Time Travel to the Past.


New Member
Hi Everyone,

I am looking for a time traveller (who isn't?) who can help me Time Travel to the past so I can correct something. My correction will have little ripple effect! Mostly on me and creating a happier person.

In honesty I have researched a lot of ways since making my mistake.

I do believe the government has access to TT but due to how dangerous it could become it is not available for the public. Sometimes I wonder why there are more and more TT shows and movies coming out. Trying to prepare the general population? Doubtful but you never know!

I tried Astral Projection in hopes to re-posses my past self, to write a note, or somehow get a note to myself from now to the past by astral. I have gotten to vibrational stage seen my astral hands above my bodies hands, I then got scared back in due to the sounds. That is the furthest I have gotten. To be honest I wonder if this is even possible to do by Astral, you read yes and no and would really have to try yourself to know. I am scared to not come back though by re-possessing my past self. I have a young daughter I cannot leave as I had no mom throughout my life and I cannot do that to her. I have read about the Akashic Librarian/Guardian may have the answers to TT but if I cannot leave my body how can I get there? (Heard meditation is a way)

I looked at the HDR, but that seems a bit scary IF it works how will I get back?

Dimensional Jumping - gave it a try and nothing. (Tried with what they call smaller jumps). I read you have to detatch yourself from this world, impossible for me I love my husband and daughter too much to detatch myself. Also it seems too easy/good to be true.

I would love if Malakis (spelling?) TT stories are true, that he has Time Travelled and made changes (or his friends that have). I know you can TT by astral but to actually be able to change the past is the real question! It seems like he did this through meditation, I am not the best at meditation as my mind is constantly going in circles and now more then ever since my mistake.

I understand that it could all be trolls/untrue stories but what if it is true! Or someone really holds the key.

When your regret causes depression and it can only be fixed by changing the past you just hope that you can find a way to achieve this so you can be happy. If I can't I will obviously have to live my life with this regret, which most days seems impossible to do.

Anyone had any luck with TT! If so please share your secret(s)!

Scorpio Rose.
if you read steven gibbs time travel reports he says the only change you make traveling to the past is to your alternate self on another reality you only effect apex tv has some great time travel stuff and interviews to time travelers check it out

I'd have to agree with Steven, though I can still see another option, but it's much less likely to work out.

If you time travel to fix a small mistake you made, not matter how discreetly, you'd only be affecting his future. Not yours. This ties back to the multiverse theory and the fifth dimension where every choice you make, right or wrong, left or right, up or down; only affects the universe you choose to observe at that time. All others are thrown into he multiverse to live out choices they made.

However, and not to contradict myself, but I do believe there is a possibility of changing ones own future. Doing so would take a complex chain of events, cause and effects, and situations set into motion at a precise time that inevitably cause you to interact in the desired way, but only if these causalities lead up to the very moment you choose to go back in time. Only then would you be able to return to Your Time.

It's long been theorized that any change to the past, not matter how insignificant, could forever lock you out of your time line.

Arent you over due to return? I mean your dick sucking mission is complete isn't it? Dont you have enough men for the bluetube yet? You've been hearing those farting noises for weeks now. You said you would have to go soon weeks is not soon.
Hi Everyone,

I am looking for a time traveller (who isn't?) who can help me Time Travel to the past so I can correct something. My correction will have little ripple effect! Mostly on me and creating a happier person.

In honesty I have researched a lot of ways since making my mistake.

I do believe the government has access to TT but due to how dangerous it could become it is not available for the public. Sometimes I wonder why there are more and more TT shows and movies coming out. Trying to prepare the general population? Doubtful but you never know!

I tried Astral Projection in hopes to re-posses my past self, to write a note, or somehow get a note to myself from now to the past by astral. I have gotten to vibrational stage seen my astral hands above my bodies hands, I then got scared back in due to the sounds. That is the furthest I have gotten. To be honest I wonder if this is even possible to do by Astral, you read yes and no and would really have to try yourself to know. I am scared to not come back though by re-possessing my past self. I have a young daughter I cannot leave as I had no mom throughout my life and I cannot do that to her. I have read about the Akashic Librarian/Guardian may have the answers to TT but if I cannot leave my body how can I get there? (Heard meditation is a way)

I looked at the HDR, but that seems a bit scary IF it works how will I get back?

Dimensional Jumping - gave it a try and nothing. (Tried with what they call smaller jumps). I read you have to detatch yourself from this world, impossible for me I love my husband and daughter too much to detatch myself. Also it seems too easy/good to be true.

I would love if Malakis (spelling?) TT stories are true, that he has Time Travelled and made changes (or his friends that have). I know you can TT by astral but to actually be able to change the past is the real question! It seems like he did this through meditation, I am not the best at meditation as my mind is constantly going in circles and now more then ever since my mistake.

I understand that it could all be trolls/untrue stories but what if it is true! Or someone really holds the key.

When your regret causes depression and it can only be fixed by changing the past you just hope that you can find a way to achieve this so you can be happy. If I can't I will obviously have to live my life with this regret, which most days seems impossible to do.

Anyone had any luck with TT! If so please share your secret(s)!

Scorpio Rose.
I will say a prayer for you and I don't know if you have checked out some videos on quantuam jumping the 2 glass method. Easy and a great psychological tool.
Check out the channel by Justin called "youarecreators" on you tube and Miki Sutton has a lot of great videos on time lines etc.
I to am a great believer that there is so much more to us and our world in regards to these esoteric questions and secrets.
There has to be a way of healing the past as for some families the past is never healed and it hurts generations.
let me know how it goes.
who is malekis? you mentioned.
I will say a prayer for you and I don't know if you have checked out some videos on quantuam jumping the 2 glass method. Easy and a great psychological tool.
Check out the channel by Justin called "youarecreators" on you tube and Miki Sutton has a lot of great videos on time lines etc.
I to am a great believer that there is so much more to us and our world in regards to these esoteric questions and secrets.
There has to be a way of healing the past as for some families the past is never healed and it hurts generations.
let me know how it goes.
who is malekis? you mentioned.
