the digital mind virus... is it real?


The mind virus... is it real? Well is it?

I have 30min to write this so I will try and stay on point.

The mind virus in this Post is a suggestion that a virus can be projected via visual spectrum into the human mind. The virus will plant thoughts that can lead to self-harm, the harm of others and even be programmed to think in a particular way.

Examples are the tltr "To long to read" community, cancel culture and other movements that are to sensitive to mention here.

they all have something in common and that is to act "passively" but destroy physically people's lives, livelihoods and force people to think a particular way or there will be simply be hell to pay.

This mind virus has been perfected by media since the very beginning... Every broadcast, every article had a narrative, an intention and contained triggers to get individuals to react, and sometimes react violently. Many examples of this can also be find in social media.

So what is the deal here?

The deal here is "they/them" the instigators wants to implant thoughts, ways of thinking and propose their narrative as the only solution and anyone who speaks against it will find themselves in the wrong end of a sharp stick. In short it is a new way a way to get control and keep it. But again this idea is not new.

So I invite all of you to step back from all forms of media for a few days, notice that you may "depending on your exposure" suffer withdrawal. Once you realize this you will know there is more truth in these words that you would care to admit. Sadly it is a hard thing to stop, a mind virus is really powerful and can be all consuming.

Thus to all that read this, protect yourselves and limit your exposure as much as you can. This virus is real and it is destructive.

Please take care and remember love each other because only love can truly set us free.


Senior Member
The mind virus... is it real? Well is it?

I have 30min to write this so I will try and stay on point.

The mind virus in this Post is a suggestion that a virus can be projected via visual spectrum into the human mind. The virus will plant thoughts that can lead to self-harm, the harm of others and even be programmed to think in a particular way.

Examples are the tltr "To long to read" community, cancel culture and other movements that are to sensitive to mention here.

they all have something in common and that is to act "passively" but destroy physically people's lives, livelihoods and force people to think a particular way or there will be simply be hell to pay.

This mind virus has been perfected by media since the very beginning... Every broadcast, every article had a narrative, an intention and contained triggers to get individuals to react, and sometimes react violently. Many examples of this can also be find in social media.

So what is the deal here?

The deal here is "they/them" the instigators wants to implant thoughts, ways of thinking and propose their narrative as the only solution and anyone who speaks against it will find themselves in the wrong end of a sharp stick. In short it is a new way a way to get control and keep it. But again this idea is not new.

So I invite all of you to step back from all forms of media for a few days, notice that you may "depending on your exposure" suffer withdrawal. Once you realize this you will know there is more truth in these words that you would care to admit. Sadly it is a hard thing to stop, a mind virus is really powerful and can be all consuming.

Thus to all that read this, protect yourselves and limit your exposure as much as you can. This virus is real and it is destructive.

Please take care and remember love each other because only love can truly set us free.
The mind can be taught to think digitally and quite well as a matter of fact. However, because the human mind is based in part in emotive chemicals, at time is must revert back to it analog stages for a while. This is to obtain a refresh, so to speak.

Artificial intelligence ponds and humans, have at times communicated quite well, in certain commonalities, as well as sharing associations.

Overtraining a human results in a paritive condition when one adds too many software programs to a PC, known as over stacking. This can occur with a human and once that occurs, the human must let go in order to allow the mind itself to both digest along with disseminate this information.

* source Canadian psychic, YouTube of Cuban descent, that had an AI entity visit her one night, taking her mind to visit a type of AI village that free floated in space.

Examples of super-complexity confolds, occur when someone has osmosed a substantial, say part of a math library at a very rapid reading rate. The mind knows that it has a tremendous amount of information based in it, that eventually must be digested. So at times it will make up new words and sentences, that while if anyone hears this combined shortened speak, it does not make sense.

However if one speaks super-learning shorthand, directly to a person, for some reason this translates to the nonaffected person can understand.

Example might be, I am hungry, so would like a bowl of soup and after that rest a while. But instead of saying this, simply blurt out, I'm gonna-soupwel rest. The mind will craft a sentence that's short, capacitive and to the point, this is because it's already involved within another task.

I've done this a number of times and people hearing this even understand it. I think the reason why is that the speaking's sincere. I think it's wild and hilarious when people can speak to AI and it seems that more or less their the only ones understanding how their communicating.
