Timeline Change


I know I've had changes like this throughout my life, but there are two that I recall quite vividly. The first one was when Kelsey Grammer died years ago. "But he's not dead," you say? That's my point. I vividly recall TV news reports, web articles, and gossip about it for months after it happened. It wasn't until he was cast in X-Men 3 years later that I thought "WTF?? He's supposed to be dead!!"

I do vaguely remember SOMETHING significant with Kelsey Grammer. Another big one was Ringo Starr. Many of us remember him dying of something like cancer. I remember thinking how sad that Paul was the only one left. Then, someone on the forums mentioned him and many of us were like what??! He died. Obviously, someone visited the past of our current timeline and their interactions caused changes. Now, the past we "remember" doesn't match the "new" past. And I agree with you that not everyone's perception of the past is going to match for this very same reason.

Now, think of this. If a person is time traveling, it only involves this own consciousness. His traveling doesn't cause EVERYONE to travel. So, who is to say that the changes he makes don't only affect him? We don't really know.

This phenomenon is illustrated in the story of the man from Taured from 1954. In "his past", his country is Taured. In ours, it's Andorra.

Now, I'm trying to figure out why this example sounds so familiar. I may have read about it before.


I'm still waiting for that reality where I wake up next to the one that got away. I probably wont say anything and just play along like my dream came true.
There was one story about a woman who had a similar experience. Except she woke up next to the one she dumped 5 months before, and the man she had prior to the shift was nowhere to be found.

Isn't that a movie? The Deja Vu tonight is strong. I think I have to go to bed early. :)


Temporal Engineer
I'm going crazy or have early dimentia. Strange things keep happening to me! Timeline changes!!!

One of my childrens' wooden, blue chairs disappeared!!! Thankfully, they have acknowledged that we did indeed have 2 chairs. My house is not very big. It would be found. I searched everywhere. It disappeared while we were at swim lessons. Why would someone enter my house, steal a chair, and then lock the door on the way out? My bedroom light was on, too, but I could have left that on.

I'm really beginning to notice so many strange things lately. Am I nuts?

I would suspect the children. They may be concealing what happened.

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
I'm still waiting for that reality where I wake up next to the one that got away. I probably wont say anything and just play along like my dream came true.
There was one story about a woman who had a similar experience. Except she woke up next to the one she dumped 5 months before, and the man she had prior to the shift was nowhere to be found.

Sounds like this movie about Parallel Universes colliding:
The Caller (2011) - IMDb


I know I've had changes like this throughout my life, but there are two that I recall quite vividly. The first one was when Kelsey Grammer died years ago. "But he's not dead," you say? That's my point. I vividly recall TV news reports, web articles, and gossip about it for months after it happened. It wasn't until he was cast in X-Men 3 years later that I thought "WTF?? He's supposed to be dead!!"

The second incident happened in 2008 and I told George Noory about it on Coast to Coast AM July 11th of that year. It's a long story, so if you want hear it you'll have to dig it out of their archive.

These "shifts" make sense if you accept the idea that everything everywhere in every time exists simultaneously in every point in time and space. We create our reality through consciousness via the "agreements" we make with the particles and waves that enter our perception. If our consciousness desires a particular future or event to occur, the universe will oblige and alter our trajectory down a different path. Sometimes, certain events and details down the new path are at odds with what we experienced previously (time is subjective).

The crazy thing is you could experience a shift, be aware of it, say nothing, and NO ONE would know it happened to you. The point is that someone close to you could have memories of an event that never actually happened in "your past".

Here's a hypothetical to illustrate. Suppose an alternate timeline exists where the World Trade Center was never built. Given that the WTC is now gone, it is possible to encounter someone on the street that has no memory of 9/11 because in "their past" it never existed in the first place. You both currently occupy and share a "present" that doesn't have the WTC, but one remembers it while the other doesn't. Unless you talk about the WTC (apply consciousness to it), you'll never know.

