The World

The World

I got to throw my 2 cents in here.


I agree with just about everything you've said. It's a sad situation here in the USA. No matter who get's elected, we're screwed. Bush is horrible, the world hates our govt., and Kerry is saying he won't be any better. Just more of the same with a different face on it. I appreciate your frustration. You should be a citizen here, even more frustrating. Our current political system is rigged to the NWO, and short of a major flush of the system, we're stuck with it. The populace here has been "threatened and terrorized" by the govt. into giving up its rights and civil liberties in order to gain some "safety". Safety from what? The rag-tag bunch of terrorists that allegedly pulled off 9/11 could not have pulled off more than a convenience store robbery without inside help. Michael Ruppert's book "Crossing the Rubicon" lays out the whole sordid affair. No, I haven't read the book, but I've read enough of what Ruppert has had to say, along with a lot of other damaging evidence to know that 9/11 and the "war on terror" was a fabrication of our govt. The American people have been led into the worst kind of nightmare. The wake up call will be brutal. I'll shut up for now.

The World

The accumulation of sources on 9/11 that I have seen over the past year more or less tell me this; in any other month in the year 2001, a plane flying just half a mile out of course is intercepted by the air force and guided back into the correct flight path. It wasn't a coincedence that the air force missed those planes; someone with a good deal of power in the US intended for the 9/11 attacks to happen.

If it goes as your saying Ralan, your assuming France And Germany would \"team up\" to help us. Try having Putin, whom said \"A defeat for Bush, is a victory for terrorists\". Hmm, i think Russia would veto anything that the other countries propose.

We Americans, can defend our country well. Give us some time, we broke away from Britian. Who is to say that we will not dissent from our own government again?

France and Germany along with the rest of us would team up with the US to help it out of a serious situation. However, when the US is acting as much the terrorist as any of its enemies, it cannot expect to be treating as a normal, functioning member of the UN. The US government's refusal to sign many UN agreements in the areas of environmental protection and human rights in recent times has not helped in this regard.

I agree; the people of America will not put up with the way their government is treating them and the rest of the world for long. I do not entirely agree with patriotism, but a true American patriot would be prepared to go to arms against a government corrupting their homeland so; if you do end up amidst a civil war, be confident of victory; the UN will step in on the side of the American people.
The World

It is no accident that my suggestion of truth so quickly turning to religion. (Or was that already being discussed separately?) Well anyways, it seems to most people that to actualy determine "truth" you have to be in the right religion first. The trouble is finding out what is the right religion. :(
The World

Originally posted by Ralan@Oct 22 2004, 09:36 AM
The accumulation of sources on 9/11 that I have seen over the past year more or less tell me this; in any other month in the year 2001, a plane flying just half a mile out of course is intercepted by the air force and guided back into the correct flight path. It wasn't a coincedence that the air force missed those planes; someone with a good deal of power in the US intended for the 9/11 attacks to happen.

You should read the 9-11 report. The entire thing is available easily on the internet. It is only 7 megs. It does specifically talk about that. Perhaps since 9-11, airforce jets do do that, but before 9-11 it didn't happen. It was almost a comedic tradgedy reading the reports finding about whether anyone knew if any jets could or would have done anything.
The World


Again, I like you pal. But the 9/11 report is so full of holes, it looks like Swiss cheese. It's a govt. sponsored report, put together by former career politicians, and Bush delayed it as long as possible. Bush didn't want the "event" investigated at all. He "cherry picked" some old timers who could be manipulated. Their timeline of events is flawed. The witnesses they could have called fell short. The Bushco regime lyied their ass off in testimony. Read "Crossing the Rubicon" by Michael Ruppert and tell me the 9/11 commission report is still valid.

The World

Pauli, I meant that it is incredibly unfair that such an immaterial and opinionated thing as religion should be the cause of so much suffering and death.

:huh: Oops! Sorry, Ralan, for having misjudged your comment. I guess I was feeling a bit defensive in that moment. I guess that just goes to show that despite meaning to be on topic, we can each fall into our own schtick and lose perspective for a few minutes. :lol:

Now I suppose I need to find my exit. :unsure: :ninja:

Hey, does anyone know where Hackimer went to?? I kinda miss his imput.
Don't tell me that the duck fiasco put him off from posting here anymore. :(
The World

Finding the right religion?

They're all the right religion...just different perspectives of the's just that the human factors involved with the ideals behind them have corrupted the entirety of what is said.

Now I understand why people cry when an onion is cut and peeled. It hurts to dig down and find what's like we break down the walls to our Souls....pain.

We must simplify.
The World

Of course fighter jets were doing that before 9/11! They've been keeping close eyes on their airspace since the cold war. It's just that Bush doesn't want you to know that, because then you'll realise that he was behind the whole thing with his neo-conservative bigwig pals and the Bin Laden family.

So the Bush administration spews a load of crap in some fancy commission; they're just trying to cover their tracks, and doing it badly. Don't believe a word of it.
The World

This isn't about making sure America doesn't vote for the president Bin Laden seems to back, which is Kerry, and neither is it about not voting for the president Bin Laden seems to hate, which is Bush. It's about choosing the person who is best fit to lead the greatest superpower in the world. That means someone with intelligence, who will listen to the opinions of the people, not the corporations.
