Thoughts: Obama and a Third Term?


I was curious to know what people thought about Obama attempting to a Third Term in office. It has happened before (Franklin D. Roosevelt). I know many here may not be Obama supporters but it's without a doubt true that he is very capable of charming people.

I know a lot of people feel like Civil War is being constantly held back barely (no doubt because no one wants to see bloodshed - even if it's required) but what if he achieves a Third Term? Will that be enough to push people over the edge?



Senior Member
I do not mean to sound racist but, notice the demography that he is talking to? They got no idea what Obama is doing but strictly vote for him due to his skin color.


I do not mean to sound racist but, notice the demography that he is talking to? They got no idea what Obama is doing but strictly vote for him due to his skin color.

I thought that as well. I didn't really want to "profile" them for that but it is a fact. The video was extra to the thread and probably not a great example. Still many people have "voted" for him for whatever reason and it's always a possibility he either attempts to run a third term or if we go to "war" he could say it's to unstable to leave and will keep going until the conflict is resolved.


Senior Member
See if Civil War does happen and Obama declares Martial Law, Obama will Stay in office until he Removes Martial Law, So say next election he is about to lose but he declares Martial Law for whatever reason he would STAY in office for the duration of Martial Law.


Senior Member
About the video...Why did the interviewer only ask African Americans who support Obama if he should serve a 3rd Term? What about all the Americans of another color? What about Americans who do not support Obama? He should have asked them.

This interview was totally biased.

I know a lot of people feel like Civil War is being constantly held back barely (no doubt because no one wants to see bloodshed - even if it's required) but what if he achieves a Third Term? Will that be enough to push people over the edge?

Answer: Yes! Obama serving a 3rd term would spark a Civil War in America. I definitely believe that.


New Member
I believe Obama has put in a lot of work to make it easier for him to establish martial law. Is that right or was it only a rumor I heard?


Senior Member
I believe Obama has put in a lot of work to make it easier for him to establish martial law. Is that right or was it only a rumor I heard?

You are correct...And he has signed orders that allow the US Government to confiscate all of our Prepper supplies, whatever they may be (paraphrasing here). I have posted about the specific orders somewhere on the Forum.

Ah, here it is...IF Obama declares a 'National Emergency': Executive Doomsday Order: Obama Authorizes Gov't to Seize ALL RESOURCES during National Emergency | Paranormalis
