The Day After Tomorrow


Junior Member
The Day After Tomorrow

I recently saw The Day After Tomorrow and was relatively impressed. Take into account that the movie is "loosely" based on actual science and it is just fun to watch. The action sequences are wildly entertaining and at times a tad scarry, but I would recommend the film and even watch it a second time.

The Day After Tomorrow

The film was good, as refering to the enviroment and how it was effected and how we may be faced with the same thing.. the only thing I can think about it that was out of place was the kids running down the corridor while the ice chased them.

The Day After Tomorrow

I too enjoyed this film. But keep in mind it is an entertainment film, not exactly a factually correct film. I agree with Cyber about the halway scene. I thought it was a bit funny (actually chuckled a bit). It was reminiscent of the "blob" oozing down a halway, and you (the camera) are at "blob level" and you get good leg shots of the actors running from you.

It was, as I mentioned, a very entertaining movie.

The Day After Tomorrow

TDAT is required viewing in Beijing now at China's National Climate Center. You can see a cached ABC News story here:


This movie is also based on the book "The Quickening" by Art Bell -- I thought that was pretty cool. Everything that happens in that movie is scientifically correct, with the exception that it's a very condensed timeline. I think they said that instead of occuring over 2 days, it'd happen over like 20 years.

I loved this movie, thought it was very well mad :D
The Day After Tomorrow

What about the wolves? They were very out of place. All of the humans were freezing to death left and right and then here come wolves running down the street.

The Day After Tomorrow

I don't know about the wolves. I've seen them in documentaries in some pretty damn cold environments. Plus the humans weren't dressed for arctic weather.
The Day After Tomorrow

I had one question about the movie....

Okay, the movie says global warming will melt the icecaps and interupt ocean currents and thus cool the whole world.

If that is true, then shouldn't we do as much global warming as possible right now to offset that when it happens?
The Day After Tomorrow

I thought that it would only interrupt the ocean current that carries warm water up to the northern European area? A lot more areas than that of course but I don't think it would affect the whole world.
The Day After Tomorrow

Originally posted by TheHeggy@Oct 16 2004, 12:17 AM

I thought that it would only interrupt the ocean current that carries warm water up to the northern European area? A lot more areas than that of course but I don't think it would affect the whole world.

According to reports and analysis I've read, the short circuiting of the Gulf Stream would be just one of the affects of global warming. And yes, according to this research, most of northern Europe would be uninhabitable. Glaciers in Greenland, Europe and the North Pole are melting at alarmingly fast rates now. One report I read said that glaciers are melting 8 times faster than previously thought. The South Pole is also falling apart much faster than anticipated. Melting glaciers will have some obvious changes to the world's shore lines. Ocean levels are projected to rise by about 87 feet is memory serves. Most of Florida will be under water. London, New York, New Orleans and other major cities will be under water. This is all supposed to happen within the next 20 years max.

This may have something to do with a polar change where the poles reverse, and not in the same locations. One study I've read showed that the new poles will be located north of Hawaii and east of south Africa. The reason that that poles are so cold, according to this study, is because of their magnetic pull. This magnetic pull draws in the very cold temps. from space. Studies of the north pole show that at one point, it was a tropical area with vegetation and probably animal life.