This phenomenon is illustrated in the story of the man from Taured from 1954. In "his past", his country is Taured. In ours, it's Andorra. My theory of his disappearance is that when he went to sleep that night in the locked and guarded hotel room, his consciousness reset his awareness, and he woke up only to have to deal with the bizarre situation of staying in a hotel room he never checked into, possibly along side someone who woke to find a strange man in his/her bed, and assuming he wasn't arrested, heads back to the airport to get his stuff that customs officials can't explain are in their possession. And not just that, but how he made it past customs in the first place.
You sure you got the right date?



New Member
I know I've had changes like this throughout my life, but there are two that I recall quite vividly. The first one was when Kelsey Grammer died years ago. "But he's not dead," you say? That's my point. I vividly recall TV news reports, web articles, and gossip about it for months after it happened. It wasn't until he was cast in X-Men 3 years later that I thought "WTF?? He's supposed to be dead!!"

The second incident happened in 2008 and I told George Noory about it on Coast to Coast AM July 11th of that year. It's a long story, so if you want hear it you'll have to dig it out of their archive.

These "shifts" make sense if you accept the idea that everything everywhere in every time exists simultaneously in every point in time and space. We create our reality through consciousness via the "agreements" we make with the particles and waves that enter our perception. If our consciousness desires a particular future or event to occur, the universe will oblige and alter our trajectory down a different path. Sometimes, certain events and details down the new path are at odds with what we experienced previously (time is subjective).

The crazy thing is you could experience a shift, be aware of it, say nothing, and NO ONE would know it happened to you. The point is that someone close to you could have memories of an event that never actually happened in "your past".

Here's a hypothetical to illustrate. Suppose an alternate timeline exists where the World Trade Center was never built. Given that the WTC is now gone, it is possible to encounter someone on the street that has no memory of 9/11 because in "their past" it never existed in the first place. You both currently occupy and share a "present" that doesn't have the WTC, but one remembers it while the other doesn't. Unless you talk about the WTC (apply consciousness to it), you'll never know.

This phenomenon is illustrated in the story of the man from Taured from 1954. In "his past", his country is Taured. In ours, it's Andorra. My theory of his disappearance is that when he went to sleep that night in the locked and guarded hotel room, his consciousness reset his awareness, and he woke up only to have to deal with the bizarre situation of staying in a hotel room he never checked into, possibly along side someone who woke to find a strange man in his/her bed, and assuming he wasn't arrested, heads back to the airport to get his stuff that customs officials can't explain are in their possession. And not just that, but how he made it past customs in the first place.

I am new to this group. I am a pursuing my masters in counseling. If a person was coming to me talking about these experiences, I don't know how I would handle it. My education would say these individuals have experienced something,but it may not be what it appears. The individual may be confused and may be suffering an mental illness especially if there is incoherent speech patterns. Personally I know that reality is subjective. I have been experiencing alter vu since October of 2014. For those of you who don't know Alter vue is when someone remembers their history differently. The last I remember I was waking up from an horrible dream of a car crash but it was very real,to the point I was crying when I awoke. The reality was set back to the previous 6 months before I encountered the crash. The car crash was suppose to be when I took my mother to the dentist, I have avoided my mother's dentist.As I move down the timeline to present July 8,2015 experiences are slightly different. I have been able to predict certain things. Everyday feels as if I have two memories of events, it is the strangest feeling. I have contemplated that I was dead for awhile. I have thought that it is possible something wrong with my temporary lope. The only thing that can possible explain it is conscious emerging from an parallel universe. I have been researching explanations for awhile now through quantum mechanics and biocentrism. Yet there is nothing concrete and it doesn't explain if fully. I am kind of use to these experiences now, although it makes you feel crazy. I only talk about it to a few people out of fear judgment. If this is a mental illness it is harmless since it have not created unhealthy life patterns. People through out history have had strange beliefs and experiences. If anybody has any empirical evidence research journals or book please let me know the names. Thank you so much. I hope I was not too off topic.
