The Soylent Thread


I had Soylent for breakfast for the last 6 weekdays. Nothing weird happened to my digestive system.

I went back to my peanut-butter-toast for the weekend and I was missing my Soylent, big time! It made me love breakfast again, somehow.

I'm going to order more soon. I might try the mocha flavor, but I'm not sure yet.


I'm almost out of Soylent, so I ordered a new batch, this time, in powder. Still chocolate flavor.

It's way cheaper than the ready-to-drink ones I bought last time. Basically half the price.

I bought a shaker bottle in order to shake it properly. Apparently, a glass and a spoon isn't enough.

I hope it'll taste good. Even though the ready-to-drink ones tastes great, I'm still worried it might taste like a nasty protein shake.


Okay, I got my new batch of Soylent this morning. In powder this time. It came in like, 8 sealed bags. It should last me about a month, to a month and a half as breakfast.

Really missed it in the last days, had to eat toasts and drink orange juice for breakfast. Lame primitive food!! Haha.

I'm really curious to find out the taste and texture of the shake. I'll say it again, I pray to God it won't turn out to taste like a nasty protein shake.

I bought this sweet shaker bottle. It's supposedly super hi-tech and it doesn't have a metal ball. It's helix shape mixes the drink to perfection. Science!

I mixed powder chocolate milk a few times in it, and it literally shakes as good as a blender. It was super foamy and perfectly mixed, no residual powder at the bottom, nothing weird. Impressive!

I'll mix some before I got to bed, and have it for breakfast tomorrow. :)


I was right to be worried, chocolate Soylent in powder tastes like chocolate flavored cardboard. I'm baffled by how different it is from the ready-to-drink version.

The recipe is pretty intense. it's 2/3 cup of Soylent, in 1 1/2 cups of water. That's a ton of powder in not much water! Perhaps it can be fine-tuned to taste better.

The powder itself mixes well with water. It wasn't grainy or anything, it was 99% smooth.

But man, the taste. I had to kinda chug it, in order to get it down. Compared to the ready-to-drink and chocolate milk, it really got this protein-y, kind of cardboard taste to it. The Soylent chocolate taste is there and recognizable, but overall, it wasn't good. I'm gonna have to post on the Soylent Reddit for advice. I know some are mixing it with milk instead of water. Some add other stuff to it, like powder chocolate milk, etc.

It's not nasty, it doesn't taste like shit. But it's far from good.

I'll share what kind of recipe I try in the next few days if I get suggestions on Reddit.


Yesterday, on my first try with powder, I forgot to mention I didn't shake it the night before, because I forgot to. I made the shake in the morning and drank it right away. Apparently, according to Reddit Soylent fans, you're supposed to let it rest in the fridge for the night, otherwise, it'll taste like wet cardboard and mud. They say there are different oils in powder form, that need time to completely dissolve, that no shaking will replace the time they need.

So, this time I let it spend the night in the fridge. And sadly it tastes the same. :sick: I wasn't even able to finish it this time, the aftertaste was way too strong. I drank most of it with my nose pinched. It was bad!

According to the good folks of Reddit, I could either mix it with some milk (regular, almond, whatever) instead, which obviously won't fix the wet-cardboard taste. Or add some chocolate milk powder for a more sugary taste. I'll probably go the chocolate milk powder way.

I hope I'll find a way to make it taste okay because I still have a ton of that powder.


Hey, I just got a new batch of Soylent, ready to drink. Picked chocolate favor again. 12 bottles.

I still have 4 bags of the disgusting powder version. I'm thinking of giving them away, I'm unable to drink them.

I might try other ready to drink, bottled flavors, but after my bad powder experience, I'm less keen on trying new flavors!

I'll see.

Has anyone here, tried Soylent over the past year?


Have tried a couple flavors personally and it is pretty good though a bit expensive for what it is
They increased the price quite a bit at the end of last year. Right now in Canada, it's 60$ for 12 bottles. That's 5$/bottle. That's a lot! That same 12-pack used to cost 48$ a year ago.

I'd buy more if it weren't that costly. I try to watch it closely on Amazon and order a box when it's on sale... But it's rarely on sale.


Active Member
They increased the price quite a bit at the end of last year. Right now in Canada, it's 60$ for 12 bottles. That's 5$/bottle. That's a lot! That same 12-pack used to cost 48$ a year ago.

I'd buy more if it weren't that costly. I try to watch it closely on Amazon and order a box when it's on sale... But it's rarely on sale.
Have personally not had it in a few years nor have watched the price but yeah it is absurdly priced at least to me


Have personally not had it in a few years nor have watched the price but yeah it is absurdly priced at least to me
Can you share which flavors you tried, and how they tasted? I know it's not always easy to convey in text, though.

I've only tried chocolate in ready-to-drink. I tried chocolate powder and it tastes like shit (well, more like cardboard), so it kind of slowed down my motivation to try all the other ready-to-drink flavors. I'd like to try the other RTD flavors, but I'm afraid to get stuck with it in case it tastes bad...
