Terror in the Skies, Again?

Terror in the Skies, Again?

Originally posted by Anoah@Jul 19 2004, 05:42 PM
A real job is working for the government. Without the government we would be an anarchy, running around like a bunch of nincom-poopies.

Without people working for the government, we would be attacked on a non-stop basis by terrorists, and its also plausible that they would start a Theocracy within our countries.

Now being a government worker is not a real job?

Uh actually if it wasnt for our government training these terrorists and pissing people off so bad in that part of the world we would have no terrorism.

think you folks are missing the point. No one stopped them, though they appeared to be staging a terrorist attack. No one stopped them.

If you were rehearsing, that would be a very important point for you.

Paul, I haven't missed that point at all. Im pretty sure this did not happen and that nothing was being rehearsed. If something like this was occuring on a flight people would do something. These "terrorists" were acting so obviously ridiculous that I would have walked up to them and said "dude what are you a-holes doing"?.

If that kind of obvious activity was going on during a 4 hour flight some of the men on the flight would have done something. They wouldn't sit on their hands and wait to get blown up. I sure wouldn't and Im only a 5"4 girl who is a complete wimp. As a matter of fact, if I was on this flight and saw this occuring, I may come to the conclusion that I may very well be about to die and try to spend my last few moments kicking the crap out of a couple of terrorists. Once one person went after these people so would 60 others. If they did have some kind of device where they could tank the flight immediately because someone punched one of their buddies, there wouldnt be suspicious activity for 4 hours while they tried to build a bomb.

While this may be true that the CIA trained Osama Bin Laden in the 80s to go against the soviets, we did not train him to come after us, now did we?

How are we pissing them off so badly prior to 1993? Hell even 2001? What did Clinton do. We know what George Bush SR did with the Gulf War. However, if this was such a problem that the terrorists were pissed that we attacked Iraq, then this War on Iraq would then be deemed necessarry, meaning that the terrorists had relations to Iraq.

And another reason they may hate us, is because of our alliance with Israel.
Terror in the Skies, Again?

And another reason they may hate us, is because of our alliance with Israel.

Good point Pyro. I am actually a bit ticked off about our alliance with Israel. Who thinks its a good idea to build doze houses full of babies? Not me. Worse than blowing up a bus that is. And the thing is, I never met an Israeli I didnt like, they are sweet sweet people. Its ashame their government bites.

So Pyro is it okay to train terrorists as long as they don't come after us?
Terror in the Skies, Again?

Originally posted by Anoah@Jul 19 2004, 09:42 PM
...Im pretty sure this did not happen and that nothing was being rehearsed. If something like this was occuring on a flight people would do something.

These \"terrorists\" were acting so obviously ridiculous...

If that kind of obvious activity was going on during a 4 hour flight some of the men on the flight would have done something. ... there wouldnt be suspicious activity for 4 hours while they tried to build a bomb.

I hope you're right.

And, if federal marshals were sitting around watching this, it means that it was a government rehearsal or training. So now the government knows that it's people will sit and watch terrorists build bombs on airplanes; great.

Actually, I want to believe that it is an "urban legend," (which, I suppose, means that it didn't really happen?) because I don't want to believe that all of the men on the plane sat and watched.
Terror in the Skies, Again?

Originally posted by Paul J. Lyon@Jul 19 2004, 05:08 PM
Actually, I want to believe that it is an \"urban legend,\" (which, I suppose, means that it didn't really happen?) because I don't want to believe that all of the men on the plane sat and watched.

I believe this to be urban legend. Just a background:

As some of you know, my sister is a flight attendant, her fiance is a pilot for a major airlines. On 9/11, my sister's roommate and best friend (also a flight attendent) was on the flight that brought two of the 9/11 hijackers into the Boston that morning.

There are things, not reported on the news, that happen on airplanes. On each incident that my sister and her fiance have been present, the passengers have not ignored things. There are marshalls on most of the flights. They do not ignore things.

I believe the purpose of this urban legend is politically motivated. It is skewed to say "see, Bush isn't doing his job." This is a very hotly contested election that the US is experiencing right now. If there is no terrorist attack on US soil before the election, the only way the media (Kerry) can fight back is by coming up with these stories and scaring people.

It seems that the media is doing a pretty good job at it too.

Finally, IMO, we need to get past the feeling that the islamic extremists will attack us the way they did on 9/11. We've already stopped that gap. It will come in some other way that they've never done before.
Terror in the Skies, Again?

In NYC last week the papers and news stations were all up in arms because "american anarchists were planning disruptions of the RNC". RNC is a huge thing here folks, people are getting OUT of the city for that week. Everyone I know has been debating if they should be here or not. I'm going to be one of the first people marching when the "united for peace and justice" crowd decides where they're going.

Reading the Daily News today, there was a small article tucked away about this womans article we're discussing. I think she saw what she saw. I think they were pushing the limits. I think they're doing their research there. (wow, all 3 they're/re/eir in one sentence!) I think they're being helped by the shadow gov't setting up the police state. (that's my OPINION, I'm not labelling it as fact I'm not basing it on proof, but it's part of why they weren't detained under the patriot act).
Terror in the Skies, Again?

Originally posted by Hackimer@ Rob,Jul 19 2004, 11:35 PM
In NYC last week the papers and news stations were all up in arms because \"american anarchists were planning disruptions of the RNC\". RNC is a huge thing here folks, people are getting OUT of the city for that week. Everyone I know has been debating if they should be here or not. I'm going to be one of the first people marching when the \"united for peace and justice\" crowd decides where they're going.

