The Attitude of Ordinary Japanese


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The Attitude of Ordinary Japanese

More than 6,000 Japanese have held a rally in Tokyo to object a controversial history textbook and an envisaged move to revise the current education law.
Participants from hundreds of civilian groups gathered at the
Yoyogi Park on Saturday, calling to boycott the revised textbook which glorifies Japan's colonial rule and war-time ravage in Asia.
After all, there are many ordinary Japanese who could envisage the history and be honeset and upright.
The Japanese government should learn from its people and make a right stance as soon as possible.
What Japan should Learn about

Japan are always hesistated to face their wrongdoings in the past.In the same position, Germany, also an invador in WWII, are always ready to regret for what they did in the past and have done a lot for their victim countries. In return, this won world-wide recognization and respect for Germany.Japanese people are hard to understand that just for the nation's respect and other countries' support, they should reflect profoundly and appropriately change their attitude and manner to history.

Re: The Attitude of Ordinary Japanese

If histirical revisionism has always been around, then why is there an apparent rise in anti-Chinese sentiments among the Japanese today. The Japanese revisionists have always tried to revise textbooks to reflect their viewpoints. They distorted the official history of Sino-Japanese war, agitated the anti-Chinese sentiments among the Japanese juveniles. They told the Japnese juveniles everyone should be thankful for the war that was waged to "liberate the Asian countries from the western imperialists".

Re: The Attitude of Ordinary Japanese

As for the Sino-Japanese war, they depicted the Japanese was forced to pick up the gauntlet, and Chinese people should take all the responsibility for the offence. The Japanese militarists killed over 20 millions Chinese people, especially in Nanjing Massacre, but they didn't mention the Massacre at all.
The Nanjing Massacre are Dissected

The 1937 Nanjing Massacre in China, all the textbooks gave no specific numbers, saying only that ''many'' were killed. In? Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform" ([font=&#23435]扶桑社[/font]), they said in the textbook that "The Japanese military believed that if they took the KMT capital Nanjing, then Chiang Kai-shek would surrender. In December, the Japanese military. (Note) At the time, many Chinese soldiers and civilians died from the Japanese attack (the Nanjing incident). In addition, there are various opinions about the number of victims in this incident, and this is still being debated."
Re: The Attitude of Ordinary Japanese

Is one answer : Racism is still rampant all around the world, is about time we got away from the stereotypes of what racism is.. Is like we're children being fed crap in 4 year rotations, when will it stop ?

People generally need to start getting over themselves, especially if they're in charge of a big red button !
