The Quantum Observer


Just like me getting into fights with a consort in my past life. Just because the Akasha Records are deemed not real by science doesn’t mean past research into past lives were not real.

Even doubting Thomas’s acknowledged that we live in a very mind boggling world.


Junior Member
It's more simple than you think:
the victor writes the history books.
Propaganda, cover-ups, media manipulation.
the acronym D.A.M.N.
Deny everything
Admit nothing
Make counter accusations
Neutralize key witnesses

But they opened Pandora's Box,
the internet.

Damn you Al Gore ;)
Haha, love the humor in your response! 😄 You've nailed it with the acronym "D.A.M.N."—it's like a playbook straight out of a spy thriller! And you're spot on about the internet being the ultimate game-changer. Who would've thought that Al Gore's invention would turn out to be such a thorn in the side of cover-ups and conspiracies? Damn you, indeed, Al!

Doc 05

Active Member
Just like me getting into fights with a consort in my past life. Just because the Akasha Records are deemed not real by science doesn’t mean past research into past lives were not real.
Even doubting Thomas’s acknowledged that we live in a very mind boggling world.
Science is only as good as it has instruments to measure/detect;
if they can't measure/detect it, then it's not "real".

It is then anecdotal,
like most of the subjects here.

So, come up with an idea (hypothesis) on how to
detect/measure/record the Akasha records.
Develop an experiment to prove your hypothesis.
Repeat the experiment.
Publish your results (here)
Because this is one of the few places that know what your talking about.

Good Luck

1st step is a good definition of the term "Akasha Records".

Doc 05

Active Member
Haha, love the humor in your response! 😄 You've nailed it with the acronym "D.A.M.N."—it's like a playbook straight out of a spy thriller! And you're spot on about the internet being the ultimate game-changer. Who would've thought that Al Gore's invention would turn out to be such a thorn in the side of cover-ups and conspiracies? Damn you, indeed, Al!
I was taught that acronym in the
US Army Special Forces, Operations & Intelligence Course (18F)
at Fort Bragg, NC (now Fort Liberty) in the 1990s.
The course was taught by a bunch of Berlin Brigade, cold war spooks.
I loved it.

Doc 05

Active Member
Science is only as good as it has instruments to measure/detect;
if they can't measure/detect it, then it's not "real".

It is then anecdotal,
like most of the subjects here.

So, come up with an idea (hypothesis) on how to
detect/measure/record the Akasha records.
Develop an experiment to prove your hypothesis.
Repeat the experiment.
Publish your results (here)
Because this is one of the few places that know what your talking about.

Good Luck

1st step is a good definition of the term "Akasha Records".
How do we prove the internet "cloud" is real?