Reading the Daily News today, there was a small article tucked away about this womans article we're discussing. I think she saw what she saw. I think they were pushing the limits. I think they're doing their research there. (wow, all 3 they're/re/eir in one sentence!) I think they're being helped by the shadow gov't setting up the police state. (that's my OPINION, I'm not labelling it as fact I'm not basing it on proof, but it's part of why they weren't detained under the patriot act).

"Research" is an interesting idea. And now they have done their research and found out that Americans will sit in their seats in flight and do nothing, so long as you tell them to be quiet and watch the obvious terrorists spend hours putting up a bomb.

I guess it would be important for the government to know that about its people at the point in time when you are preparing to strip them of their Constitutional rights and wreck the country.
Terror in the Skies, Again?

Just because they are our constitutional rights does not mean that we cannot be stripped of them. Heck we are not even being stripped of them right now.

How many times have you heard of the Patriot Act being used? Don't you think there would be a fuss about it by now, if they were using it to its full potentiality?

Tell them to be quiet so those that are younger on the plane are not scared. I don't know if their were younger children on board, but I am assuming if there was then I could completely understand why the Flight Attendants, the Air Marshalls, and other passengars did not try to thwart the muslims. Plus, people were probably going into shock and seeing their lives pass before their eyes, because they were scared. It is hard to believe Paul, but most Americans are not as brave as you.

Also, our government does not view it as wrecking the country. They view it as attempting to highten security, as we could tell, they aren't exactly doing their job, or atleast Condy and Ridge aren't doing their job. However, you can criticize all you want, but place yourselves in their shoes, you have 400,000,000 American Citizen Lives(That are accounted for) in your hands, you are trying to protect them, and you criticize them for attempting to do their job? Walk a mile in their shoes and then maybe you will see why they have the Patriot Act and onward and so forth.
Terror in the Skies, Again?

Last night around 8 pm, a backpack containing some kind of explosives, (not a bomb they say) exploded in the Times Square subway station. Officials are ruling out terrorism. What if it was another possible "test" to guage the reactions. I.E. how long will it take for all the emergency responders to get there so there can be another, larger attack?

It seems originally they thought fireworks, now saying "pipe bomb"
see the AP wire there ^^^

Your friendly neighborhood local NY RNC reporter -
- Hack
Terror in the Skies, Again?

Originally posted by PyRo99@Jul 20 2004, 04:21 PM
Just because they are our constitutional rights does not mean that we cannot be stripped of them. Heck we are not even being stripped of them right now.

How many times have you heard of the Patriot Act being used? Don't you think there would be a fuss about it by now, if they were using it to its full potentiality?

Tell them to be quiet so those that are younger on the plane are not scared. I don't know if their were younger children on board, but I am assuming if there was then I could completely understand why the Flight Attendants, the Air Marshalls, and other passengars did not try to thwart the muslims. Plus, people were probably going into shock and seeing their lives pass before their eyes, because they were scared. It is hard to believe Paul, but most Americans are not as brave as you.

Also, our government does not view it as wrecking the country. They view it as attempting to highten security, as we could tell, they aren't exactly doing their job, or atleast Condy and Ridge aren't doing their job. However, you can criticize all you want, but place yourselves in their shoes, you have 400,000,000 American Citizen Lives(That are accounted for) in your hands, you are trying to protect them, and you criticize them for attempting to do their job? Walk a mile in their shoes and then maybe you will see why they have the Patriot Act and onward and so forth.

I can see where I'm going to have to take some of you back to class on the Constitution.

The Patriot Act has not saved the life of a single citizen; it is incapable of doing so. The Constitution, on the other hand...
Terror in the Skies, Again?

For one. The Patriot Act has saved our lives. How do you think we can detain Terrorists? Do you think they use it just for the hell of it? Cuz I know you are smarter than that.

When a terrorist attack happens, and they use it to its full fledge use, then you may be disgruntled about it, because you have never even endured what good it does, you just look at the negative side effects from it. There are positive things that come from it.

I don't need to go back to class on the Consititution, I know damn well what Amendments it impedes upon. Do i remeber them by heart no, but I can surely glance over the Patriot Act and know which rights it strips. Freedom of Speech is one, but I don't see you shouldn't give a dang about that. You think they're going to detain you for saying President Bush sucks right after a terrorist attack? I am assuming that they only use the stripping of freedom of speech so the media cannot produce bull.

How do you know it is incapble of doing so. The government can detain a terrorist PRIOR to them striking down an American City, beheading an American, kidnapping, whatever. Do you have evidence that a terrorist attack has been thwarted since 9/11? Do you know that we have had one SINCE 9/11? I don't. And I would LOVE to know if we did or if we DID not.

They are both written pieces of paper. They serve nothing. However, the consititution has bogus things in it, dumb Amendments that serve not a purpose, but I don't see you knocking on their door for those, some of them destroy other rights.

Also, if we are refering to the Constitution that was ratified in 1791, then you have even more discepencies, because all of the amendments that were not on the constitution at that time. Slaves were still allowed on the consitution back then, because we didn't even have the Emancipation Proclomation amended until 1861 I wanna say. Women couldn't vote until 1921. What about the drinking Prohibition, or the other amendment that let 18 year olds drink 1/2 beers.

Now I am supposed to go back to American Government Class?
