The Fantastic Galactic Source of Planet Warming

Max X

Junior Member
The perks of delightful planet warming

The fact of the matter is that on this green/blue planet of ours we desperately need the warm weather especially in northern and extreme southern countries.

As many of you know already there is no such a thing as man made global warming: that is a fabrication, with Al Gore as their spokesperson, a crafty lie to eventually concoct a worldwide tax.

Yet that won’t happen.

The increase in planet warmth is the result of the hyper activity of both the Central Sun of the Galaxy and by proxy the ecstasy and cosmological affection manifested in our sweet Sun, highly populated by advanced souls, on earth perceived as solar flares, storms, coronal mass ejections, solar winds, and sun spots all gracefully and deliberately implemented for the benefit of the freedom loving people of the world and the agony and distress of the so-called cabal, who are aware of what is really going on.

Therefore we all must be very pleased knowing that both our central and local sun are working hard to deliver us from evil and the instruments of malevolence who pretend to bind and enslave both the USA and the whole planet.

Cheers for the increase of global temperature: it is all sacred originated and for the benefit freedom and joy of the whole human race.


Global warming is real, man made and was NOT made up by Al Gore.

Central Galaxy sun emitting ecstasy manifested solar winds by advanced souls..... What?

If your into rising sea levels, acidification of the seas and desertification then sure "Hooray for global warming!".


Temporal Engineer
Global warming is real, man made and was NOT made up by Al Gore.

Central Galaxy sun emitting ecstasy manifested solar winds by advanced souls..... What?

If your into rising sea levels, acidification of the seas and desertification then sure "Hooray for global warming!".

You can believe that if you like. But the fact is that it is all political propaganda. If you do some research on the subject, you will find that mankind has no influence on the warming and cooling cycles of the planet. All of that is governed by the cycles our Sun goes through periodically.


Junior Member
I agree global warming is not man made. I dunno about the rest of what the OP is referring to, such as Sun flares and coronal ejections being souls...definitely a new spin on things.


I've done the research. It is a scientific fact and the evidence can be seen in the current climate. This isn't politics it is widely accepted in the scientific community.

Yes there are solar cycles but the extent of the warming is influenced by man. Can you honestly say that the cumulative effects of burning billions of gallons of petroleum has no effect on the earth?


Temporal Engineer
I've done the research. It is a scientific fact and the evidence can be seen in the current climate. This isn't politics it is widely accepted in the scientific community.

Yes there are solar cycles but the extent of the warming is influenced by man. Can you honestly say that the cumulative effects of burning billions of gallons of petroleum has no effect on the earth?

Yes I can. The scientific community will not stand behind you on this. The warming started 500 years ago. That can not be attributed to man. You forget the rain forests that we are continuously removing. If anything, by cutting down the forests, we are contributing to cooling down the planet. It seems no matter how much we pollute, mother nature seems to clean it up.


Yes I can. The scientific community will not stand behind you on this. The warming started 500 years ago. That can not be attributed to man. You forget the rain forests that we are continuously removing. If anything, by cutting down the forests, we are contributing to cooling down the planet. It seems no matter how much we pollute, mother nature seems to clean it up.

We must belong to different scientific communities. How about a few sources:

National Geographic: Global Warming Fast Facts

EPA: Causes of Climate Change | Climate Change | US EPA

NY times 1/8/12

Cutting down the rainforest does not cool the planet in the long run. It's like cutting off your finger because you broke a bone. Sure you can get back into the game faster but you'll never get back the finger which may effect your long term game performance.

Deforestation only allows radiant heat to bounce back into space. Sure it has a net cooling effect. Now you have a useless desert, altered rainfall patterns and thousands of extinct species.

Let's use another analogy to tackle the "world adapts" stance. Let's say I have a drum of nuclear waste. I decide the easy way of disposing of it is to dump it into the ocean. Is this moral? Sure the vast ocean will dilute it and it will settle under sand. But shouldn't we have the moral obligation to limit our impact on the ecology and protect the only home we have for future generations?

This cop out that the world adapts, pisses me off. No one wants to change their ways and invest in best practices and sustainable living. It's ignorance and laziness that fuel this thinking. IMO.

Not everything is a conspiracy. Some dangers are very real. Unfortunately with this real and present danger it will probably be too little too late. And regardless of political views, we all lose.


Temporal Engineer
Yes I can. The scientific community will not stand behind you on this. The warming started 500 years ago. That can not be attributed to man. You forget the rain forests that we are continuously removing. If anything, by cutting down the forests, we are contributing to cooling down the planet. It seems no matter how much we pollute, mother nature seems to clean it up.

We must belong to different scientific communities. How about a few sources:

National Geographic: Global Warming Fast Facts

EPA: Causes of Climate Change | Climate Change | US EPA

NY times 1/8/12

Cutting down the rainforest does not cool the planet in the long run. It's like cutting off your finger because you broke a bone. Sure you can get back into the game faster but you'll never get back the finger which may effect your long term game performance.

Deforestation only allows radiant heat to bounce back into space. Sure it has a net cooling effect. Now you have a useless desert, altered rainfall patterns and thousands of extinct species.

Let's use another analogy to tackle the "world adapts" stance. Let's say I have a drum of nuclear waste. I decide the easy way of disposing of it is to dump it into the ocean. Is this moral? Sure the vast ocean will dilute it and it will settle under sand. But shouldn't we have the moral obligation to limit our impact on the ecology and protect the only home we have for future generations?

This cop out that the world adapts, pisses me off. No one wants to change their ways and invest in best practices and sustainable living. It's ignorance and laziness that fuel this thinking. IMO.

Not everything is a conspiracy. Some dangers are very real. Unfortunately with this real and present danger it will probably be too little too late. And regardless of political views, we all lose.

We both agree that there is global warming. But we disagree as to the cause. There is the geological record on my side. And scientists worldwide are with me on this as well. But all I see on your side is political propaganda. Did you even look at the scientific facts I posted that also are in conflict with the political propaganda? Perhaps you work for the government. And you wish to spread their lies.


The site you posted is not an unbiased source either my friend. My concerns have nothing to do with government propaganda. My concerns are for the planet, my well being and that of future of man.
