This is hard to believe this was written in 2005


Yep, this thread is hoax. It's possible to post in the past, so to speak, using Blogger's post scheduler feature.


New Member
WAIT. There is a difference between the post of Numenorean7 and 2063.
Num's name shows a profile with a recent date of sign-up/use, 2063 shows a date of 2005...that date CANNOT be changed.

However, I am a skeptic. Could it be this individual made a profile in the year 2005 and waited out this stuff?
Think about it more, research more.


Perhaps he just edited old posts. Maybe he even turned one of his old random blog into what we are looking at right now: an old blog, with old posts by an old user, containing predictions posted afterwards.

If there was a way to know the last edit date, then we'd know for sure.


New Member
I believe that he did indeed convert an old blog.
But someone on GLP claims search results show his posts back in GLP on 2005! That will shatter our belief of this being a hoax, so we certainly need to look into this a bit more.
Will be back another day to check on this thread. Interesting site! :)


Junior Member
That's what they where talking about on CNN and that they contacted them and found out that it was posted in 2005 and nothing had been posted after 2005. Then they mention Richard C Hoagland I think is the name and said that Qronos posted things in some chat room in 2005 that Richard has. What's going on?
Ok so how was other websites talking ab out what he said in 05,06,07?? Did he fake those time stamps on those sites as well??


Ok so how was other websites talking ab out what he said in 05,06,07?? Did he fake those time stamps on those sites as well??

Greetings Jasmine and welcome to Paranormalis;
It's actually 'because' so many other websites were talking about the same stuff that 'time travelers', who can only expound the same stuff over and over, lose credibility. If someone came up with an original prediction that then actually happened, that person would have 'some' credibility. As it was and still is, most of the people who claim to be a TT'er give the same Doom and Gloom predictions that have been around for many years, even before John Titor who was active in 1999-2001( I think those dates are correct) and had what many still consider the best TT story yet. I stated before; "All of these predictions have been made ad nauseam. He is doing nothing more than repeating the same ole crap... Nothing to see here... Nothing new here... Move along.".
The fact that Numenorean7 was able to back date a post further reduces Qronos's credibility.
Do you also notice how most TT'ers say "I don't have to prove to you I am a time traveler. Time will prove it for me" (I am paraphrasing here), yet it never does. Making obscure predictions with so much wiggle room that any thing remotely similar can be grasped as proof by those who will always believe is their stock-in-trade.


Junior Member
Greetings Jasmine and welcome to Paranormalis;
It's actually 'because' so many other websites were talking about the same stuff that 'time travelers', who can only expound the same stuff over and over, lose credibility. If someone came up with an original prediction that then actually happened, that person would have 'some' credibility. As it was and still is, most of the people who claim to be a TT'er give the same Doom and Gloom predictions that have been around for many years, even before John Titor who was active in 1999-2001( I think those dates are correct) and had what many still consider the best TT story yet. I stated before; "All of these predictions have been made ad nauseam. He is doing nothing more than repeating the same ole crap... Nothing to see here... Nothing new here... Move along.".
The fact that Numenorean7 was able to back date a post further reduces Qronos's credibility.
Do you also notice how most TT'ers say "I don't have to prove to you I am a time traveler. Time will prove it for me" (I am paraphrasing here), yet it never does. Making obscure predictions with so much wiggle room that any thing remotely similar can be grasped as proof by those who will always believe is their stock-in-trade.
Thank you for your response. We have all read about John Titor and to my knowledge no one has debunked him and has tried. But you never really answered the question. How in the world was many other websites talking about Qronos1 and what he had posted back in 05,06,07? And who is this qronos16 guy who showed up after qronos1 posting on another site making predictions that has came true?


I have been gone for a few days! Whats this CNN thingy? o_0

I don't know if i believe this time travel stuff. I watched the tail end of a news report on CNN earlier about qronos1 they were asking who is he and how did he know so much. So I did a search for him and it lead me here. Was this guy real??

I know one thing about the post! He implicated Bush! Thats kind of a high card for a possible time traveler. Lets sail on for the search for truth! This is the kind of information that could destroy the new world order!
