Traveling to Parallel Worlds vs. Time Travel


Junior Member
Traveling to Parallel Worlds vs. Time Travel

I think the discussion of time travel often gets confused with traveling to parallel worlds. Travel to parallel worlds would involve LATERAL travel (in the present) where events are occuring in REAL time but in a DIFFERENT place. Time travel would involve traveling forward or backwards from the present along the TIMELINE. We need to appreciate that the two are inextricably bound to each other but that the possibility of parallel worlds introduces a new factor into the equation. Discussion of time travel often presumes that it arrives at the same world, past or future, that we came from, only in a different time. This may NOT be the case at all. We talk about parallel worlds but are often inconsistent in applying this new paradigm of reality. It is hard to rid ourselves of the old way of thinking about the universe, but it is human nature to fall back on what is familiar and has been for so long.

While time travel to the past or future may be in the same timeline, it very well may not. You may go into the past or future, but arrive in a DIFFERENT world, a different timeline that has no direct relationship to the world you just came from. This may explain how some people "see" the future, but the event never occurs. The Many Worlds Theory would say that they could have see A future, but that what they saw was not OUR future in THIS timeline, but one in another parallel world.

There is so much talk about traveling back in time to change history in some way, but according to Many Worlds Theory (Hugh Everett), you cannot go back to the SAME world in the past, only a parallel world where events happened differently. So any change you might be able to make would not affect the history of YOUR timeline that you left. It's like the saying, "You cannot put your foot in the same river twice". Things are not the same as they were the first time you did it.
Discussion of time travel needs to keep this factor in mind.
Re: Traveling to Parallel Worlds vs. Time Travel

Well, that's the theory. However, since we have yet to a real live time traveler, it's hard to decide where to place the bet on this.

Re: Traveling to Parallel Worlds vs. Time Travel

About 20 years ago, a stranger got off of a bus I was on and said, "Goodbye Wayne". I never could figure out how he knew my name. I never saw him before and never did again. I watched him walk away, wondering who he was. It reminds me of the verse, "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares".

The "Prime Directive" would be very important to any time traveler: do not interfere with the culture. It would change their destiny and history. If you change the direction of a ship on the seas by a 1/2 degree at 15 knots, he will be off by many miles 24 hours later. If you change a person's destiny by a minisule amount, the deviation from the path he was meant to be on weeks, months and years later is incalculable.

Re: Traveling to Parallel Worlds vs. Time Travel

Agreed Denbo. It very common to come upon a Master in disguise, dressed in the rags of a beggar. It's up to us to be Aware enough to see past that veil of deception.

However, just because some individual travels through time and we meet them does not necessarily mean that they are our better or they of them self are a Master in any sense of the word.
Re: Traveling to Parallel Worlds vs. Time Travel

He dressed pretty good as I remember:) He got off in front of a Sears store, now that I think of it, or maybe it meant "SEER's", as in wizard-type guy.

Maybe he was a future relative paying a secret visit, a "distant" relative. Now THEIR is a new way of looking at the term!
Re: Traveling to Parallel Worlds vs. Time Travel

Sometimes spiritual entities can materialize themself physically, i've had such experiences myself and gotten help from my Guide, or spiritual mentor. Actually I just call him "my magic wizard man" because that is the best description of what kind of person he seems to be.

Anyway back to the main topic on time travel, I've allready been discussing my theories about time travel through different parallel worlds / timelines so i will not go too much into that now. But to put it short, I believe one can physically travel on THIS timeline ONLY into the future and NOT the past. We travel into the future at every second. When traveling to the past, it has to be done through a paralell dimension, to reach a timeline where the present is like it was in THIS timeline at the timeperiod you would visit.
Re: Traveling to Parallel Worlds vs. Time Travel

It makes sense I agree: You can only travel to the future along this timeline. You cannot travel to the past on this timeline, only another timeline to the past. If we could do that we could change the future by our presence. It would act as a "failsafe" system to prevent altering the present by accessing the past.
