Time Travel London 1903


Senior Member
This video give you a feel for London in 1903. Ben Ben is still there, but London is quite different now. I was in London this year. There many changes from that bygone age. Notice in 1903 there were very few cars. Also, most men wear suits and hats instead of T-shirts and jeans. The world of 100 years in the future is also very strange to us. Time Traveller to London in 1903 would detect a lot less crime. Certain sections of this city are dangerous in 2012. I was told what parts to avoid. :)



Time Travel Professor
A Great Video, the best thing next to real Time Travel.


Senior Member
Before that, they were extremely small. I saw George Washington's bed and coat at Mt. Vernon. Notice the Milk signs. That's when people started to get taller. People in 1903 would notice how malnourished we are in 2012. Our skin is puffier and discolored. They could tell that we must be very rich because of all the meat and chocolate we eat. 1903 London is extremely dangerous. All those gentlemen are carrying sword canes and have concealed pistols. Notice the tough looking police cavalry. Sailors are especially dangerous and the ports are very scary.
