Time Travel already impossibe ( For this World Line )


Just as the title says John Titor was from the 'future' and, he said he was just a soldier he wasn't a scientist but, he did know the World Line theory therefor who owns the World Line Theory

The reason I'm asking this question is because if you look at event this way would Time Travel be diminished in this world line?

1.John Titor posted about world line theory

2.*Some time in the future* The person who originally created in John Titors World Line see the post and, believe he has stolen this guys theory

3.Time machine was never created since the theory wasn't brought to specific peoples

Although #3 can be debatable since we could say well those poeple just see the theory earlier or never and, etc. The problem with this is that Everything Happen a Specific Time for a Specific Reason

Could this mean Time Travel is already gone for a very very long time in this World Line?

I want to know your thoughts on this 'theory'
Thankfully the worldline theory existed in role playing games in the 1980s

and in Marvel comics in the 70s to present

under another name

"The problem with this is that Everything Happens at a Specific Time for a Specific Reason"

Predestination? One past, one future and no free will?
I vote for a multidimensional multiverse with all the possibilities.

I believe in the infinite possibilities, but what if there is no "real" free will, as there is only an infinite amount of possible predetermined outcomes. Does that make sense?

I prefer free will though.
Time-travelling has already happened. So I don't think it's impossible. And by "already happened, I don't mean the claims that John Titor and HDRKID has provided to us, but rather the documented flight done by Sergei K. Krikalev. By monitoring 2 different clocks, 1 stationary on Earth, 1 on his shuttle. When he returned to Earth they found out that he had time travelled what was it? 0.5 seconds into the future? But hey, most people know this already. But that already happened. The future, however, has not.

I probably stated something you all knew already.
I'm going to have to jump on Rosco..Jones' vote. A multidimensional multiverse with all the possibilities.
Yeah, what paradox said. Though, regarding something specific as to what Titor claimed to use, how do we know the beginnings of that machine did not originate from the 1920's-1940's? Its quite possible something like that could have gotten it's start from something Tesla or the Nazi's began....maybe even something Alien? Something began at present day Groom Lake? However, to believe that, you would have to acknowledge more things that nobody can prove. More myths and legends, more hearsay. Bottom line, we will all be long dead or old as hell before any of this matters.
Noone knows :) There's only 1 thing that can tell us. And that is time itself. Time will tell. I'm sure, that in some distant (or perhaps near) future, time travel will be common. But I doubt it'll be as easy as these paranormalis-time-traveleres say it is.

I am kind of interested in the Vortex/Grid theory, but it seems alittle bit to conveniant and easy.

Hey btw, has anyone heard to youtube clip where a guy (supposedly from the year 2346) said that JFK was MENT to be killed? And that he had witnessed, in another dimension, on another timeline, where JFK didn't get killed, everything went to hell? It had something to do with some conspiracy theory JFK knew(Which he did in this dimension also), that the FBI and CIA had about aliens and alien intelligence. Supposedly, JFK had leaked that VERY top-secret information to the public, and the world went mad.

Interesting clip indeed. Hit me up if anyone wants the link to that youtube clip.
