Debunking This is hard to believe this was written in 2005

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Debunking the Time Traveler from 2063
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
What is time?
Time is the fire in which we burn, time is the element in which governs you me and everything around us.
Time Travel
"Time is the fire in which we burn"
Delmore Schwartz; Calmly We Walk Through This April's Day
Plagiarism is a no no.

Remember I said in the future New Orleans is known as the Dead City?
Time Travel
Five Years After Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans Tourism Rebounds
By Gil Rudawsky
Posted 1:00PM 08/27/10 Posted under: Economy
Following the devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina five years ago, New Orleans saw the number of visitors to the city evaporate. New Orleans' $5 billion tourism industry slowly recovered, however, and is now once again approaching pre-Katrina visitor levels.
In 2004, the year before the Category 3 hurricane struck, New Orleans saw a record 10.1 million visitors. In 2006, the year after the floods, the numbers shrank to 3.7 million. Last year the number was up to 7.9 million visitors, according to Smith Travel Research, a hotel-industry tracking firm. The average number of annual visitors, discounting 2004, is about 8.5 million.
Renovations and Re-openings
"(People) still have the crazy perception we're still flooded," said Tod Chambers, GM of the French Quarter's Roosevelt New Orleans hotel, in an interview with After the storm the 504-room Roosevelt underwent a $170 million renovation. It re-opened on July 1 of last year.
Smith Travel Research's most recent review of the top 26 domestic tourism markets, shows that New Orleans' percent increase in revenue per available hotel room compared to its peak monthly per-room revenue leads all markets. In May, for instance, New Orleans' hotel room revenue was only 7% below its peak month. By comparison, Phoenix, Ariz., hotels were 32% below peak.
BP Disaster Sure Didn't Help
Jennifer Day, director of public relations for the New Orleans Convention and Visitor's Bureau, told DailyFinance that while there has been a distinct rebound, tourism is a perception-driven industry, and there's still work to be done. Efforts to highlight the city's recovery were set back following the BP Deep Horizon rig explosion and subsequent oil spill in April.
The rig was located 100 miles off the coast of New Orleans, but the city has seen little, if any, damage from the spill. "We have five different federal agencies performing thousands of tests, and not one of the samples has been contaminated with oil," Day said.

Day notes that the city ranked No. 7 on the list of top cities in Travel + Leisure's 2010 readers poll. New Orleans did not make the list the previous five years. "We had a couple visiting from Canada tell us yesterday that they didn't see any signs of the spill or Katrina," Day said. "That's really the case for tourists. We just have to get the word out."
Five Years After Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans Tourism Rebounds - DailyFinance
Remember that.I also told you that the storm Ophelia would make you think that someone was controlling it. And the storm did strange things.

Time Travel
Impact and aftermath

Southeastern United States
Before Ophelia made its closest approach to land near the Outer Banks on September 15 and 16, it caused moderate beach erosion along the Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina.[6] Average swells of 6 to 8 ft (1.8 to 2.4 m) affected the region for several days as the storm meandered offshore.[7] Squall lines associated with the storm brought moderate to heavy rains along with high winds, gusting to 62 mph (100 km/h) in isolated thunderstorms.[8] Along the northeastern coast of Florida, up to 5.04 in (128 mm) of rain fell;[9] some areas recorded 3.5 in (89 mm) in a six-hour span on September 6.[10] Between September 6 and 9, torrential rainfall, measured up to 15.2 in (390 mm) in Flagler County, led to moderate street flooding, especially along poorly drained secondary roads.[11] At Flagler Beach, Florida, the erosion endangered the foundation of highway A1A, and 140 dump trucks were brought in to buttress the road with rocks and sand.[12] In Palm Beach County, one man drowned after being caught in rough seas associated with Ophelia.[1]

North Carolina
Coastal damage after Hurricane Ophelia
Ophelia moved extremely slowly in and around North Carolina, causing the storm to drop more than 10 inches (254 mm) of rain on many coastal areas. The highest amount measured was from Oak Island, where 17.5 inches (445 mm) was registered. In addition, storm surges of 7–12 feet (2–4 m) were recorded, particularly in low-lying inlets of Pamlico Sound. At the storm's peak, over 240,000 customers were without power[13] in coastal North Carolina.[14] One indirect fatality was reported due to a traffic accident related to Ophelia, although no direct deaths were recorded.[15]

