Timeline shifting through intentionally entangled quantum memories?


Just some thoughts I've been having lately. My current best guess as to the nature of my travel is through spiritual memory continuity between timelines which share an entangled history of memory. Perhaps recreating such a scenario (intentionally creating a state in which continuity memories are identical between the two and entangled) to set a junction and then collapsing the wave function at the point of travel could potentially work?

Since we can do magic by entering theoria and manipulating our observed outcome perhaps we can use the same technique to intentionally select a timeline with entangled memories, which we can then collapse at a later date to shift?

  1. Enter theoria
  2. Set up entangled memory and spiritual future
  3. Exit theoria and wait until planned shifting time.
  4. Collapse wavefunction and shift to entangled line

This might also explain what's happening in my own case, as I do frequently enter theoria for various reasons (religious practice and doing magic); perhaps I have been accidentally also doing this? Though I'm not sure how this would work when shifting to lines that have a junction prior to your birth. Something to think about.



stop doing magic and maybe the demons wont keep transporting you lol

maybe you can/could settle down in one dimension if you trust in Jesus Christ instead, thats the son of Thee Almighty GOD, Creator of All the Universe.

(sorry if this confuses or annoys you -- this is just me trying to figure out your problem of random dimensional transport or whatever it is.. I will pray for you and remember you from time to time.)

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I don't mean to say that I know it is some kind of demonic thing that is happening to you for sure either.. Just wondering if maybe that magic is having some kind of evil effects that we all could not imagine right now in this worldly dimension. I hope at least you might go seek out a regular sort of Christian Church leader that seems wise and willing to believe your story like how serious things were in that exorcist movie or something (I am not so sure about the catholic church leadership these days though)... That kind of stuff really can happen in other different ways or like in the case of my life.. seriously unbelieving stuff has happened that everyone on this forum and in this dimension wont even believe. I just hope you can get some better spiritual guidance and settle down and find yourself in one dimension for a while and see that things don't have to keep being messed up on you.. Who knows I am just throwing my best ideas out there for you and hoping it helps because it seems like you are lost and confused about it and maybe trying something different might help. I hope you don't think I am lame or anything lol. I hope the best for you!~

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Doc 05

Active Member
@Apri1 So a problem I have noticed with using the HDR was not formulating a well thought of intention statement.
In turn I would unintentionally end up jumping a time line during/after the HDR session.
Then odd things would happen in order to get me back on the timeline I belong on at this time.
(for what ever enlightenment/life lesson/mission/all of the above, etc).

Now all my HDR intention statements return me to present timeline safely and with no changes.
That and I always invoke protection on my journeys. ;)

I don't know if one can successfully close/collapse an alternate timeline.
Hope this adds to your theory.


Active Member
which religion, there are thousands of gods believed to exist and no way to determine weather the books are correct or not. Also, the gods could be technologically powerful aliens and based off those religious books there is no way to prove otherwise. Just because x thing occurs because of x being does not by itself indicate that being is a god.

nothing is all powerful because nothing can cause itself not to exist then cause itself to exist because their is nothing to cause to exist.
There are explanations in philosophy and science, not in primitive books that rely of faith which is defined as "lack of reason and proof" in most dictionaries

also, a line containing all the data from another line is an explanation that causes influences you to do x within the world line and the world line future is partially you experiencing what ocurred before you were born in your future.


Senior Member
Demons can certainly distort your memories if God allows them to afflict you, and that can easily happen when you engage in occult practices.


Junior Member
Just some thoughts I've been having lately. My current best guess as to the nature of my travel is through spiritual memory continuity between timelines which share an entangled history of memory. Perhaps recreating such a scenario (intentionally creating a state in which continuity memories are identical between the two and entangled) to set a junction and then collapsing the wave function at the point of travel could potentially work?

Since we can do magic by entering theoria and manipulating our observed outcome perhaps we can use the same technique to intentionally select a timeline with entangled memories, which we can then collapse at a later date to shift?

  1. Enter theoria
  2. Set up entangled memory and spiritual future
  3. Exit theoria and wait until planned shifting time.
  4. Collapse wavefunction and shift to entangled line
This might also explain what's happening in my own case, as I do frequently enter theoria for various reasons (religious practice and doing magic); perhaps I have been accidentally also doing this? Though I'm not sure how this would work when shifting to lines that have a junction prior to your birth. Something to think about.

You should probably change your picture because you're far from makise


You should probably change your picture because you're far from makise

Feel free to share your thoughts rather than throwing insults. If there's a problem with my ideas and models, please point them out, rather than attack my character.

You do understand that april aint posted here in aome time.

Indeed, I very infrequently come here. Usually just to share some thoughts or check the latest time travel claims. There's unfortunately not much interesting discussion going on. Lots of HDR fans here which I can't really get behind. We already know that backwards physical travel is going to be damn near impossible without some new revolution in physics, or exotic matter of some kind; neither of which I'd expect from an average joe on a conspiracy forum. So the only things that are worth discussing are time dilation in use for forwards physical travel (we can't travel near light speed yet so this tends to still be pretty much impossible), and spiritual/mental travel, of which my post focuses on. And ofc also time travel claims, though almost always it's just some text shitpost without any real evidence.

Honestly I'm one of the few people legitimately digging into things and trying to figure stuff out. I've done experiments and research on timeline divergence, traveler biology, and ofc means of travel and related spiritual states. I post my thoughts in detail, ensuring I don't leave anything out, and it seems most people aren't really capable of keeping up. But I just hope to spark some discussion or maybe help others who are walking the same path.
