Time travel

And it is to late to change what i did that is negatively my life on my present timeline anyways. So i don't know anymore. But since my phone is fixed now i will be able to recive messages now. But still i am not sure wheter or not get help from that other person instead to help me out with my situation in may.
So sorry about the many messages and i understand if you changed your mind and decided not to help me anymore.
@scott93257 .
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I've got some plans. I am headed back to the 90's to see my parents again before they were killed. Can't change the past or prevent their death as if I tried to they would die a different way. Just to see their smiling faces again, if even from a distance, is good enough for me.

I've heard theres such thing as Final Destination, If you save someone from dieing in the past, the timeline will naturally correct itself. Meaning that they would die from something else.
Okay, I did something in my past that negativity affected the timeline of my present and my life in it as well, I am not sure if it is even possible to change my past to change what I did.
How did you travel back in time? I'm very serious about finding a way back and i'd be very interested to hear your experience, and if you could with giving me just a bit of insight it would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to talking to you and thank you in advance.
How did you travel back in time? I'm very serious about finding a way back and i'd be very interested to hear your experience, and if you could with giving me just a bit of insight it would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to talking to you and thank you in advance.
Okay. I am not chossing on what i did that negatively affected my present timeline and my life and year in it as will including what i did before in my past that lead it out to be the case or but i was able to reach out people from the future who brought other people from like them as will with a type of time travel called gyro dynamics which let them bring people from the past as will into this year where i was when i was time traveling in my dreams and using this kind of time travel in real life as will if this makes any sense at all, and me disscreapting them lead to my life in my year being negatively affected by what i did.
Okay. I am not chossing on what i did that negatively affected my present timeline and my life and year in it as will including what i did before in my past that lead it out to be the case or but i was able to reach out people from the future who brought other people from like them as will with a type of time travel called gyro dynamics which let them bring people from the past as will into this year where i was when i was time traveling in my dreams and using this kind of time travel in real life as will if this makes any sense at all, and me disscreapting them lead to my life in my year being negatively affected by what i did.
I'm having a bit of trouble following what your saying but im looking for a way to go back in time to before i was born and stay there, if you knew anyone or anything that could help at all id greatly appreciate the help.
I'm having a bit of trouble following what your saying but im looking for a way to go back in time to before i was born and stay there, if you knew anyone or anything that could help at all id greatly appreciate the help.
Okay. All i know is they used a type of time travel called gyro dynamics that lead thwm to come into my year and reach out to them.
