The God Gene

Gnostic Christian

Active Member
Have you ever heard of this?

I just read about it a few days ago, never thought such a thing existed or was possible.

What do you think? Is it possible?
Nice find.

They have just recognized our common substance dualism.

No big deal.

For our substance needs, political needs, we give responsibility for our health to reality and the governments.

For our less substantial consciousness side, spiritual side to some, we give responsibility to some god.

Substance dualism and evolution, will have our DNA have use know, when born, that we are the fittest of our line, physically.

Substance dualism and evolution also have use think we also have a god potential within each of us.

Some, like Jesus, have asked, have ye forgotten that ye are gods?

Most have, but not Gnostic Christians.

The title is misleading but this may add.



Junior Member
My view of such reductionist materialism is going to appear often in these threads! It is another ad hoc ludicrous idea. I put it in the same category as the "psychic RH negative blood" or the "gay gene". Genetics is so complex that there's no way that you could link a gene to paranormal or psychic abilities.

Can someone please invent a CRISPR product first that can cure my psoriasis? That involves about 10 genes. Then start dealing with paranormal genes. Cure me first! :)

Gnostic Christian

Active Member
My view of such reductionist materialism is going to appear often in these threads! It is another ad hoc ludicrous idea. I put it in the same category as the "psychic RH negative blood" or the "gay gene". Genetics is so complex that there's no way that you could link a gene to paranormal or psychic abilities.

Can someone please invent a CRISPR product first that can cure my psoriasis? That involves about 10 genes. Then start dealing with paranormal genes. Cure me first! :)

If not genes, where does gayness come from?

As to paranormal or psychic abilities, if genes control our thinking, which it does to some large extent, then our genes, --- by default, --- would control paranormal and psychic abilities.

I speak of the real world here and not including anything supernatural.

To think the supernatural is real is foolish.

We are to learn from our substance dualism. Not let it make us stupid.



Junior Member
Um, sexual orientation can have societal influences? Or some chemical correlations such as more testosterone in the womb? To try to simplify it to a gay gene is pretty silly surely.

There is so much that I could say here. For a start ideas of psychic "ability" are complex. There are different paradigms of "ability". Most people think of Nostradamus or the woman on the TV show Medium. But there are other ways; some people have no abilities but they attract psychic experiences to them. In that case no psychic gene or paranormal gene or God gene is needed. I'm a bit like that. I would never call myself psychic. But I attract such experiences.


Being gay should just be a product of the outcome of past experiences. Why does no one get this? Honestly. It's like saying that karma is a product of the things you do and spend your time around, not to mention who you invest your time into. It just puts out what you put in. Kind of the same thing, same concept, and the same principle.


Temporal Engineer
My view of such reductionist materialism is going to appear often in these threads! It is another ad hoc ludicrous idea. I put it in the same category as the "psychic RH negative blood" or the "gay gene". Genetics is so complex that there's no way that you could link a gene to paranormal or psychic abilities.

Can someone please invent a CRISPR product first that can cure my psoriasis? That involves about 10 genes. Then start dealing with paranormal genes. Cure me first! :)

10 times out 10 point to you as being the source of your ailment and not your genes. I would suggest you study nutrition first and make appropriate changes to your diet. I have a paranormal gene and I don't want to mess with that.


10 times out 10 point to you as being the source of your ailment and not your genes. I would suggest you study nutrition first and make appropriate changes to your diet. I have a paranormal gene and I don't want to mess with that.
I don't know what's so hard to grasp about that.

EDIT: Like there is no sexual orientation/attraction gene.

Gnostic Christian

Active Member
Um, sexual orientation can have societal influences? Or some chemical correlations such as more testosterone in the womb? To try to simplify it to a gay gene is pretty silly surely.

Your first is correct, but irrelevant to the cause of gayness.

To your last.

Then you are silly as you have done just that.

Those are under DNA control.

