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Cary, you forgot about the part where Duck, after it has been cooked, contains a plethora of beneficial microorganisms that are both instructive AND beneficial as once you ingest enough you quit caring about the time. I wonder if aima's people eat all the time, that would explain why the live like sheep expecting some overseer to do the thinking for them. Now that would be a SNAFU.

Actualy, ingesting quantities of any good food to that extent will produce euphoria and a general infestation of the aforemention organisms. Yogurt and Yeast is a hoot as it's whole purpose in life is to see just how many of those little organisms can fit on a spoon. I personaly like to trick them by using a very large cooking spoon. You can almost hear their screams of confusion.

Speaking of cooking, I would wager a Smithfield ham that Paul Prudhome hasn't thought about time in decades as full as he is from food.
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Aima, thank you very much for being here and bearing with us and answering our questions. I know I appreciate it. Can you take a moment and address the memories you have of the actual trip back, including if any machines that were used.

Also, from what you have come to learn about us, would you say it's possible that your "mentors" are what we now may be considering "aliens"? And could they be raising you as livestock as was postulated?
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This story reminds me of Iain Banks' Culture.

Sounds like your culture is either being \"parented\" by these mentors in a juvenile fashion (babies and small children with good parents don't need to be concerned with time), or your story is well, just a story.

Sounds more like Morlock-Eloi fashion to me.

Aima please translate the following words of your language into English;

So tenara nessa soi kazi-
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Originally posted by Ralan@Aug 5 2004, 09:16 AM

Aima please translate the following words of your language into English;

So tenara nessa soi kazi-


Like a patient aetherized upon a table.
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hi Aima, you did mention you do not keep track of time . Its only a guess but is it possible your timeline is sometime past the year 10,000 A.D? I believe there is no tangiable future past that time.

1. I was wondering are your mentors the elohim race?

2. Also what are you allowed to give us some advice how to keep our selfs healthy and have a long life?
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Originally posted by bearish_123@Aug 8 2004, 02:36 AM
hi Aima, you did mention you do not keep track of time . Its only a guess but is it possible your timeline is sometime past the year 10,000 A.D? I believe there is no tangiable future past that time.

Well... I can see why he would not want to keep track of time, in that case. No tangible future past a certain date in the future... that is absolutely something you'd say while waiting for Godot.
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The translation for your phrase would be, roughly, "I had a need for my home." The more correct phrase is, "So nessara soi kazi", which is "I needed my home."
Why do you ask?

Again, forgive me if I have been rude by not answering sooner, but I was offended when one of you said my culture is juvenile, which is a strange thing to hear from people who are like infants, not knowing what to eat or how to clean up their waste.

I was also offended by the one who said we are like the Morlock and the Eloi, once I learned what these things are. You must understand that no ones suffers from the structure of our society. The mentors treat us with respect, and we are grateful for their care.

To answer a question, I don't believe my mentors came from another planet. They understand us too well, and are very like us in many ways. I don't believe they would feel the love for us that they do unless we were related in some way.

I'm happy to tell you how to have long and healthy lives. Where I come from, we take chemicals with our food to improve the function of our bodies, but I don't know the names of any of them in English. I see that your people are beginning to take an interest in the foods they eat, and that's a good first step. The best thing you could do would be to talk to someone who studies these things, like a doctor, and do what they say. Eat when you're hungry, stop eating when you're full. Don't use tobacco or other drugs with unacceptable side effects. We use drugs to alter our brain function sometimes, but I was disgusted to learn that the chemicals you use to alter your thinking do such damage to your bodies.
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Again, forgive me if I have been rude by not answering sooner, but I was offended when one of you said my culture is juvenile, which is a strange thing to hear from people who are like infants, not knowing what to eat or how to clean up their waste.

Being the offending party, I thought I'd respond. Offending people is just one of those things I just do naturally. Don't take it personal. To clarify, I said

Sounds like your culture is either being \"parented\" by these mentors in a juvenile fashion (babies and small children with good parents don't need to be concerned with time), or your story is well, just a story. Even primative tribes measure time for the coordination of future action, unless you just live day to day with no concern for planning the future. Try and negotiate anything in the next week without distinctions for time (next Tuesday at 8:00 am for instance) and your asking for things to get FUBAR. Do you study history in your culture? Requires some distinctions about time. How do you prepare for changes in the seasons? Do you just live day to day with no concern for future events and contingencies? Your asking for some unplanned reality to bite you on the ass. Makes no sense to me. I'm sure you have some snappy comeback about the brutal vulgarities of our world and how yours is so much better without distinctions surrounding time, but it still doesn't float. I'll shut up here. Any clarifications would be appreciated.

So if you'll re-read my post I said "sounds like" "in a juvenile fashion". I didn't say your culture was juvenile. If you want to get offended, well go for it. My post was my impression of what you claimed your culture to be, and was not intended to offend you. Of course, I have no control over what you get offended by. Again, any clarifications would be appreciated on what sounds like an impossible culture without using distinctions of time. So get offended or not. I'm not inviting you to "feel offended." If you choose to explain how your culture works without distinctions of tiime, I'm all ears.

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I was also offended by the one who said we are like the Morlock and the Eloi, once I learned what these things are. You must understand that no ones suffers from the structure of our society. The mentors treat us with respect, and we are grateful for their care.

Sorry aima. I wasn't being serious, just responding to someone elses comment more than commenting on your post.

The translation for your phrase would be, roughly, \"I had a need for my home.\" The more correct phrase is, \"So nessara soi kazi\", which is \"I needed my home.\"
Why do you ask?

I was checking how well you knew your own language.
