The WOW! Signal?


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Has the WOW! signal story been debunked or explained? Did we gain anything from the 72 second signal?
The Wow! signal is a mysterious radio signal detected on August 15, 1977, by the Big Ear radio telescope at Ohio State University. Astronomer Jerry R. Ehman was reviewing data when he noticed a strong and unusual signal that lasted for 72 seconds. He circled the signal on the printout and wrote "Wow!" next to it, giving it its name.

The signal's frequency and characteristics were consistent with what might be expected from an extraterrestrial source, and it has since become one of the most famous potential instances of a signal from an intelligent alien civilization. Despite efforts to detect a repeat signal or determine its origin, the Wow! signal has not been conclusively explained. Various hypotheses and speculations exist, but the mystery remains, adding to the fascination surrounding the possibility of extraterrestrial communication.


Active Member
Here is another incident of receiving a signal from space. The video is broken English. But the data would be interesting to look at. Is it a star or technology?


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One suggestion for the WOW signal was a distress signal from an ET ship. That’s regarding a Bob Lazar account. Other info about Mr Lazar in regards to UFOs.

Ai :

Zeta Reticuli is a binary star system located in the southern constellation of Reticulum. It gained attention in popular culture due to claims made by Bob Lazar, who asserted that he had worked on reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology from crashed UFOs, allegedly originating from Zeta Reticuli.

I’m new to Bob Lazar name. I heard about the WOW signal several years ago.


Active Member
The photo on the site is similar to the 2D kite shape I posted about 3,6,9. Just spin the kite diagram 360. The boundary is different but the central beams may be similar.


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Active Member
As far as I know, "6EQUJ5" is the only raw data from that signal. They didn't have a lot of recording capacity back in the 1970's, so there's nothing else. It's unclear if there would be any harmonics, side band data, or if it was high frequency pulsed. Each listed character would be about 10 seconds. Looking at the progression, it ramps up much slower than it falls off.

It's never been adequately explained. Some say it's a satellite. Some say it's space aliens. Some say it's natural. It's never been seen or reproduced again.

I would hope it wouldn't be a distress call. While light speed sounds fast, the outer solar system is several light hours away from us. Z-R is something like 30-something light years away from us. If you need immediate help, light (or radio) isn't the way to go. If that signal really did come 30+ light years, something incredibly powerful must have created it.


Active Member
Whatever technology the Z-R ship had to traverse that much distance with a ship, maybe they had the same technology for a signal to traverse that distance in a timely manner.

Maybe we interpreted/translated their signal technology into a radio signal. For some reason I don’t think they were using radios. Can radio receivers pick up other forms of signals? A Rosetta Stone of some kind.


Active Member
Sometime lines can be implied rather than a solid line. Here is a different perspective of 3,6,9 using the well known Valentine heart. Again spin the drawing 360 degrees. Does this resemble a propulsion idea?


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