'Time traveller' reveals big world changes over the next four years - one is in weeks


New Member
He has the same name as the guy from Apex TV. I hope it is not the same guy.

Source: link in the first post
Either way apex is to blame for this meme. Which is what this is. A meme. Started as a way to build his channel and now it's leaked onto tik tok with every weirdo claiming they're any wacky thing. It's not even limited to time travel.
I never use tik tok because of the whole it's a Chinese government Spyware thing. But finally someone convinced me to "stop being so cynical and try it, it's really fun and relieves stress" the first video I saw was of some weird gay black kid looking into the camera with the deadest most serious stare and declaring that he is a mermaid. (Even though we can see his feet) and spending the next 10 seconds and several other videos (I didn't watch them) apparently explaining the community behind this. I went into the comments and discovered about a zillion little Zoomers claiming they've heard of this, then the next guy being like #mermaidlife then someone posts a meme talking about #mermaid struggles.

These things just sort of take off because people are bored and unintelligent and they know they'll get attention. I know some people look at it like being comparable to Art Bells coast to coast but it's not. Art Bell was a respectable guy who always kept a bit of distance and armed himself with skepticism and when things went too off the rails he often shut it down or gleefully went along for the ride, making it obvious this is dumb bs. And occasionally there were gems, things that seemed like they *could be true. And there was this possibility that something real might drop into your lap. ..

I can promise all of you this will never happen with Apextv and his copy cats who are just spoiled middle class kids who don't want to work or contribute to society. They are actually worse than homeless drug addicts because at least drug addicts take part in the economy.

These fucking morons subsist of abundant ad revenue and aren't even edgy enough to spark revolution or critical thought, hiding behind the tamest and most on the nose "barely conspiracy theories" if time travellers exist they certainly haven't come out on apex TV nor tik tok and if they have surely they've lied, just to mock the format.

Sigh.... sorry for my rant. I had to get that out. I hate apex so damn much. I remember a few years ago they used to spam their videos in paranormal chat rooms like this.


2028 due to climate change according to AOC. Lol
But I know 2065 is a date that keeps coming up. Some religious scholars suggest it's the year christ will return (not to be confused with the wackos that say this every four years, this is a consistent date that comes from studying biblical text. Idk I find it interesting. Some say it's not necessarily the end of the world but a second coming event none the less.

Whats really interesting is this date keeps popping up in other circles like Nostradamus followers, baba vanga, indigenous calendars (kinda like the 2012 thing) etc.

I think I remember in the early John Titor faxes that 2530 or somewhere thereabouts timelines apparently come to an end. Idk if that's a dooms day prediction or allegedly a limitation of the machine. I do remember him saying the line "goes bad"

And of course we have the Unix 2038 problem. But that won't be a super big deal, some outdated computer systems will likely fail. People can lose capital. Access. Information. But some seem convinced it's a second shot at the old y2k apocalypse.

And I mean of you're a mainstream normal that votes Democrat you might say the world has already ended because Trump was elected. So clearly he destroyed the world and caused a world war and this is just purgatory.

2065??? I'll be 94 and probably won't care, if I'm still alive. There will most likely be more "ends of the world" sooner, though.
Just waiting for the next one!


New Member
2065??? I'll be 94 and probably won't care, if I'm still alive. There will most likely be more "ends of the world" sooner, though.
Just waiting for the next one!
Yeah I feel you there. I'll be in my 70s and the way medical care is going ill surely be dead.
I grew up with all the y2k and 2012 nonsense. I remember the build up and the collective feeling of "oh shit what if this does happen" it was actually fun looking back.
Maybe the 2038 thing will have more urgency than we thought
