Time Travel Institute Is Open

Memo baqueri

New Member
Hello , my name is Memo Baqueri , born in 05/06/2086 and im 35 yers old now , i know its 2021 Now , we are 313 specialists ordered to do 3 mission in your time, but 9 of our CM is missing for a month now , this year is very important as we read about it in school. And im not here to make you believe, im here to answer every question you may have and ill answer it with everything i know


Hello , my name is Memo Baqueri , born in 05/06/2086 and im 35 yers old now , i know its 2021 Now , we are 313 specialists ordered to do 3 mission in your time, but 9 of our CM is missing for a month now , this year is very important as we read about it in school. And im not here to make you believe, im here to answer every question you may have and ill answer it with everything i know

Hello Traveler! Welcome to the past.

What makes 2021 so important?

Tell us more about your mission in the past.


Memo Baqueri, I have been following this site for so long, and there are regular visitors from the future, who turn out to be scam, i suppose just to have some funny moments for their own amusement, anyways, do you mind to share some facts about the future , will covid be defeated ? what kind of technology will be available for us in the next 50 years ? how did you get here ? where will time travel be discovered ? will it be eve made known to public ? I have some questions fro you
1) Will humans be enhanced by tech ?
2) Will humans be capable of regrwoing limbs or cure spinal cord injuries ?
3) Will humans live like to 200 or more ?
3) Will teleport be invented , and if so , by whom and what is the principle
4) Will be unlimited energy be available ?
5) Will antigravity be discovered , by whom and what is the principle ?
6) Will an ethical society ever be adopted with equality for everyone ?
7) Will new dimension be discovered ?
8) Will etheric dimension be discovered ?
9) Will humans be capable of downloading knowledge inside theri brains without years of studying ?
10) Will organic food be printed to avoid starvation for poorer countried ?

I think that's enough , thanks for your time


Junior Member
1. homo-sapiens will become more machine then organism.
2. yes stem research will allow it to get better. but a cheaper and faster alternative will be machine parts connected to your brain chip.
3. your memorys will.
4. it depends what type of energy you mean
5. its already discovered 1980s
6. no

steven chiverton

Senior Member
Hey everyone,

It came to my attention last week that our friend @Cosmo at TTI decided to shutdown the Time Travel Institute forum and archive it permanently. While the forum is locked in a read-only format, the content in itself is still 100% available and readable, thankfully.

Time Travel Institute

A short time ago, a member we knew on Paranormalis as @JimmyD posted a bunch of menacing messages on TTI and for some reason posted a very serious death threat that was subsequently reported to his local police department. Because he recently posted threats on Paranormalis as well, I gave to Cosmo additional information about the guy, in order to provide enough evidence of his dangerous online behaviour to the concerned authorities. We haven’t heard from JimmyD since then...

Psychos like JimmyD are the #1 threat to communities like ours and TTI. Cosmo had to deal with a lot of weirdos over the years, but sadly, this very case was the last straw, as you can read bellow.

John Titor's identity revealed to be Morey Haber

I’m sad to see that the TTI forum will no longer exist… as a forum community. Thank God, the content is still available.

I don’t usually post news and updates about other websites, but I figured everyone here deserved to know that a friend site of ours closed down recently.

You can reach the TTI Archive at Time Travel Institute

Farewell TTI

i clicked on that john titor revealed to be moray haber link and all i got was a messege saying no github page availiable what is that anyhow
