Time Travel and myself

Time Travel and myself

Originally posted by the_exterminator321@Dec 9 2004, 09:11 AM
hey, speaking of a nuclear war in 2006. How much will canada get affected cause u kno that Canadians (Im Canadian) are peace keepers and I have been searching about john titor and it was all like about the states and like nothing about canada. If someone kno's something please tell me I am really intrested in it

Welcome to the plantation exterminator321. I'd recommend you read the Titor saga on line. There are several locations on the net to read all the logs. Nuclear war according to Titor doesn't happen until 2015. Titor didn't say much about Canada, except that Canadians were pretty hostile. He didn't know that much about Canada because of his limited exposure to the news while the American civil war was being fought (with him in a shotgun unit in the backwoods of Florida). A limited nuclear war, in which major cities in the U.S. are taken out, would be pretty bad for most of North America, including Canada.

Time Travel and myself

If Y2K didn't happen in Titors timeline then it's doubtful these other things will pan out as he says since the timelines get more divergent the further they progress.
Time Travel and myself

what do you mean by hostile CaryP. Un-friendly? But then again the whole war might not happen he said that it would happen in 2004 well the time is almost up and still no sign of civil war. Maybe titor was a fake :dry:
Time Travel and myself

If many people in the US perish, then Canada will not be able to make all that money they used to when visitors from the US littered and got fined for it. That would tick a person off wouldn't it, Eh?
Time Travel and myself

lol ya but im mostly worried about the tv shows from the us that we wont be able to see but really i think that john titor might be a fake cause if he was real he would show himself in person and actually say who would win the super bowl or something
Time Travel and myself

Hi exterminator321.

I aways thought that maybe the reason John didn't like Canada was because of our abundance of natural resources and maybe our reluctance to share them. If I remember correctly John called us greedy and selfish, I don't remember him calling us hostile. I'm Canadian too btw.
Time Travel and myself

I'd have to look it up, but I believe he said something like Canadians are some of the most ruthless and efficient people he'd ever met.

EDIT: I was right. From johntitor.com

I've noticed that when most Americans think about Canada in this time, they think about pine trees, chooks and back-bacon. It may interest you to know that most Canadians in 2036 are some of the most efficient, ruthless and dangerous people I know. God help Quebec.
Time Travel and myself

That's interesting. That sounds very much like the farmers up in northern California that drive around in Rolls Royce, Mercedes Benz and such. Due to the nature of their crops, they are efficient, very ruthless and can be very dangerous.
A lot of the farm hands that work for them are armed.
