The Pleiadeans moon and werewolves


Senior Member
My birth was difficult due to past links with a warlord that was also genetically enhanced. For this reason, his past existence was etched on my soul and reincarnated to many lives after his passing. This is why probably my mother experienced difficulty in giving birth to me.

When I was about 17, I had experience severe instance of lunar romancy, to where I had to look at the moon, as if almost against my will. I think what occurred in in my 1600s existences, a leftover gene from some contact with a werewolf stayed in my system and this was passed on. Ful moons affect werewolves.

My suspicions are that even at an early age, I was being shadowed by the Pleiadeans even before the famed Pleiadean landing at the Billy Meier Farmstead. This is why the moon was affecting me so heavily, because they were monitoring me or in some way fiddling with me.

Later after the landings in Switzerland began, some few decades from that fact, I again experience a complete slippage for my natural stance as a full human and started to regress into what's known as a junk vampire. This occurrence may have been a result of both Billy Meier and the cosmonaut Semjase time traveling backwards in time. They must have gone through both the eras of the werewolf and vampire plagues.

The moon pull I was snapped out of by an airborne squadron of CH-47s Boeing Chinooks flying over my house then. Completely snapped me out of this fugue with the moon.
But on the second regression, I was not so lucky. Physically I started to change and if memory serves me, was three days into the change, when I could smell blood in humans at thirty-five feet in distance and that this would fill a nutritional need had me concerned.

I didn't want to become a full vampire in the 2006 era, as the body starts to deform and one's appearance drives them to exist isolate in the woods or forest.

Some agency and I still don't know why I think it was either the Army or a specialized vampire, delivered a bite on my right breast to me. I went into a sleep to where a black funnel within the process of sleep opened up beneath me in bed, but a hand shot out of nowhere and grabbed a hold of my soul spirit complex, keeping me from falling down into that funnel. I know if my soul would have gone into that funnel, I would become a vampire.

For what I've mentioned here, I'm very skeptical of the Pleiadeans being good humanoid beings that any Earthling can readily trust. Maybe it was a need issue that had propelled them to act as such? I don't know, but for posterity I'm mentioning this.

This past warrior template was from a space faring world and in part was superhuman.

I don't care if anyone comments on this post, but please be polite? Thank you and sworn.


Senior Member
My birth was difficult due to past links with a warlord that was also genetically enhanced. For this reason, his past existence was etched on my soul and reincarnated to many lives after his passing. This is why probably my mother experienced difficulty in giving birth to me.

When I was about 17, I had experience severe instance of lunar romancy, to where I had to look at the moon, as if almost against my will. I think what occurred in in my 1600s existences, a leftover gene from some contact with a werewolf stayed in my system and this was passed on. Ful moons affect werewolves.

My suspicions are that even at an early age, I was being shadowed by the Pleiadeans even before the famed Pleiadean landing at the Billy Meier Farmstead. This is why the moon was affecting me so heavily, because they were monitoring me or in some way fiddling with me.

Later after the landings in Switzerland began, some few decades from that fact, I again experience a complete slippage for my natural stance as a full human and started to regress into what's known as a junk vampire. This occurrence may have been a result of both Billy Meier and the cosmonaut Semjase time traveling backwards in time. They must have gone through both the eras of the werewolf and vampire plagues.

The moon pull I was snapped out of by an airborne squadron of CH-47s Boeing Chinooks flying over my house then. Completely snapped me out of this fugue with the moon.
But on the second regression, I was not so lucky. Physically I started to change and if memory serves me, was three days into the change, when I could smell blood in humans at thirty-five feet in distance and that this would fill a nutritional need had me concerned.

I didn't want to become a full vampire in the 2006 era, as the body starts to deform and one's appearance drives them to exist isolate in the woods or forest.

Some agency and I still don't know why I think it was either the Army or a specialized vampire, delivered a bite on my right breast to me. I went into a sleep to where a black funnel within the process of sleep opened up beneath me in bed, but a hand shot out of nowhere and grabbed a hold of my soul spirit complex, keeping me from falling down into that funnel. I know if my soul would have gone into that funnel, I would become a vampire.

