The Grays


Senior Member
1. Not EVERYONE who has encountered them thinks they are here for Diabolical reasons......
2. The Grays do not have their own agenda, they are workers of higher races, very few reports have ever stated they worked with the Grays them self's, rather a different species mainly the nordics tend to be the puppeteers.
3. The Antonio Vilas Boas case (1957) was the first to gain wide spread attention, then the Betty and barney hill case picked up the speed of the phenomenon and made it main stream.

Not a fan of this Fear monger video Opmmur, sorry my friend.


Time Travel Professor
Very good point BlastTyrant, I found it a little different view then
other videos posted on the internet, but interested.


Physically, the grays don't seem imposing at all. Its like you could wipe them away with one swipe of your arm. But they do have strong mental powers apparently and can get into our minds. That's the problem. The lizards who control them seem more of a threat with a commanding physical presence to go along with their hypnotic mind power. And many of their warriors are said to be 8 to 9 feet tall. I believe we should learn to differentiate between which extraterrestrials or aliens are friendly and which are not. There is a lot more out there than grays(tall greys and short grays) and lizards. And what of the inner Earth people? Are we going to believe in extraterrestrials, but not the inner Earth people?. Many of them are said to be much bigger than us, with much longer lifespans. Have they not been friendly towards us? Shouldn't we be forming alliances and friendships with them as Cezar Brad and others have done and are doing? Wouldn't that do much to mitigate the attempted control by the illuminati and their lizard overlords? Would it benefit us to look at the bright side of things and consider the possibilities?


Senior Member
To opmmur:
Thanks for posting this mini movie.

To BT:
I do not like the grays. They do not ask us for permission. Reminds me of a crook that does not care.


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
Humans experiment on animals all the time...Is it cruel when we do? What if that's all the Grays are doing with humans? I think we have the capabilities of destroying our own planet and race all by ourselves; surely a race of higher intelligence could wipe us all out if they wanted...Maybe there are other motives...


It's pretty obvious that if they wanted to destroy us, we wouldn't be here today.

I'm not quite sure why they might want to infiltrate us. Maybe to control us for their own benefit? Not sure.

Perhaps we're part of a zoo. Sometimes we notice them when they maintain the place.


Senior Member
Hi poison:

Ah, you are right, they are more intelligent than us. I feel like a puppy.

Please understand that I grew up om a farm raising many animals - no pigs. People around us had chickens, ducks, and geese. Also, there were horses, sheep. goats, and cows. I have no problem drinking milk or eating eggs. However, killing animals is something I do not enjoy. Like you grow attached to them and they become pets in a way. Dad refused to allow us to give animals names.

I talked to a Nordic about this and he said - you are like me. He also grew up on a farm and they have cows. That came as a shock to me. Also, he told me that they can grow a lot of earth type crops. Wonder how this can be, but they do not like killing other creatures and hate the grays.

Charles Hall spoke about how the tall white aliens see our world as a cold wet misery. Basically, one place where every day is a different shade of gray. However, he did not get to visit their home world and see how they are.

He says that another group he calls the Norwegians are from Barnard’s Star - six light years away. Nordic aliens come from a cold planet near us.

I remember one planet had an orange sun. There I was next to a broken beach made of black basaltic lava ridges shaped into rugged peaks lashed by an angry sea. It had cold blue water and white cap waves. Far off in the distance you could see chunks of ice.

A bitter cold wind stung my eyes. Oh wow, this bleak landscape was totally devoid of trees, flowers, or any grass. It reminded me of Ellesmere Island in a way.

Those aliens claim that we are lucky to live in a jungle with a warm ocean.

