The Finsrud Device


Senior Member
☀️ Zenith
The Finsrud Device

I was watching a show on the Discovery Channel the other day and it was about supposed perpetual motion devices. All the machines they showed were debunked, but this one machine seemed real enough. It's called the Finsrud device and basically this ball rolls around a track which has a segment that's lifted up or down by some kind of swinging magnetic apparatus.

I think I remember them saying they locked the machine in a vault or something for a few months, and when they opened it back up the thing was still going! :huh:

Not sure what to make of it... It's currently on display in a museum somewhere. You can read more about it here.
Re: The Finsrud Device

I think I've seen it. It was made by a Professor in Sweden or Norway I believe. His model kept going for 20 years.

Re: The Finsrud Device

20 YEARS? Woah... I thought it was only a few months or something. I wish I knew where to find a video of it for you guys; It's pretty fascinating to watch it.

Re: The Finsrud Device

there is perpetual motion. Throw a baseball in deep space. As long as you don't throw it toward a planet or something, it should continue forever. Now try harvesting energy from this without slowing it down.

Seriously though, wouldn't the pendulum slow down because of the resistance of magnetically pushing something?

why not have a gallon of water sealed in an extream pressure container. now heat it with a small electrical heater. Since pressure causes heat, and heat causes pressure, you could use the heat from this to power the heating element, plus more. Propetual motion of electrical current.
Re: The Finsrud Device

No, the energy would eventually degrade to nothing as there is a loss in the conversion processes. Great theory but it still amounts to magic beans.
Re: The Finsrud Device

Show us some more, a person who can invent perpetual motion can take digital video documentation and upload it ffs...
Re: The Finsrud Device

Have seen a pendulum, I think it was at the Natural History or the Science museum in London, which kept swinging due to the Earth rotating.

Is this thing using the same force to keep going ? If so the energy to be gained would be quite small, would scaling it up make any difference ?

Excuse the harsh post previous, don't know what was the matter with me that night, can not even remember writing it ??
