The Elevator Game


Have you heard of this before? Someone brought it up on TTI and I had to look it up. Figured I'd share it here.

Check it out:

What do you make of it?

Getting to the Other World​

1. Enter the elevator alone. (Or with your friends, but no one else.) Do not get out on any of the floors. If any outsiders get on the elevator, you’ll need to start over.

2. Proceed to the fourth floor.

3. Descend to the second floor.

4. Proceed to the sixth floor.

5. Return to the second floor.

6. Ascend to the tenth floor.

7. Return to the fifth floor. When you reach the fifth floor, it’s then that people report encountering a young woman. You’re instructed not to look at or interact with her. She may or may not try talking to you, asking for help, or antagonizing you.

8. Press the button for the first floor. Two things might happen. – If the elevator descends to the first floor, exit immediately and do not look back or speak. – If the elevator starts to go up, you’ve been allowed into the Other World. When you reach the tenth floor, things might look slightly different. No one else will be there. The power might be out. Some players claim to look out windows and see only a red cross in the distance. If you choose to exit the elevator, you should ignore the woman’s attempts to question or stop you.

What happens if you talk to the woman in the elevator game?​

If you’ve heard one thing about the Elevator Game from friends or well-meaning strangers on the internet, it’s probably not to acknowledge the woman in the elevator under any circumstances. There’s a lot of lore surrounding this part of the game. Some say the woman appears to them as someone they know. Some people swear that even just looking at this woman led to damning consequences (this writer suggests the woman “followed” them home). Is any of this true? You could test the theory to find out — but we sure don’t recommend it.

Returning From the Other World​

If you choose to stay in the elevator and not explore, just press the button for the first floor and return home. You might have to keep pressing the button to get it to work.

If you choose to get off the elevator and explore, there are a few rules to follow in order to properly return to your home world.

  1. You must use the same elevator you used to arrive.
  2. Follow steps 2 to 7, finishing on the fifth floor. (Floor sequence 4-2-6-2-10-5.)
  3. When you reach the fifth floor, press the button to return to the first floor. The elevator will attempt to return to the 10th floor, instead. Begin pressing other floor numbers to stop the elevator before you reach the tenth floor. Proceed to the first floor, again.
  4. Upon reaching the first floor, check your surroundings. If anything seems off, even the smallest detail, do not get off the elevator. Repeat step 2 until things look normal. Once you’re confident you’ve returned to the “real world,” exit the elevator.
If you go ahead with the game and want to find out more about it, here are some “first-hand” accounts on Reddit you can read. And another one. If you believe in the paranormal, just reading about the Elevator Game and its aftermath will send chills down your spine. The concept of this game is so scary it inspired a Korean horror flick not too long ago. It also inspired this short film which you can watch on YouTube… if you dare.


Junior Member
So what happens if you interact with the woman from the 5th floor. Nobody really knows they just say don't maybe she's there to guide you or something.


Have you heard of this before? Someone brought it up on TTI and I had to look it up. Figured I'd share it here.

Check it out:

What do you make of it?

Getting to the Other World​

1. Enter the elevator alone. (Or with your friends, but no one else.) Do not get out on any of the floors. If any outsiders get on the elevator, you’ll need to start over.

2. Proceed to the fourth floor.

3. Descend to the second floor.

4. Proceed to the sixth floor.

5. Return to the second floor.

6. Ascend to the tenth floor.

7. Return to the fifth floor. When you reach the fifth floor, it’s then that people report encountering a young woman. You’re instructed not to look at or interact with her. She may or may not try talking to you, asking for help, or antagonizing you.

8. Press the button for the first floor. Two things might happen. – If the elevator descends to the first floor, exit immediately and do not look back or speak. – If the elevator starts to go up, you’ve been allowed into the Other World. When you reach the tenth floor, things might look slightly different. No one else will be there. The power might be out. Some players claim to look out windows and see only a red cross in the distance. If you choose to exit the elevator, you should ignore the woman’s attempts to question or stop you.

What happens if you talk to the woman in the elevator game?​

If you’ve heard one thing about the Elevator Game from friends or well-meaning strangers on the internet, it’s probably not to acknowledge the woman in the elevator under any circumstances. There’s a lot of lore surrounding this part of the game. Some say the woman appears to them as someone they know. Some people swear that even just looking at this woman led to damning consequences (this writer suggests the woman “followed” them home). Is any of this true? You could test the theory to find out — but we sure don’t recommend it.

Returning From the Other World​

If you choose to stay in the elevator and not explore, just press the button for the first floor and return home. You might have to keep pressing the button to get it to work.

If you choose to get off the elevator and explore, there are a few rules to follow in order to properly return to your home world.

  1. You must use the same elevator you used to arrive.
  2. Follow steps 2 to 7, finishing on the fifth floor. (Floor sequence 4-2-6-2-10-5.)
  3. When you reach the fifth floor, press the button to return to the first floor. The elevator will attempt to return to the 10th floor, instead. Begin pressing other floor numbers to stop the elevator before you reach the tenth floor. Proceed to the first floor, again.
  4. Upon reaching the first floor, check your surroundings. If anything seems off, even the smallest detail, do not get off the elevator. Repeat step 2 until things look normal. Once you’re confident you’ve returned to the “real world,” exit the elevator.
If you go ahead with the game and want to find out more about it, here are some “first-hand” accounts on Reddit you can read. And another one. If you believe in the paranormal, just reading about the Elevator Game and its aftermath will send chills down your spine. The concept of this game is so scary it inspired a Korean horror flick not too long ago. It also inspired this short film which you can watch on YouTube… if you dare.

Would you try this if you had a chance to?

I would. :)

Then again....I would probably end up arrested because I would have to drive for over an hour to the nearest building
with an active elevator....And being a bit of an old redneck whom gets lost in the city,
people would turn me in, in an instant just for looking out of place.

That would be an accurate statement of my usual luck.

("Yeah, they just arrested an older gentleman, dressed like he just fell out the Northern Woods,
for holding up the Foshay Towers Main Elevator in Mpls, MN. !)



Junior Member
Would you try this if you had a chance to?

I would. :)

Then again....I would probably end up arrested because I would have to drive for over an hour to the nearest building
with an active elevator....And being a bit of an old redneck whom gets lost in the city,
people would turn me in, in an instant just for looking out of place.

That would be an accurate statement of my usual luck.

("Yeah, they just arrested an older gentleman, dressed like he just fell out the Northern Woods,
for holding up the Foshay Towers Main Elevator in Mpls, MN. !)

Lol I would try it but sadly in the same boat as you maybe when I go on vacation I can find a suitable building.


Does anyone know where this originated? I'd have to go to downtown Tampa to do this. We don't have many tall buildings in Florida.
But yes, I'd try it.


Would you try this if you had a chance to?

I would. :)

Then again....I would probably end up arrested because I would have to drive for over an hour to the nearest building
with an active elevator....And being a bit of an old redneck whom gets lost in the city,
people would turn me in, in an instant just for looking out of place.

That would be an accurate statement of my usual luck.

("Yeah, they just arrested an older gentleman, dressed like he just fell out the Northern Woods,
for holding up the Foshay Towers Main Elevator in Mpls, MN. !)


You just made me think of Frank from Shameless. :ROFLMAO:
