Trying not to clickbait so I'll just say this is a personal thread that you should come by if you are knowledgeable and want to help someone out


Senior Member
Lately I've started to realize that I've been dreading reality. The thought of everything about how reality is like is the thing that scares me most in life, its mysteriousness. An example I've been struggling with lately is what happens after death. Certain other such thoughts as well. Anyways, I've been thinking and I've decided, before my life ends I want to try certain things, namely, and why I'm posting here, time travel. I guess one thing I do have to come clean about is that I'm not sure if I believe it fully. There's a lot of proof that a lot of you can bring me, but in the end, it's just something like spirituality or other things in the same camp for me, and I'm something like antonymous to guilable when it comes to these sorts of things, but at the same time I'm willing to try a lot of things in order to figure it out for myself. So, basically, I'd like to time travel, even if it's something very small, like a very slight shift in time lines, where the only differences would be absolutely minuscule, so long as I notice. This is why I post, I'm asking y'all for any help or advice to ensure that I will time travel at some point in my life. I honestly can't quite remember what brought me to time travel when I started to think about this, but I'm now determined and I really want this. I hope any of you will help me in my endeavours. Thank you very much.
Take some copper wire and sparingly, wrap a few coils of this over your arms, legs and torso. Next, at you convenience, go to a place in New Jersey known as the Jersey triangle. Drive along that road and you may go into another dimension. That's one. Two, find someone with an HDR device and use this according to the directions. Make it a light trip to year 2028, but you won't realize your trip till you come home and go to sleep. That's two. Take half of a piece of poster board and on it in large letters, when you go for walks, write, Ï am interested in time travel, can you take me for a short trip so I can experience it, please"? While with this sign held in your hands for about a week, when you walk to and from some place in public. Someone should contact you. That's three.

Oh' if the press on the last one talks to you, say a friend put it up to you as a bet and if you can do this, then you win a free dinner and a beer or cocktail, of course if youré of legal alcohol imbibment stature. You can post something that you'd like to be taken along to time travel, say on one of the chat boards, but ask for a demo, from a distance that the taker really has the ability to take you along with them. Do not under any circumstances try and record their appearance from a distance with a camera. You can get into loads of trouibel if you do so. There you are.


Junior Member
Death is a human construct. It doesn't exist. Everything that can happen, has, and will happen. All forms of life as we know it, stem from a universal energy. While each entity experiences an isolated view of reality, they are all interconnected through quantum means. From a grande perspective, we all share the same instance of life, but we're separated by what we call death. Our universe is an infinitely small part of existence, and there are infinite universes. Virtually all universes do not contain life and each one contains unique properties. Our universe is by chance stable and has the occasional capacity to harbor life as a consequence of this universe's physical properties. All life on any world in our universe can be destroyed by a multitude of random events caused by the universe. This universe is impartial to the existence of life. If you are looking for meaning to life, there is only meaning in what you conjure. Mystical plans by deities do not exist.
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