45 will be considered if they have superior genes and able to demonstrate they are still capable of impregnating...

i mean no offense, but i had ta say it, lol "no hereditary weakness" is impossible since everyone is not perfect lol . Again, no offense, but, if the future folk are that picky with who is born, than, no wonder they sent someone back in time , they're narrowing their field way too much lol which would mean the future died because human's were too picky lol Either that or they sent this person away (no offense) , here , so that their world could have Freedom again lol. peace to ya .


There there are precise dates and times for departure... The locations will be revealed in due course in the following countries, UK, Europe, United States, Canada and Australia... Starting first with the UK... We are limited to 4 people per location and we'll be going forward in time by 99 years...

i think i'll stay, as much as i wish i could live in a more peaceful world, i'm staying. Because believe it or not, the folks on this planet, of this Time and all Times, deserve a peaceful life, and the only way to get there, is to stick together and not run away . The only way to fix the future, is in the present, always in the present. travelling to the future, as much as i'd like to, Naw, i think i'll , as they say "stick it through" with the good folks of this world, since we were all born here , and do what i can, in my own little way, to help bring Peace where i can, and if or when i can. just like any other i'm sure. peace. :)


That's that's because until now I never existed in 2018... You can't travel within your own lifetime... Or to a period of time that you already previously visited...

no offense again, but it sounds like the machine for time travel is quite limited... strange given the idea's for time travel alone just within this forum , could be expanded upon greatly in 100 years... with or without world changes i'm sure, even if by just 1 person or two.

Clearly, the machine used, Harriet, is based upon most time travel movies, from what you posted, because if it was not, then there would be no limits to where you could travel . Paradoxes exist, according to the model of time travel you use, supposedly. And therefore, the universe would crack easily if a being chose to play with Time..... This is odd, because i find it quite difficult to believe, that the universe was created to easily be destroyed, i think Albert got it right when he said "god does not play dice with the universe".
but i could be wrong lol. Which is why, if something doesn't make sense, it's usually not true. To me, the many worlds theory, explains a much more intelligent design behind the universe, than allowing usual time travel movies to be correct. i mean no offense at all. just saying. And that when given questions, one should always be able to answer, even if they can't answer, an honest answer is always better than no answer, and the honest answer will always make sense. Just my thoughts, that is all.. Peace. :) (edited to fix spelling mistake lol)


1 more funny thing i just had ta say, i totally mean no offense, but if you really are from the future, i don't suppose you could give me the winning 649 lotto ticket numbers for the next few months, i could really use the money to survive lol peace. :) (now if that wouldn't be proof of what you are saying is true, then nothing is lol ) ok ok i 'll be quiet now. no offense to anyone i just had ta say it . i did lol. cause dang, i think we all could use some money to survive. lol
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