Think People Are Overreacting to Trump Election? Look Back at 2008 to See the Hypocrisy


Think outside the mind
Let’s leave the turmoil of 2016 for a moment and head back to 2008 for more turmoil. That’s right, when President Barack Obama was elected in 2008, it wasn’t all that much different than what you are seeing right now. It was just a different swath of people who perceived themselves as having the moral high ground.


This was the interpretation of Barack Obama in 2008 by conservatives. A little overdramatic, perhaps?

Think about it. We were coming off the tumultuous time that was the George W. Bush presidency. The turning over of the White House to a Democratic President was almost certain, and anyone betting good hard-earned cash would have put it on Senator Hillary Clinton. Unfortunately for her, a charismatic African American community organizer-turned-Senator rose from nothing to take the presidency.

Conservative white people lost their minds. They said Barack Hussein Obama was a Muslim and we had just turned over the keys to the nation to a foreigner. They questioned his birth certificate. The evangelicals said he was the antichrist. They said he would take everyone’s guns and install death panels where granny would be ruled too old to get health care anymore. He would usher in the end times and put the United States in an Armageddon showdown of World War 3, but he was a trojan horse meant to turn us over to Islam. He would install sharia law. He would declare martial law, stripping everyone of their rights. Christians would be confined to concentration camps. FEMA trailers were being set up to round them up.

That’s not even all. We could literally go on for hours. Conservative white people winked at each other with knowing nods about what was obviously taking place while desperately trying to connect Barack’s name to the number 666 somehow.


This is what we see now in 2016. We’ve only switched sides, that is all.

Now, let’s return to 2016. Now, no one is saying that Donald Trump doesn’t say some wild stuff. He does, but the overdramatizing of things is getting silly. Let’s see what liberals in America have decided is inevitable in the Trump administration since they found out the shocking news that Hillary Clinton wasn’t going to claim the presidency after all.

As of today, gay people think that gay marriage will be undone, their civil rights will be stripped, and there may even be concentration camps and conversion therapy in their future (sound familiar). Black people believe slavery may be returned and that the shackles are already being prepared. People using ObamaCare believe they will be completely left out in the cold and their money taken. Meanwhile, it is expected that Donald Trump will declare himself dictator in between having sexual relations with any American woman he chooses. He will immediately nuke random countries, invade Iran after pulling out of the nuclear arms agreement, and he will get in a pissing match with China over trade resulting in World War 3. This all while deporting 11 million illegal immigrants, building a wall along the border with armed guards allowed to shoot on sight, and, oh wait, also overturning Roe vs. Wade and outlawing abortion in the United States.

That’s not all. We could go on.

We could explain the message here for hours, but we are going to stop and assume that our readers are better than that. Surely you can see the message here.

Trump might be the worst President of all time. But it won’t be that bad. It certainly won’t be as bad as a Hillary Clinton presidency, which any conspiracy enthusiast will tell you is the final cog on the way to the full-time installation of the New World Order. What it will be is possibly a delay in the inevitable.

So rioting in the streets is a little silly. But it is exactly what the shadow government wants. They relish in the division, and a polarizing figure like Trump may have usurped their power stranglehold, but as long as they can keep Americans thinking that other Americans are the enemy, well, they figure it’s all good.

Stop being ridiculous. It was ridiculous in 2008 and it is ridiculous now. It’s time to move forward in a meaningful way and stop helping them in their quest to drive the wedge ever deeper. The Trump presidency could actually be a positive thing for people that are awake and see what we are being pushed towards, but if we let them win again, he will only be used as another divider to push us over the edge they have long had waiting for us.

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy


Senior Member
I think reasonable people would agree that there is quite a big difference between posting some internet memes or critical (if inaccurate) posts, holding up ignorant signs while standing in protest and rioting in the streets, destroying car and businesses, and calling for the death - murder - of people that voted for Trump.

