Time control?

If someone were to time travel would it be possible for them to manipulate or change things the way they want them to be. Now this could be both good and bad depending on the person and what they wanted.

Basically what I’m saying is time control. If you don’t get it.


Senior Member
That's the way it's portrayed most of the time in fiction. I don't think the HDR was ever meant to work that way.
More of an astral travel device that can send you to the past but you're not really in control of what you change,
you might open your fridge and find all your fudge is gone. Or you wake up and everyone thinks your name is
Bob even if it's not

What the fudge?

Fridge nuggets!


Senior Member
If someone were to time travel would it be possible for them to manipulate or change things the way they want them to be. Now this could be both good and bad depending on the person and what they wanted.

Basically what I’m saying is time control. If you don’t get it.
Your question has been discussed several times on Paranormalis, and the general thinking is that during time-travel we would enter a parallel universe/dimension that allows for changes to be made in it..

For example, you could time travel back to Friday November 22nd 1963 BEFORE 12:30pm, armed with a loaded Glock pistol, run upto the 6th floor of the Texas Book Depository in Dallas and put at least 6 bullets into the head of Lee Harvey Oswald, But..

However, when we leave that parallel universe/dimension, we return back to this dimension we are living in, where no changes have taken place...Of course all of this is just hypothesis..
