Time Travel Science Propaganda


Yes, folks, there are heavy politics in the field of Time Travel. The scientific community is not immune to propaganda. Every time I mention Dr. Ronald Mallett on Twitter, a man, within 2 minutes every time, tells me that he is a fraud. He provides to me a link to a self proclaimed paper that is full of opinions but has no scientific proof to back up his claims. He obviously has a personal beef with Mr. Mallett and he seems to want to drag the rest of the world into it.

I simply posted this article. Making a prediction is not being fradulent.

This is the link he gave me:

PBS NewsHour Interview with Ronald Mallett Proves Marshall Barnes' Allegations of Fraud

It is full of opinions.

First, let me point out this quote " Ronald Mallett admits he won't be able to make a time machine after all". Does that make him a fraud if he is unable to produce a time machine he once thought he could? I don't think so. Besides, do you really think he's going to admit his success to the general public?

I'm thinking this man who is so against Mallett is more of a disinformation specialist.
Its nothing to do with disinformation, its simply because Mallett is a black guy who "they" feel has disgraced the scientific community that are predominately white...

This isn't the case. Marshall is also black.

For the record, there are many successful, intelligent black scientists. I am not in the academic field, though, so I do not know if discrimination plays a role or not.
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I personally believe that Professor Mallett really has no real clue about how Time Travel works. I also believe
there will never be a working device that will come out of his research of many years.
I think I can relate to that. I also think it's possible that Dr. Mallett was more after sensationalism and attention rather than getting feedback on his mistakes from people in the scientific community. Am I right?

This isn't feedback. He is being harrassed and called a fraud and everyone who tweets about him is also harrassed.


I personally believe that Professor Mallett really has no real clue about how Time Travel works. I also believe
there will never be a working device that will come out of his research of many years.

But does not understanding make him a fraud for trying?


@PaulaJedi - So what you're saying is he released his time travel research to the media and didn't want to get a peer review for fear he would be harassed and called a fraud anyway? I'm confused.


@PaulaJedi - So what you're saying is he released his time travel research to the media and didn't want to get a peer review for fear he would be harassed and called a fraud anyway? I'm confused.

I was trying not to name names, but what I'm saying is that Mr. Barnes is not giving a peer review. He is harrassing supporters. Literally. He is being unprofessional. He is calling him a fraud with no evidence to support his claims and doing so on social media. I ask him why and he won't answer. He won't give us any science. Am I on trial now? Do you want to read the tweets Mr. Barnes sends me? Those are far from a professional peer review. The man shows signs of being mentally unstable. If you feel that is professional behavior, then that is your opinion and I will agree to disagree with you. Saying "you're wrong" and "you're a fraud" are two very different statements.

We would need to study Mallett's intentions. I've read 75% of his book and it had a lot of emotion in it. I'm leaning towards that he is not out to take over the world, but what do I know? I'm just a stupid female on a forum who is "too sensitive" and doesn't feel that calling peers frauds and literally harrassing the general public is professional and borderline criminal. IMHO.


@PaulaJedi - Hey, slow down. Why are you getting so uptight? I wasn't aware of the entire situation up until now. I don't feel like Mr. Barnes is being professional at all. Since when have I said such a thing? I'm sorry if I sounded to you like I was justifying Dr. Mallett's critics, but please don't jump to conclusions prematurely. Just my two cents.


Time Travel Professor
@PaulaJedi - So what you're saying is he released his time travel research to the media and didn't want to get a peer review for fear he would be harassed and called a fraud anyway? I'm confused.

My point here was a miss-understanding: It is not about a black man. It was not about harassment or fraud, my comment was about his years of research down the wrong path to a working Time Machine. He may not understand the subject of time.


@PaulaJedi - So what you're saying is he released his time travel research to the media and didn't want to get a peer review for fear he would be harassed and called a fraud anyway? I'm confused.

My point here was a miss-understanding: It is not about a black man. It was not about harassment or fraud, my comment was about his years of research down the wrong path to a working Time Machine. He may not understand the subject of time.

Right. But going down the wrong path doesn't make one a fraud like Mr. Barnes is claiming. It's called science. Many go down the wrong path and must face criticism from time to time, but calling someone a fraud is extreme.

Anyway, I've offered Barnes an interview to give him a chance to explain himself. He'll probably decline or ignore my request.


@PaulaJedi - Hey, slow down. Why are you getting so uptight? I wasn't aware of the entire situation up until now. I don't feel like Mr. Barnes is being professional at all. Since when have I said such a thing? I'm sorry if I sounded to you like I was justifying Dr. Mallett's critics, but please don't jump to conclusions prematurely. Just my two cents.

Sorry, I thought you were giving me some beef. I think peer review is fine, but what this Barnes man is doing is just "out there".

I originally didn't want to mention his name, but I'll take my chances now, I guess.

If you google, there are some websites that claim Marshall Barnes created a time machine. His behavior makes me not take him very seriously.


I decided to ask Marshall for an interview and get his whole side of the story. He claims to have created a time machine. I will do some research later this evening and make a post about it. Although I don't condone his behavior, and I told him so, I will still give him a chance to speak since I don't know the entire story. He involved me by tweeting me, so now I'm going to dive right in like I always do and get right smack in the middle of it. Why not? I always end up in the middle anyway. :) :)
