The Mandela Effect


New Member
The Mandela Effect is a naturally occurring phenomenon that is a result of time travelers changing the history of any given world line. Basically, whenever a time traveler causes a world line split, think of one offshoot as a dominant line and the other as recessive. The Mandela Effect happens whenever you remember some history from the recessive world line. For example, I don’t know if any of you have noticed, but the flag of the USSR just changed. That holo star wasn’t there before.


New Member
Ok, no i havent heard of that. Wonder if we could somehow find a pic @Ayaki-Hiraoka of that flag change.
If you mean that you want a recording of the exact moment of the flag changing, that’d be impossible. Here is a very simple explanation of how the Mandela Effect works. Think of world lines like data. Some data can be overwritten, then that data can be overwritten, then that can be overwritten, etc. Infinite. When this happens, there is a world line split. And when there is a world line split, your subconscious has to pick which world line is the “correct” one. (Now, this involuntary interaction has sparked some debate on whether or not we actually have free will, but that’s a story for another day.) This choice happens instantaneously. The Mandela Effect is your subconscious choosing where to reside. This is why we call one bifurcation a dominant line and the other bifurcation a recessive line. The path that your subconscious picks is considered the dominant line. So, because it is an involuntary instantaneous choice, it is literally impossible to record.


Senior Member
I dont see it like that at all. This is just unproven parroting. Understand a path being a possible interaction, thats just my take on it. Cheers for your input.

find a pic


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
A few years ago, I heard of news that Steven Segal had died - of a heart attack, I think. I even remember a meme floating around the internet about it. Then maybe a year ago, I saw Steven giving an interview on RT. He was alive and well and living in Russia. I couldn't believe it, I was sure he had died! I began asking everyone, "Didn't he die? I swore he was dead!" I got a little pissed, to be honest. No one remembers but me. It was probably just an internet rumor that I naively bought into without checking it out for myself, and never found out it wasn't true. I wonder how much of the Mandela Effect can be attributed to "fake news".


Junior Member
The Mandela Effect is a naturally occurring phenomenon that is a result of time travelers changing the history of any given world line. Basically, whenever a time traveler causes a world line split, think of one offshoot as a dominant line and the other as recessive. The Mandela Effect happens whenever you remember some history from the recessive world line. For example, I don’t know if any of you have noticed, but the flag of the USSR just changed. That holo star wasn’t there before.
Seems like you're from the same timeline as me
However, there are many other phenomena also which might also happen, things such as memory holes, gaslighting and mass editings of somewhat obscure materials like online as social experimentation. This does not explain all the mandela effect cases, faulty memory does explain some but in some cases, that doesn't apply either.

I remember playing a game demo and after playing it again realized it was different in certain parts. The game is obscure enough that it could have been a dream I had before and the memory of me playing that different version might have been a dream, because I don't know anyone else who had that experience. Meanwhile with things like Australia moving closer to Japan on the map, such things might be more difficult to explain. Was it always like that? Were the maps made badly before? A laboratory in New Zealand working on large colliders and some time experiment and then that country moving places? Ofcourse you can write it all off as some nonsense or faulty memory. But when it happens to you and you get this odd feeling, well maybe it just might be something.