Flooding in Carolina Beach, North Carolina
Damage was heaviest in Salter Path, North Carolina and along the Outer Banks near that community, where (despite being only a Category 1 storm) many buildings suffered significant damage as a result of the storm surge, which has been described as worse than Hurricane Isabel in 2003 and even compared to Hurricane Hazel in 1954. Nearly all of the significant damage occurred on the sound side, or the side facing the mainland.[15] In addition, several piers and many boats were damaged or destroyed by Ophelia's storm surge. Damage was generally lighter on the mainland, and overall structural damage was relatively light, although there was considerable flooding reported in the Wilmington area.[16] Damage was initially estimated to be about $1.6 billion,[17] but in final analysis was dropped to only $70 million (2005 USD; $77.3 million 2008 USD).[1] On October 7, President George W. Bush declared a state of emergency for ten counties in North Carolina as a result of Ophelia.[18][19]

New England and Canada

In New England and Canada, overall damage was minimal, and only brief, sporadic power outages were reported. One indirect storm-related fatality was reported in Nova Scotia as a result of a person falling during minor roof repairs.[20] In Newfoundland, over 1.96 inches (50 millimeters) of rain fell over parts of the eastern region of the province.[21]
7.^ "Florida Event Report: Heavy Surf". National Climatic Data Center. 2005. Retrieved October 11, 2010.
8.^ "Florida Event Report: High Winds". National Climatic Data Center. 2005. Retrieved October 11, 2010.
9.^ David M. Roth (2012). "Tropical Cyclone Rainfall in Florida". Hydrometeorological Prediction Center. Retrieved October 11, 2010.
10.^ "Florida Event Report: Heavy Rain". National Climatic Data Center. 2005. Retrieved October 11, 2010.
11.^ "Florida Event Report: Heavy Rain". National Climatic Data Center. 2005. Retrieved October 11, 2010.
12.^ | Jacksonville, St. Augustine and Brunswick | Ophelia Still Trying to Tear Apart Highway
13.^ News 14 | 24 Hour Local News | HURRICANE INFO
15.^ a b;_ylt=AsJmeeP315NmB_IyPlZ.IJOs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ--
16.^ WECT TV6 - - Wilmington, NC news and weather - Wilmington Neighborhoods Flood
18.^ Federal Emergency Management Agency (October 7, 2005). "President Declares Major Disaster For North Carolina". Government of the United States. Retrieved May 14, 2009.
19.^ Federal Emergency Management Agency (October 7, 2005). "Designated Counties for North Carolina Hurricane Ophelia". Government of the United States. Retrieved May 14, 2009.
20.^ Nova Scotia News -
21.^ | Article

Wednesday, September 21, 2005
The Last Post
Time Travel
As you know we leave 9-22-2005, and that means this will be my last post.Over the last couple of weeks I have tried to give you all info that will help you to overcome or stop the NWO.As I have stated before some are fighting now.It is because of their fight things are not as bad as they could be.In my world of 2063 they loose.If the word gets out and more of you join the fight to overcome the New World Order when I return tomorrow you should won the fight and things should be a tad different.I am hoping for this to happen.You MUST pass the word about what I have told you.Or research the Bush administration and you will find what I have said to be true.Or you can sit back and do nothing and loose the USA and then wish you would have taken action against this bad element.
Now I leave you with this info.
The United States will have a major stock market crash soon.
This will come from a volley of natural disasters that will tear the soul out of the nation.Telling you this will not cause the universe to be destroyed because there's nothing you can do about it.I told you this is GOD trying to get your attention.For every action there is an reaction.
I have told you what to do to prepare yourself for the coming events in this blog.
I have also told you some good things that will happen.You can stop the NWO.
You can't stop the events with the earth.One thing that will help is this.Turn to GOD.
There will be a civil war or unrest in the USA.Starting with the immigration problems.
You will have even more foreign troops on USA soil.
You will loose more of your rights if you do not stop this.
The sun will burn the earth, and this will start massive earthquakes, to what level I can't say.But will be far worse then before!
You can survive if you move to the areas I have mentioned in this blog.
Christians stay strong and do not loose your faith, as you will be tested.Many of you will be put in jail and worse.
Get your world news on your own.Do not get it from any source like CNN,FOX,MSNBC,CBS,ABC,NBC.Get it on your own!!!!
Do not drink the water out of the faucet at all, learn how to filter water on your own.Learn how to grow food on your own.
If you own a gun, NEVER GIVE IT UP!
If you do not own a gun, get one and learn how to use it.
Teach your kids how to survive at all costs.
Learn how to live off of the land.
"" The previous four are Sage advice at any time or place""

