The Cryptoterrestrials: Ancient Humans Hiding Among Us?


Pretty cool article I spotted today that I think you'll like, thought I'd share it here:

A couple of days ago I wrote here at Mysterious Universe on why, in my opinion, the 1950s-era “Space Brothers” should not have been trusted. Not only that, I briefly highlighted the work of the late writer Mac Tonnies, who suspected that the Space Brothers may not have been aliens at all, but were possibly from right here on our planet. In other words, Tonnies pondered on the possibility that the Space Brothers were, collectively, an ancient human society that has the power to move among us in stealth. In terms of his theorizing, Tonnies said to me: “After devouring countless books on the UFO controversy and the paranormal, I began to acknowledge that the extraterrestrial hypothesis suffered some tantalizing flaws. In short, the ‘aliens’ seemed more like surreal caricatures of ourselves than beings possessing the god-like technology one might plausibly expect from interstellar visitors. Like Jacques Vallee, I came to the realization that the extraterrestrial hypothesis isn’t strange enough to encompass the entirety of occupant cases. But if we’re dealing with humanoid beings that evolved here on earth, some of the problems vanish. My hypothesis works too when we apply it to Martians stranded [on Earth] and who, I sometimes wonder, are waiting for the day when our world becomes theirs.”
