Time Travel Pattern?


Senior Member
LIke one said one on this forum, from a black hole you don't come back you belong to the dragon on the other side if you have a black hole microcosm. Dante Alighieri for example went to an axis mundi where there was a monastery on it and most probably when he died he belonged to the dragon of the axis mundi and lived as an alien in another life without being able to communicate all this to anyone other than other abducted people. They are created with a disability of the holy speech, they cannot talk about things that pertain to the truth on the black hole..

No i was not at the Untersberg but it is not far from where i live, i might check it out.
Dragons early on in man's development were his teachers. They hold tremendous knowledge about the universe and to some chosen humans, this was shared. The artwork one sees on the book covers of The Dragons Of Pern, to an extent is true.


why in both textes about the Ouroboros and in Twin Peaks it is said that there is white in the eye and black and the white is linked to a white horse!? Also the Ouroboros colors are similar to the prebuddhist swastika!? It is likee i think that the color or art musical fluid comes from the eye?

I found a guy that wrote books on Lovecraft but he does not do comparisons to eastern traditions.


So guys i wanted to inform you that i found the alien source code at the base of the creation of few axis mundi around the globe (at least this is what Little Doctor revealed when he said that the color transendental sound matrix created like a painting the holy mountain, of which he hides the secrets and at the same time he must reveal knowledge because he was an idiot in medieval times and he did not find the source code and idiots become subjogated as black pawns by the source code not awakened,..). It is a code that is common to different traditions: jews, buddhist and prebuddhist (bön). Maybe you already know to what i am referring to.
So basically there was a practice in all these traditions called sky gazing and the egg God created aliens with special eyes that could perceive the knowledge plane that is sort of artificial if they some spiritual capacity at least.. In most of the cases they did not see the plane or frame and became antireligious like Little Doctor. The machine dragon on the other side is capable of seeing the whole akasha of the person, really amazing human alien technolgy.


The Kailash is based off the same 30,000 old technology that LD is referring to. This technology was stored in Egypt before 1200. Jesus supposedly used or was used, better, by this technology so he probably interacted with this in Egypt.

What i find most strange about all this is that Bön Lamas should have known about it or still know about it today because their founder was one of the two people who could meet the Gods at Kailash Mountain Peak.

The other one was Milarepa. Anyone in usa or uk might find better answers to this. There is not really a big bön community here. One question, without being called crazy by lamas asking about the technology, would be what Gods or immortals live on mounta Kailash?? And why we do not have research being done by Lamas in Europe where we have similar axis mundi like Untersberg or in USA mt Shastra.
It seems to be the same God race that built piramid like mountains and we are not even interested about the archeology behind it.

I also know of Chögyam Namkhai Norbu, former professor, that tried to research about Bön origins and Tibetan Vajrayana Lamas even made fool of him even calling him a Bön, which he was not. There is something crazy going on or maybe just negative we are disregarding our Ancient Gods even though the Dalai Lama would have said "do not climb on the Kailash mountain" but at the same time they don´t even promote proper research on it and we are fooled about all kind of alien conspiracy with no scientific base.
If there are alien Gods, who live 1000 years, we should talk about it instead of laughing about it or let people climb mount Kailash, there is not a logical coherent thought on this.


And think about something: St. Augustin, who was important to templars, wrote about a City of God and Kailash is called City of the Gods.-


Also there seems to be a misconception regarding the fact that Kailash is home to Shamballa warrior, no it is not true if we are talking about Gods that live in the darkness of earth. They are Agarthi Gods not Shamballa. Shamballa are positive while Agarthi are warriors/destroyers/head cutters/manhunters.


I think if there is any answer on Time Travel the only place where we have a traditional doctrine that might know about ancient myths of good and evil is Kailash. Also on Kailash you have all paranormal phenomena of feeling another kind of time, ancient.


Also do you believe in some sort of source code or algorithm from which special humans are created? There is also a relation between this algorithm apparently and bones like bones are coded with it. What being does that and if they are on Kailash peak why they dont interact with the marked? Only 2 people ever climbed the mountain: Milarepa and the founder of Bön religion (both experts of black magic to subdue evil).
