🎲 Forum Game The Smile Challenge


Active Member
So.. Loopi's Beard growing got me reminiscing about my previous beards, and the absurd treatment people sometimes show towards others.. So my game is this.. Smile at a stranger today. Smile at 2 strangers. Just pay attention to their reactions. A lot of times people will give you a repulsed look. It's really odd. I used to think it was me, but after some social experiments with others, I realized it wasn't. People just always think that you have an ulterior motive to smile at them. So start smiling at strangers and record their reactions.
When I smile at my boss at work....she just looks at me and says "Thank you". It kinda freaks me out. Who says thank you to a smile these days?

In July I moved to Texas from South Orange County, California. In O.C. I could smile at people when I passed them, but they generally pretended they didn't see me or just ignored me. Now I'm in a country town just south of Ft. Worth, Texas. People here often smile at me first and say hello too. People here are definitely more friendly than those in Southern California. Many Californians where I was from were stuck up.

I did my homework J. The girl immediately looked away. The gentleman smiled back. Atleast I'm not lossing my sex appeal, or maybe I should try a different part of town. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Also try a similiar game. Flip-off an old person. Some just skoff and move on. Others will do it back (which is HILARIOUS)
I did my homework J. The girl immediately looked away. The gentleman smiled back. Atleast I'm not lossing my sex appeal, or maybe I should try a different part of town. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Also try a similiar game. Flip-off an old person. Some just skoff and move on. Others will do it back (which is HILARIOUS)
Another similar-similar game is where we would walk up to someone and say, "Hello Mr. or Mrs. Smith", shake their hand, and carry on a conversation with them. "How have you been or how is the family?" It is amazing what a group of guys and a few beers can do.
Also try a similiar game. Flip-off an old person...

Excuse me. What is the purpose of flipping off an old person?
Better watch out. One of them might shoot you. :eek:
Old people are getting fed up with this kind of crap. :rolleyes:
The world wasn't like this when we were young.
For reasons I won't disclose here.. I'll just say that I had to sit through a road rage course one time for court reasons. In this class.. they teach you that if you flip someone off while you are driving and they retaliate.. you are the one responsible. So if you flip them off, they cut you off, you flip your car, and break your neck.. sorry but it was your own stupid fault for flipping them off so you're screwed in the laws eyes. So be careful for that game. ..

Today I smiled at 1 man and 1 lady. The man looked like he was having a shitty day. I smiled and waved to him. Immediately he smiled back and waved. I think I cheered him up a bit. Then I saw a younger lady walking towards me. I had my head down listening to my iPhone, but figured I'd smile and see.. Well I look up, and smile briefly.. and this jerk gives me that look like I'm not worth the crap stain onthe bottom of her shoes.. I mean it was a really nasty look. Really brought my day down a few notches.
Hey J...Thought about your smile challenge...but it helps to have teeth. After a work related situation I need to have seven teeth replaced as I knocked them out. It doesn't look to bad as long as I don't smile, laugh, or say much. I can't whistle Dixie either...told my dentist I really am starting to look like a hillbilly...HA-HA-HA I will try the challenge once I look normal or close to normal again. Looks like I play hockey or something.
In July I moved to Texas from South Orange County, California. In O.C. I could smile at people when I passed them, but they generally pretended they didn't see me or just ignored me. Now I'm in a country town just south of Ft. Worth, Texas. People here often smile at me first and say hello too. People here are definitely more friendly than those in Southern California. Many Californians where I was from were stuck up.
I too live in Texas, and we often smile at strangers, hold doors open for people, and do generally nice things for people. its a good atmosphere of people here.:)