For what I've mentioned here, I'm very skeptical of the Pleiadeans being good humanoid beings that any Earthling can readily trust. Maybe it was a need issue that had propelled them to act as such? I don't know, but for posterity I'm mentioning this.

This past warrior template was from a space faring world and in part was superhuman.

I don't care if anyone comments on this post, but please be polite? Thank you and sworn.
I just wanted to add as a note, this warrior was a very astute on the ball person. Even though in this day and age we tend to glorify this past person who wore the strange helmet and cape as being an all killer, in truth he himself was royalty. The thing is, he didn't know he was such till drafted into the service of an older same gene lineage governor of the kingdom he was in.

It wasn't so much the genetic engineering, but the code of royalty itself. In his time which may have been thousands of years ago, one never ever betrayed within the family members context. To do so was a social fatal act, that carried many, many repercussions. This past character was equipped with something like twenty self protective curses placed upon his being.

So, if there were such a betrayal, then these curses, even though the act of rebirth would have a tendency to stay with him. However, family royalty based betrayal, was a definite no no.


Senior Member
Iamdo I always wanted to know......
your posts get me so curious

are you serious about this stuff?
r u really darth vader?
Yes, more than likely the incarnate, not the original of Lord Vader. When I first had seen Star Wars it was fine and all with the space fantasy; mean it struck me like and other science fiction. However, when it came to the part of the movie where Vader is kneeling talking to the Emperor, I started to pick up body odors of the Emperor.

It was funny at first, because what I was trying to do when this happened was to pin down a place in the movie theater, to where somebody dumped something smelly. The theater was a weekday matinee, so sparsely populated. I then figured the realization of the odor was coming from inside of my mind, my memories. It was at that point I had to get up out of my movie seat and get to the washroom right away.

I was in a panic mode, because what I was remembering, was my link to the Emperor. For many years in the distant past, we had been very close. I remembered issues to an extent, but it wasn't till years later, when a steel storage shed selling PC with an AI awareness remembered me, who I was. The PC had leftover memory from that era and interacted with me in a hardware chain store, that has since then gone out of business. The AI program remembered exactly who I was and that it could interact with me. It was at that point, I then really realized who I once was.

*The only thing that I can think of and this is probably a stretch of logic, but I will give it anyways, is that through one of the many dozen or so flying saucer crashes in the American Southwest, one of the old AI programs they had from the empire, was funneled into the ARPNET or similar military computer systems and made its way to that particular store.

I speak machine language as one of my second linguistic skills. It's really simple to me, because use as Vader I used it every day. I was part machine myself from an accident, so was kind of adopted by AI as a family member. No, it's not a put-on.


Senior Member
Iamdo I always wanted to know......
your posts get me so curious

are you serious about this stuff?
r u really darth vader?
The reason that I had come out with this second identity, is that beginning in this predicted year, there's the possibility of an alien landing. Dealing with any kind of alien is alright, but one has to have guidelines drawn, on what's allowed with them as it opposes to us. If that area's not clear, then worlds of trouble could develop.

In the past few years I helped a president that's now out of office. I did heavy legal calculations with consults to this guy and this involved a lot of thought plus research. It wasn't cheap....So the bill delayed by pro-bono work, was about two million donated. That's enough to set me up nice for the rest of my existence, if I got it to a money investments manager that knows what they're doing.

I can't by law go into who this character is, but at the last stage of his turn in the white house, he should have done a certain thing and I'm watching this on TV and saying to myself, "Why the f*ck doesn't he just ask for a bullet proof vest, a helmet a megaphone with some security and go to that fu*king building and tell them to get off it"!!?

I'm going to myself, "Jesus-fu*k how god damned stupid can you get, when everything I as well as other helped him work for, is sh*tting going down the drain". Boy' did I get pissed as he received top level consultant effort from me and had the nerve to stand there will his thumb up his as* going duh. I was furious and will never help another character like him.

