the bad guyz are actually the good guyz!


Junior Member
what if i can prove that every body you were told was bad .is actually the good guyz.the more evil they say they were the more they were really great people!


Junior Member
they changed everything for there agenda. what you know is not truth.
I'm trying the bad are the good in truth! They just told you with tv and propaganda machine. They then blame the true victims of horrible war crimes when its hollywood.besides american propaganda what other proof have you seen ,has it came from the platform of everything they run?the ones the christians think are the holy ones are actually the ones in ancient tymes called satan or the devil. but now dayz no one knows any of the symbolik knowledge of the past.


Senior Member
In theory I kind of like the idea all the bad were good but I think it's more
that many of the people labeled bad were more of a mix or not 100% bad.
I won't stick my head out to defend someone who I'm not one hundred percent sure was fighting for good.

Winners write the history books. And I intend to write the history---Winston Churchil.
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Junior Member
One great example is Billy the Kid. He was a hero who was labeled "bad" for quite a while.
Tip though: you need less run on sentences.

there's other examples of people who I'm not entirely sure on.
In theory I kind of like the idea all the bad were good but I think it's more
that many of the people labeled bad were more of a mix or not 100% bad.
I won't stick my head out to defend someone who I'm not one hundred percent sure was fighting for good.
The rabbit hole this thread may open up could lead to debates about stuff
that are pretty hot. Usually things like this turn into a giant debate over Hitler.
Hitler brought back Germany's economy and fed the poor, a lot of people don't know that. Later on
things got sinister and it depends what your beliefs are who you blame.

Winners write the history books. And I intend to write the history---Winston Churchil.
think about my statement i said. im trying to figure out how to show people but they see eveything.own eveything!


Senior Member
So every single bad guy was good. EVERY single one of them.
Can you prove this? Or is it just like.....

Well they want me to think this guy is bad so he must be good?


Junior Member
think about my statement i said. im trying to figure out how to show people but they see eveything.own eveything!
wow wait i didnt see what eles you sais,yes you are on the right path.i can prove it.i have eveything to prove who is who and what is what.
