This is hard to believe this was written in 2005

What year does this event with Planet X that's supposed to flood Texas take place?

timetraveler2063, you never answered this question. Please don't side-step it or give a reason why you can't tell us the specific year. What year does the event with Planet X that's supposed to flood Texas (under 500 feet of water) take place?

Yes it will be a large Tsunami. Forgive me for not clarifying, there will be 2 events one this year and another when planet X passes. All of Texas will be under water when what you call Planet X passes. The still large Tsunami that will hit this year will not put Texas under water. Texas will be devastated by water when Planet X passes. I never changed anything. I failed to clarify what I was saying. For that i'm sorry.

PREDICTION: So you're saying a large Tsunami will hit Texas this year, 2012...There are 4-1/2 months left for this prediction to happen. We will be watching and waiting.

PREDICTION: Texas will be under 300-450 feet of water after 2032, and it will only be a quarter of it along the coastline. This isn't an idea I believe in, because we actually know this would be the case due to what Some physicists and NASA scientists have predicted due to a pole shift being caused by the impact of a meteor. When the world is hit in the north Atlantic ocean where a lot of famous psychics have stated to have a vision of, the 500 feet of ocean water around the equator will have to compensate for the moving equator, which in this scenario, America will be sitting on when the pole shifts. This is why America becomes a bunch of islands, because 500 feet of ocean water will compensate the percentage of water in that area at the proper distance from the current equator. SO- I highly doubt that Mr. 2063 has said anything that will happen in the future. :b This is an educated prediction based on synthesis. If you look at the terrain of Texas, you'll see by result that this is true.
Hey 2063! Your late! :) or early! Give me the Kansas report!

King Jesus is beyond the door! He does not like lying! He judges sinful nations as he also judges humanity! The wages of sin is death and death is HELL!

My question is 1) How does it feel to be you?
2) Anything about Kansas, Missouri and Chicago,Il you can tell us?
I'm not sure if I buy the President theory. It sounds like a vague statement. Obama was born in Hawaii (unless I'm wrong?), which is USA last I checked. If "not being from USA" means having a Non-US Father, then yes, I admit his father's from Kenya. Also is this fellow claiming to be John Titor or someone else from 2063?

While they did say Obama was from Hawaii proof was never shown ( his birth certificate ) even with all the up roar about him supposedly not being from the u.s.a the problem is simple enough to solve yet it never was

Sorry to say, but if we had time travel RIGHT NOW, and certain individuals could be right there in the hospital room in Hawaii while he was being born, there are those who still wouldn't believe it.
Sorry to say, but if we had time travel RIGHT NOW, and certain individuals could be right there in the hospital room in Hawaii while he was being born, there are those who still wouldn't believe it.

Or, we might discover he was really born in Kenya. It could go either way.
Sorry to say, but if we had time travel RIGHT NOW, and certain individuals could be right there in the hospital room in Hawaii while he was being born, there are those who still wouldn't believe it.

Or, we might discover he was really born in Kenya. It could go either way.

It's 50/50 It could go either way as both of you have suggested. Not that it matters much at this point damage is done so there is no point in concerning ourselves with it.
Sammy. When did Mr 2036 say there was a cut off date? I know the solar flare activity now is getting worse! We are seeing wildfires across the country. September could be a problem WORLDWIDE!
Sammy. When did Mr 2036 say there was a cut off date? I know the solar flare activity now is getting worse! We are seeing wildfires across the country. September could be a problem WORLDWIDE!

To my knowledge, he never said there was a cut-off date, or perhaps I'm misunderstanding your question.
Sammy. When did Mr 2036 say there was a cut off date? I know the solar flare activity now is getting worse! We are seeing wildfires across the country. September could be a problem WORLDWIDE!

I should have said the time he said the books are closed or somthing to that effect!
I had a feeling someone would come! Direct me to your posts on all of HIS posts!
my other question for Timetraveler2063 (He knows I have plenty) Is what does he know about HELL?

For more go into outer darkness than glory! Repent now <<<Me