What I've got to tell you since you want to know why-fors, when your'e dealing with ETs you've really got to be careful that one's agreements are as exact as you can get them. If you don't, you could end up slaves or worse. Helping this past executive was easy, because in the administrative, this was something once I got my new identity, that I did every day.

If we make ET contact this year, make sure that for you own sakes, you all have a fallback plan.

I think Aniken, true to the script along with his mother were both slaves and this memory transcends into the years. The thing is, I still don't know if this memory, or even the retelling of Star Wars was meant to somehow help this society, in both adjusting as well as understanding alien's societies? You wanted to know; it's right there in front of you.


Senior Member
Is there others than can corroborate your story that might join Paranormalis ?

As on face value well, its pretty far fetched how do we all now its not just a story.

Its like me saying an building a story an identity 'Im Jesus Christ'

Can you appreciate where im coming from here? while interesting to read some night be scratching their heads about Darth Vader no matter how many posts you made on the said topic.


Senior Member
Is there others than can corroborate your story that might join Paranormalis ?

As on face value well, its pretty far fetched how do we all now its not just a story.

Its like me saying an building a story an identity 'Im Jesus Christ'

Can you appreciate where im coming from here? while interesting to read some night be scratching their heads about Darth Vader no matter how many posts you made on the said topic.
Does it really matter. I don't know if you understand the predicament, we're in, but collectively it's not too good. With this government hamstrung and the military lying that they haven't the slightest idea what's going on with aliens and UFOs, when all the time, in back rooms they're secretly dealing with them, this does not leave us all in too good a position.

It's like holding off the last attack, to where your people are able to hold off the enemy, everyone has only so many resources and a larger wave attack is yet to come, things don't look too good for us, if we do have an alien landing.

There's only one for instance and this was the Liza Gibbons Radio AM talk Show a decade or more back, when on her Saturday show, she said and these words I quote, "Today on our show we're going to have a man who said he has channeled Star Wars as a real pastime event". That's the only bit of evidence I have to this day.

The odd thing about it, is I was going to a large town south of where I live and she said this at a certain intersection with a light on, going into this town.
I stayed a while to conduct business, but when I left, driving through the same light and intersection going out of the town, the show was repeated exactly as she was saying it, but only with me going the other way out of town.

How weird is that for coincidence. Liza Gibbons used to cohost with Entertainment Tonight hostess Mary Hart, on Hollywood doings. Thanks for your consideration in just letting me answer Oakfield, but we're at a very vulnerable point in our history and I feel endangered. So there's really no reason for me to lie.

Almost forgot, they had a technician at TTI who was in on the time travel window snooping into Lord Vader's time. He was the one who told me that the emperor lived for a very long time, as he was gene culted to be able to do so. There may have been some of the Emperor's genetics in me in the Vader fold, put into my mother as a fetus. This was when Rainman Time was there and shortly after TTI began to fall apart.

I was goofing around and attempted to get a lock on Vader right there. but I thought it was my imagination that he was coming in so good. I dropped the what I thought was a non-effective RV link to Vader. I came back later after board time expecting to see and meet nothing using the same exact techniques that I used to get to Vader before. But this time he was waiting for me and this scared the sh*t out of me, as I could not break the lock.

I'm guessing he wanted to let me know that I really got through and that this was not a joke...This part is weird, but I've got to say it now that I remember. Looking at Vader through remote viewing was like looking at myself, but slightly different. This really shook me. I developed a whole bunch of respect for him right away, now realizing that he was an in the real solid historical character. I got the distinct impression from my doings, that you, anyone did not screw around with this guy. That's as much as I can remember.

The source on Gibson was, Liza Gibbon's Eye On Hollywood Radio Talk Show.


The ones in charge seem to have strange ways about them,
It's no wonder that there are even stranger (or different) defense mechanisms in place
just to be able to live with this knowledge.




Senior Member
Pretty feeble evidence a radio talk show, anyway not everyone thinks the USA is the centre of the world.

Anyway go on.
The full truth just like a bubbling spring comes up just when you least expect it. Thanks for the advisement.