DO not let your kids get Flu shots.Trust me on this!
In fact if I where you I would not let them get any of those shots the school system tell they need.Trust me!!
Research these things yourself and you will see I am right.
2006 A big one. Iran will be the new problem
Mangosteen will be revealed to be the most effective natural supplement with Xanthones that can even stop cancer.
"And a regular old Mango has the xanthones, more natural nutrition, and are cheaper."
Bell will make a mistake, and get caught in a big disaster.
"What Bell? This one? " BELL
Data storage will go off the charts starting in 2006.
2007= Bad
That's a high quality prediction.
2008 things will really start to get bad with the civil unrest at the border. She will not save you she will not be able to.
Hasn't happened
2009 the president you elect will not be from the USA.
see below
2010 will be a year to remember as part of the gulf of mexico will die from oil.
In 2012 you will find some answers.
In 2015 you will be invaded. Not to long after that WWIII will start.
2032 The ocean will boil with the rock.
2034 Is the year that dreams will come true.
2036 The first one will come here.
2041 We will find old things.
2045 we will see beyond this Universe
And I had better stop.
I hope you all take what I have said seriously, I know it's hard to believe I'm a man from 2063.You will soon see I'm not a freak or a liar.
I am the one who tried to warn you all, I am the one who tried to stop it.I hope when I go home the past will be a new one.
Goodbye and good luck to you all.
posted by Qronos1 at 9:44 PM

All of these predictions have been made ad nauseam. He is doing nothing more than repeating the same ole crap... Nothing to see here... Nothing new here... Move along.
Some electricity is still around but not widely used in this country.We get our energy from the sun and the air.
Time Travel
Getting energy in what form? Something other than electricity? This guy has no clue what he is talking about.
And finally:
2009 the president you elect will not be from the USA
An educated guess from 2005 or a prediction of Obama?
In 2005 the politically astute knew;
1 Obama was the "chosen" up-and-coming new democrat for the future. Already running for the presidency while Senator from Illinois a few, in the back alleys of political digging, already had questions about his birth. It didn't garner major attention because Senators don't have to be born in the country.
2 John McCain was considered a top pick for the 2008 election. Many already knew he was not born "In the country" but on a military base overseas.
Titor wannabe.
Nowhere close to the Level of Titor's story. I would give Titor more credibility than this guy and I don't believe Titor for a second.
My post on the Worst Case Scenario is better than this kid... I say kid because of how he writes and thinks.
So what do you think?
While there will be debunkers in any field of endeavor, the quality of the debunking varies wildly.
Nice effort, though.

I think it's a good thing to look at things from every angle. I agree it will never please everyone though.

That's why debunking takes place in a separate parallel topic. It makes it so that all the debunking posts, or if you want, the whole debate around the validity of the topic's claims can occur without disturbing the original discussion.

"Believers", if you allow me to call them that way, are free to ignore the debunking topic and just contribute to the original discussion.

I'm always saying out loud that I'm a time travel enthusiast and I will always be. I gotta admit that over the years, I've read many, many predictions from what one may call "time traveler wannabes". I'm not judging any time traveler here though and I won't even say if I believe this guy to be a real TT or not. I'm just saying that after a while, it feels like you are reading the same old predictions again and again. They are just updated a bit and posted by someone else.

I agree this debunking is extremely well done. I'm amazed you found the first one. Also no matter where you get the energy it's then made into electricity so if he isn't using electricity then what i wonder.
I am surprised this was not found much, much earlier. My friend was looking at this and she suggested that the timestamps could have been hacked to give the appearence of it being posted in 2005. Just a suggestive thought.. anything can really be hacked if you are good enoguh.
Okay, check this out:

I created this blog a few minutes ago and posted an article. Thanks to the post scheduler that allows you to post in the past, I was able to post something on May 14th 2003.
I think that's the first time I ever get to bust something/someone on here!! :XD:
Congratulations Boss!

There was something I noticed from the beginning on Qronos1's Blog. None of the Comments had dates on them. They had times, but no dates...and I thought that was odd, because Qronos1's Blogs had dates. And if the time stamped, the date should have stamped too. Most of the Comments were also posted as Anonymous. Anyway, I did notice those things and it made me wonder if it was fake, but I'm not experienced with that type of thing. That's why in a couple of my posts on that thread, I said "If that Blog was really posted on September 21, 2005".

Too bad it's a fake. People who devise hoaxes ruin it for people who have genuine evidence. It's dishonest! :mad:
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