Time Travel Science Propaganda


☀️ Zenith
Yes, folks, there are heavy politics in the field of Time Travel. The scientific community is not immune to propaganda. Every time I mention Dr. Ronald Mallett on Twitter, a man, within 2 minutes every time, tells me that he is a fraud. He provides to me a link to a self proclaimed paper that is full of opinions but has no scientific proof to back up his claims. He obviously has a personal beef with Mr. Mallett and he seems to want to drag the rest of the world into it.

I simply posted this article. Making a prediction is not being fradulent.

This is the link he gave me:

PBS NewsHour Interview with Ronald Mallett Proves Marshall Barnes' Allegations of Fraud

It is full of opinions.

First, let me point out this quote " Ronald Mallett admits he won't be able to make a time machine after all". Does that make him a fraud if he is unable to produce a time machine he once thought he could? I don't think so. Besides, do you really think he's going to admit his success to the general public?

I'm thinking this man who is so against Mallett is more of a disinformation specialist.
I mean, all thru out history in academia, people always kept disagreeing with each other, but it's not well talked about.

This is seen mostly in philosophy and psychology, but in academia, when it comes to mathematics and physics, stuff like this isn't talked about alot, such as Tesla vs Edison and Einstein vs other physicists and mathematicians.

Academia and things like this will always come and be like that.

The one guy that has come and kept ticking me off in terms of time travel lately is Andrew Basiago. I honestly can't believe how completely biased as well as completely ignorant he can be in terms of the nature of science and being completely oblivious and biased against the politics within academia itself too. Can't go and fix and change time because of so and so this and that. The guy doesn't even know and how to process and measure formal physics. And then the people who blindly come and follow him like he's a time god and everything, it's completely stupid, foolish and asinine.

I mean, all thru out history in academia, people always kept disagreeing with each other, but it's not well talked about.

Yes, but this individual is going out of his way to almost harrass people who support Mallett. That's obsurd.

The one guy that has come and kept ticking me off in terms of time travel lately is Andrew Basiago. I honestly can't believe how completely biased as well as completely ignorant he can be in terms of the nature of science and being completely oblivious and biased

You know, I never studied him based on gut feeling only. Something just doesn't sit well with me, but I'm not going to go around and spread propaganda, you know?

No no, you're right. I should keep quiet too, but politics is a very dangerous and gruesome game.

Look what happened to Rand Paul this past election run. That guy was the real deal, only to be screwed by the media and all the other runners and voters.

But I'm curious if you have come across other obscure sources and papers in academia that you may potentially and possibly may come and be aware of.
No no, you're right. I should keep quiet too, but politics is a very dangerous and gruesome game.

Look what happened to Rand Paul this past election run. That guy was the real deal, only to be screwed by the media and all the other runners and voters.

But I'm curious if you have come across other obscure sources and papers in academia that you may potentially and possibly may come and be aware of.

Mr. Barnes had a supposed paper. I glanced at it once but only saw opinions. I'd have to read it again, though. It's not very long and hardly an academic paper.
Academia and papers are mostly opinions and written observations, simply just the justification of evidence if anything really. Peer review is a really tough and critical thing when it comes to papers and journals in academia all the time, especially when it comes to looking through literary sources in the literature review.
I agree with the critics here, but that's because I have a little bit of an idea of the math that goes into it. Having said that, the article is clearly aimed at laypeople and is poorly written. They would increase their credibility a great deal if the name calling was omitted and some calculations were included.
Could use a little more Tesla, Maxwell, Planck, Godel and Everette. Hard to believe alot of these guys really debated and fought hard with each other over the years.

I'm curious who the current philosophers and mathematicians who debate against each other in today's post modernistic stream of thought today.
So given what's being seen here, what are people's ideas of time travel so far given this? Doable?
Maybe, but I think it's unlikely that relativity will offer a useful way forward, simply due to the numbers involved. For fun, I did some simple calculations to determine how much current would be required to setup a magnetic field with enough energy in a small volume of space to create a black hole (using E=mc² to convert the energy to mass), and it would require something on the order of 10^28 amps, if I remember correctly. In other words, completely unrealistic.
